It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Athanasius

    Since Lloyd elbowed his way to prominence in the ex-JW movement the Watchtower can point to him and say to the JWs: Look what happens to a person when they leave "the truth." Do you want to become like them? Why would you want to believe the lies they promote?

    Lloyd makes ex-JWs look bad and the Watchtower look like a prophet, since according to them when one leaves "the truth" they usually sink into a debauched life just like Lloyd. So the question needs to be asked: How many wavering JWs have decided to stay in the borg because him?

    What the Cederites don't realize is that by funding Lloyd they are indirectly supporting the Watchtower.

    If Lloyd had a sense of decency he would get a real job, fade away, and live his immoral life in obscurity. But he has no sense of decency and will continue to be a cancer on the ex-JW movement.

  • JeffT
    So the question needs to be asked: How many wavering JWs have decided to stay in the borg because him?

    Good question. He certainly isn't helping those of us trying to shine light on the Watchtower's misdeeds. How can he argue against the Watchtower when he engages in sexual immorality, experiments with drugs, and financially fleeces his "flock?"

    It would be interesting to hear how the average JW reacts to him. I imagine a good number consider him a perfect example of how "apostates" conduct their lives.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Since Lloyd elbowed his way to prominence in the ex-JW movement the Watchtower can point to him and say to the JWs: Look what happens to a person when they leave "the truth." Do you want to become like them? Why would you want to believe the lies they promote?

    Exactly. Loyds path of self destruction for himself and his family is a dream come true for the Watchtower. Anyone supporting him in any way is supporting the Watchtower's narrative about those who choose freedom of religion that is taken for granted in the western world, but denied to it's members.

  • Elena
    “Since Lloyd elbowed his way to prominence in the ex-JW movement the Watchtower can point to him and say to the JWs: Look what happens to a person when they leave "the truth." Do you want to become like them? Why would you want to believe the lies they promote?

    Yes Lloyd unwittingly promotes staying JWlite for the protection you get staying physically in even if mentally out.

    Lloyd makes ex-JWs look bad and the Watchtower look like a prophet, since according to them when one leaves "the truth" they usually sink into a debauched life just like Lloyd. So the question needs to be asked: How many wavering JWs have decided to stay in the borg because him?“
  • Thisismein1972
    Yes Lloyd unwittingly promotes staying JWlite for the protection you get staying physically in even if mentally out.

    It is not unwitting at all, he knows exactly what he is doing. Built a cult following to fleece his followers and did what pretty much every cult evangelist does, spending the money on prostitutes and other things.

  • Elena

    Yes but he didn’t know he would be promoting staying physically in the congregation for the protection especially for young people from messing up their lives the way he has messed up his.

    I wonder if he is honest was he more happy physically in? Would he have had a happier life staying JWlite and mentally out.

    would his family still be together? Would he have better friends and quality of life? Would his children have a happier childhood and future than the one they have now?

    the answer to all these is most definitely yes

  • Elena

    Lloyds entire situation is a good example of what often happens when someone wakes up that JWs have got a lot wrong, perhaps almost everything wrong. Then what do you believe? If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - suicidal extreme unhappiness having messed up everything and anyone in your life.

    Far better when someone wakes up to Watchtowers incorrectly interpreted the Bible is to become JWlite. Either become inactive and still go occasionally or soft exist and don’t go at all but keep in touch with friends and family still in.

    You don’t have to make up your mind if there is a God or not, you don’t have to choose another religion. You can keep the social club aspect of JWs if you want to. Keep the things you like even if you are not sure if God exists, the fruits of the spirit for example.

    You can keep all the good association and sometimes keep going to zoom and even in person meetings occasionally and these days you can be honest about not being sure Jehovah even exists. This is once you are inactive that is. You will be love bombed as they want you to keep coming to meetings.

    Lloyd would have been much better off doing this. His marriage his family would have been happier. He could be jw lite family as so many are these days.

    this applies to most religions where even if they don’t really believe they still go to church or mosque or other place of religion for the stability it gives the family

  • Thisismein1972
    I wonder if he is honest was he more happy physically in? Would he have had a happier life staying JWlite and mentally out.

    His book reveals what he was like when he was, he escaped to Croatia only to be in front of a branch representative and blackmail them (according to his words) of course he wanted to stay in, he could hide all his indiscretions if he was allowed to stay an elder. Unfortunately, his ego got in the way, and even the watchtower had enough of him. Let's remember he did not record his judicial, having a branch representative there would have been an ideal opportunity to record the judicial.

    Unless of course, there were things Lloyd was hiding and he did not want them revealed. And as for being a happy family within the twuff. Even an elder mentioned how Lloyd used his wife as a doormat. Even Marc will tell you an example of how Lloyd forgot his family duties to barge into the limelight.

    Everything he has revealed himself, so if he already knows all this, then he is self-aware enough to realize that he needs to change. He has had over 10 years to do this, but not once has he done any self-reflection at all.

  • Elena

    Yes that’s my point, leaving the JWs was his downfall with no moral compass anymore. He would have been better off staying JW lite for the stabilising influence

  • Thisismein1972
    for the stabilising influence

    H wasn't stable in the truth either! Do you think sexting girls whilst married in the twuff is a stabilizing influence?

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