It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2952 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I would like to give my 2 cents worth on the TTATT fiasco. When they first announced it was going to be a documentary project, Lloyd did a video asking for $$$.

    One of our friends admitted she gave them a huge amount of money to help with the project. Now she is asking us about the project & she feels she was 'defrauded'. We told her to file fraud charges against those involved.

    But Jana & many other LE followers don't seem to care about everything going on.

    "But he's done so much good work"

    But how much DAMAGE has he done? At what point does the damage & abuse outweigh the good?

  • Thisismein1972

    Lloyd attracts the crazies. Present company accepted though.

  • Journeyman

    Lloyd will always be a liability to any organisation or group he is in - whether it's the JWs, the Atheist Alliance, the Croatian Musician's Union or the Mickey Mouse Fan Club - because Lloyd is only interested in advancing the opinions and desires of one person: himself.

  • Thisismein1972
    Mickey Mouse Fan Club.

    And he'll try and use the still-copyrighted Mickey Mouse and probably try and smear Robert Iger and try to sue him for not letting him use the now uncopyrighted Mickey Mouse.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Do you think sexting girls whilst married in the twuff is a stabilizing influence?

    It's usually a crime if the girl is underage.

  • Toblerone5

    First, I really enjoyed all your comment on L.E. to Elena You all nailed it when it come to say him being an atheist,evolutionist had nothing to do with his moral compass (raymond frantz) him being a toxic narcissit (DerekMoors ) YES! thisismein1972 and nicolaou also loved your posts.

    I will also like to say something to Elena , hi girl, if she doen't mind.

    I'm a person, Ok a weirdo😜, that noticed this about him and his personality. The short version , he's a very boring person, and he gets bored easily .Bet you were not expecting this do you. Yes his Youtube channel may have 111K subscribers (some he problably bought ) because he talks about JW stuff ,In the past he had a lot of help from people who work hard to do all the research (for FREE) that made his videos interesting and made him look good , the people he interviewed, there life ,there experience as JW are interesting .But Lloyd, himself ? 🙄 Don't know if you know this but he has another Youtube channel call Random Cedars ,made in 2019, with only 25 videos ,all about himself , and so far he only got 702 subscribers.Just one video got 2.1K views, 8 got a big 1k views why? theyr'e BORING!

    In your post ,Elena, i found very interesting when you said he may be "more happy"(if he was still a JW) .

    Again all the person I mention at the beginning of my post all gave you a very good arguments and answered why it wouldn't be the case.

    My 2 cents on this is, he's can never be happy cause he gets bored easily in life. By the way it is a real thing 🤓 Easily bored people are at higher risk for depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism, hostility, anger, poor social skills, low work performance.I did google this by the way but come on , doesn't that remind you of anyone?

    To me that would explain why he always have to travel, go on holidays vacation, have a break (a break of what ? seriously) Then he goes to the Gym, then yoga, he does stand up, sing at some open mic thing, say he will write some new song , never does, then nope he will write some books instead, ya right, my favorite one are in 2022 when he studied with some mormons , then in Mars 2023 he shave his beard and goes back to a Kingdom hall for one meeting , then in california he went to a scientology center? No wonder he prefer prostitutes over a wife ,a mistress,or a girlfiend. I bet you he never see the same girl twice or if he does he gets bored very fast with her and need a bran new one. When Lloyd say, I think I will go for some Asian tonight, he's not talking about food..Not to mention switching is antidepressant for something more fun like Mushrooms ,in Canada , and he got to talk with god too ! He have no goal in life , no passion , and if he does, it only last a few days ,or months cause he gets bored with that too. Anyway that's my observation , I'm not an expert so I could be wrong. Well except for him being a BORING person. Oh and another thing that is Boring is, his response when he's mad a someone on his Youtube comments section . For someone who was aspiring to be a standup comics , is comeback are not just Boring but they Suck too!

    Not like that Mickey Mouse Fan Club post by Journeyman 🤣🤣🤣 That was gold ! 😂

  • AudeSapere
    Elena wrote: If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - suicidal extreme unhappiness having messed up everything and anyone in your life

    I disagree - mostly.

    When I was a JW, this was similar to what I thought. 'If you believe you came from animals you will act like an animal."

    Then I developed a few critical thinking skills and no longer think that way.

    In fact, now I think just the opposite.

    More people seem to go off the rails when clinging to a religion that tries to control them and when they are disillusioned by whatever philosophical ideology they adopt.

    I personally find more people depressed and suicidal when people and institutions (religions) let them down and they do not how to get their lives on track without the outside control.

    So many of the agnostics and atheists that I've met have a much stronger sense of personal responsibility that creates a stronger moral compass than the average person. It's as if they keenly consider the cause and effect and natural progression of their own behaviors. They seem much more likely to take personal responsibility for their actions and appreciate the opportunity to hear other's views, insights and opinions. Opinions and ideas of others can be a sounding board and, if appropriate, an opening to respectfully guide further discussion and reassess their own theories - or not.

    My atheist acquaintances tend to be kinder in their interactions with others.

    IMO, Lloyd attempts to use Atheism as an excuse to let his penis lead him thru life do what ever Lloyd wants.

    Of course there are exceptions to all this but I do not believe that Atheism is the cause of Lloyd's bad decisions. Lloyd did what Lloyd often does. He latched on to something that he thought he could use to absolve himself of responsibility and then used that ideology/platform to insult and bully everyone who doesn't believe the same way.

    I do agree that Lloyd and his family may have been happier if they adopted a JW-Lite approach and stayed in the org as somewhat 'weak-in-the-truth'. However, Lloyd would have hated the diminished 'esteem' and he would have had to get a real job in the real world.

    Lloyd's current situation is 100% entirely the natural consequence of Lloyd's own words and actions.

    I do not believe an Atheist ideology was the cause. It's more like Atheism is yet another victim in Lloyd's path of (self-)destruction.

    But I'm pretty sure Atheism will survive, recover and thrive.

  • Thisismein1972


    Thank you. That reminds me, I have a giant Toblerone in the fridge.

  • Simon
    Lloyds entire situation is a good example of what often happens when someone wakes up that JWs have got a lot wrong, perhaps almost everything wrong. Then what do you believe? If you believe evolution then some go off the rails like Lloyd did as there is no moral compass anymore and this just brings results that Lloyd has - suicidal extreme unhappiness having messed up everything and anyone in your life.

    I disagree. His behavior is just who his is - he hasn't really changed from when he was in, he just stopped trying to follow *some* rules although he never really did, and had daddy to run cover for his indiscretions until they became too much to cover up.

    I honestly don't believe people change - they are the same people when the leave as they are when they were in. Being an exJW doesn't make you a good person any more than being a JW did.

    A lack of belief in god / a belief in evolution certainly doesn't mean you lack a moral compass. Lack of a moral compass is the thing in itself.

    Yes that’s my point, leaving the JWs was his downfall with no moral compass anymore. He would have been better off staying JW lite for the stabilising influence

    Being a JW didn't change who he was, he just hid who he really was. Now he isn't he puts little effort into hiding his true nature, and even seems to be proud of it - why else tell co-workers?

  • Simon

    Who is really more moral?

    An atheist who does the right things, and treats other people well, because they inherently feel it's the right thing to do.

    A religious person who fears retribution from some higher power or does it because the believe they'll receive some reward?

    Lowest on the list is a religious person who doesn't even bother trying to be a good person, but takes advantage of others who are.

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