It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thisismein1972

    I'll put it in simple terms. He got fired from the twuff for his indiscretions. As he was an elder son, he must have been a real pain in the watchtower's ass if they got rid of him.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz
    Lloyds entire situation is a good example of what often happens when someone wakes up that JWs have got a lot wrong, perhaps almost everything wrong. Then what do you believe

    Elena, Lloyd never had that dilemma, that came later.He is degenerate that was texting minors and by all accounts had a sexual encounter with a minor in Wales while an elder. The crisis of conscience was a convenient way to fleece the exjw community. I blame the elders in Wilmslow who instead of dealing with him, disfellowshiping him and making him stay they told him to escape to Croatia.Had they dealt with him there and then he would be a witness married with kids knowing full well the shame and the stigma that will bring to his family if he took it any further. BUT in Croatia all bets were Off, like an unsupervised toddler he did his worse with no one looking or judging until our hero Kim Silvio did what a Wilmslow elder should have done in the first place

  • nicolaou
    Elena: If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - suicidal extreme unhappiness having messed up everything and anyone in your life
    You're as bad as the cult. How on earth does an understanding of evolution equate to the lack of a moral compass. That's not a rhetorical question, I'd like an answer.
  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz


    Please... there are so many atheist and agnostic exjw that go about their lives living morally and don't commit sexual crimes that he does. Do not blame religion and lack of moral compass for what he has done.How many fathers will leave their 2 young daughters during Christmas to go and have sex with underage trafficed girls in Thailand. I haven't met one yet!

  • Thisismein1972

    Elena. May I ask, why are you defending Lloyd, the evidence is there to see, he has never changed. You are aware that if he had changed and realized what he was doing was toxic we all would be more forgiving of him?

  • DerekMoors
    If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - suicidal extreme unhappiness having messed up everything and anyone in your life.
    Yes that’s my point, leaving the JWs was his downfall with no moral compass anymore. He would have been better off staying JW lite for the stabilising influence

    This again. Being an atheist and believing in evolution doesn't mean you don't have a moral compass. We're stonecold atheist in our house and don't steal, lie, abuse anyone, etc. We work hard and contribute to charities...

    ...which is more than I can say for Witnesses. Stabilizing influence? They cover up CSA, I've known men in the religion to endorse domestic violence and child beatings, they blame the women for a husband's infidelities and abuses, and encourage you to think of your neighbors as the walking dead. They have far less of a moral compass than anyone I've met outisde the KH and create depressed, overworked, fearful congregants. Hardly a stabilizing influence.

    Lloyd's behavior is on Lloyd. He showed no regard for anyone around him in the religion and was already sexting "girls" even with that so-called stabilizing influence, so don't blame his atheism for his behavior. He's a toxic narcissist through and through.

  • notsurewheretogo
    If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - s

    Woah woh woah easy there that is just utter horse crap...Lloyd clearly had lacking moral prior to leaving and those of us that have left still have very good morals.

    Don't Pidgeon hole morals in conjunction with beliefs...they are very seperate.

  • TonusOH

    Elena: leaving the JWs was his downfall with no moral compass anymore.

    The moral compass provided by the organization didn't do him much good, since he was already engaging in immoral behavior while he was in. He was, in essence, already practicing 'JW Lite.' Is that the kind of person that JW Lite protects and allows to remain in contact with others in the congregation? Because that sounds like a good reason to try 'JW Zero' instead.

  • Elmer

    Hi everyone,

    This “Elena” is the same person as “Jehovaxx”, Teddnzo, “ExBethilite” and others I can’t recall at the moment. He (or she) has been trolling this forum the last year or so. Don’t get too worked up people, you’re just feeding the “JW Lite” troll……

  • Elmer

    Also, “ElderBerry”…….

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