It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newly Enlightened
  • Teddnzo

    I know why there is a lot of hatred of LE. But nobody is perfect and all of us here can understand how being a former JW can really mess you up and mess up your life.

    He messed up his marriage by hiring prostitution on a semi regular basis and he has narcissistic traits when dealing with others.

    But on a positive note he has done a lot of good for the ex JW community. There have been many videos over the years that have made me and others think. In fact he has put two and two together with lots of previous knowledge that has been very very powerful in proving that this is a man made organisation.

    If I ever met Lloyd I would be grateful for all he has done, I would overlook his many shortcomings and cut the guy some slack.

    He is obviously hurting and he must feel trapped now having alienated half the ex JW community.

    I wish there could be a truce, what if he really was sorry and dropped the stupid lawsuit and then mag 7 said they accepted his apology and everyone moved on.

    what if there could be some unity in the ex JW community again.

    I think the ex JW community is coming close to bringing and end to this evil cult, but it’s messed up the lives of so many and it’s such a shame

  • Simon
    I know why there is a lot of hatred of LE. But nobody is perfect and all of us here can understand how being a former JW can really mess you up and mess up your life.

    No one hated him, he brought all the negative feelings on himself through his repeated behavior over many years. Being an exJW is no kind of excuse for being vindictive, aggressive, and abusive toward people.

    He messed up his marriage by hiring prostitution on a semi regular basis and he has narcissistic traits when dealing with others.

    Even what he admitted to was absolutely regular, and was likely under-stated, but the rest is correct.

    But on a positive note he has done a lot of good for the ex JW community. There have been many videos over the years that have made me and others think. In fact he has put two and two together with lots of previous knowledge that has been very very powerful in proving that this is a man made organisation.

    Has he though? Has he produced anything that is original research done by himself that wasn't just re-stating what is common opinions among exJWs? Has he done a net amount of good? Does his "good videos' make up for all the damage he's done to the community that has been substantial. He's driven other people away, because he saw them as competition. And he's really not responsible for showing that it's a man-made organization - apostates have been making the case for that for the last century. What special knowledge does he have? He was an elder for a very short time before being kicked out (which has to be bad when you have elder-father protection). He was likely the kind of elder that many suffered abuse from and got their jollies by forcing people to recount their sexual sins. He's not the hero you're trying to make him out to be - he's only with us because the WTS didn't want to put up with his shit anymore either (and they'll take the Yorkshire Ripper!).

    If I ever met Lloyd I would be grateful for all he has done, I would overlook his many shortcomings and cut the guy some slack.

    I can overlook people making mistakes. I can't overlook people deliberately hurting others and taking advantage of peoples hopes and dreams to fleece them when they are vulnerable, promising them things he knows full well he can't deliver.

    He is obviously hurting and he must feel trapped now having alienated half the ex JW community.

    A perfect example of FAFO.

    I wish there could be a truce, what if he really was sorry and dropped the stupid lawsuit and then mag 7 said they accepted his apology and everyone moved on.

    The situation is entirely of his own making, and the perpetuation if it is entirely his doing too. So it's all on him and he gets no sympathy for the state he's in. He's vowed to keep it going and keep harassing people for decades, so he deserves to suffer as long as he keeps that up. Note that not once has he shown any remorse or apologized for the things he's said and done.

    what if there could be some unity in the ex JW community again.

    We don't need to have unity, which is typically artificial and forced. We don't all have to believe the same things or follow or even like the same people and communities. We're better for being allowed to be diverse in our opinions.

    I think the ex JW community is coming close to bringing and end to this evil cult, but it’s messed up the lives of so many and it’s such a shame

    It really isn't. The JW org isn't going to go anywhere - that's a lie told by people with patreon subscriptions to sell you. The best the exJW community can do is to make information and support available for those who want to leave, and for those who put some effort into researching things before signing up for anything (a minority, unfortunately). There are also way worse and way more evil cults in the world that are a bigger threat to people than the WTS will ever be.

  • TonusOH

    He treated a lot of people --especially exJWs-- like shit. He continues to treat many of them like shit.

    If the only things he had done were make good videos and ruined his family life, these topics would be very small and probably forgotten already. But I would question just how much good he has done, considering some of the crap he has tried to pull in the past, and considering the way he treats people who don't worship him.

    It's not the fault of the WTS that he's such a despicable person. That's all on him. If he wants these topics to end, he should go away.

  • Athanasius

    Hi Ted,

    I think that you are overlooking the fact that Lloyd's really effective Videos on JWism were actually team efforts. He had Mark O'Donnell and other unpaid volunteers doing the research and organizing the content. All Lloyd did was take the credit for their work and grab any monetary rewards. So in reality the good that you credit to Lloyd was actually the work of others. Compare his pre-2022 videos with the present.

    Without the assistance of unpaid volunteers, Lloyd's recent videos are mostly a long-winded rehash of what other ex-JWs have already revealed on their channels.

  • Simon
    What makes his comment odd about having his sexuality “tampered with” ...

    The only documented "tampering" we know of is that they put a stop to his sexting 'girls' (his word) after his wife discovered his improprieties.

    Not everything the WTS does is wrong, just because the do it. Some of the people they kick out are kicked out for good reason and being a WTS reject doesn't make you an apostate.

  • DerekMoors

    I call bullshit on WT tampering with his sexuality, at least to the degree he makes it out to be. WT rains down terror on gay people and goes on about how it's unnatural and disgusting to Jehovah and whatever other dribble comes out of their useless mouths, so I could buy that argument from a gay or bi person.

    Yes, WT is overly restrictive when it comes to masturbation and put a lot of guilt into people for it. Okay, I'll concede that point.

    But, WT has never told anyone that sex itself is bad or disgusting or that you should be ashamed of being sexual in of itself.

    In fact, WT has repeatedly blamed women for their husband's infidelities. If anything, WT has taken Lloyd's side when he blames Dijana for their married sex life not living up to his fantasies or demands or desires or whatever the fuck goes on in his twisted brain.

    So yeah, WT is overly restrictive and might make people feel bad for certain things, but Lloyd acts like they practically cut off his willy and buried it in the backyard.

    IMHO they "tampered" with his sexuality the way you might tamper with someone's car by slashing a tire. Sucks, needs some attention, can ruin a day, sure, but most people would address it and move the fuck on. Instead, he's using that slashed tire from a decade ago to excuse shitty driving today.

    Add to that what I'm guessing is not a healthy sexual appetite. If he was healthy about sex, he wouldn't hire prostitutes; he'd have affairs with willing adults. Instead, everything needs to go his way. If you don't accommodate his every demand, he has a tantrum. He knows damn well most women outside the JW religion aren't gonna go for that, especially not with the ugly face and pudgy body he's bringing to the table. So, he avoids having to give one flying shit about the other person by hiring prostitutes.

    That has nothing to do with WT or even his sexuality. That has everything to do with a selfish, narcissistic pig who thinks the universe revolves around him (not that he doesn't have the gravitational pull) and there's no such thing as adjusting HIS thinking. He's not selfish and self-centered and toxic and a greedy spoiled baby. No, the watchtower tampered with his one tire twenty years ago.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz
    1. Sexting minors
    2. Grooming minors
    3. Abusing AND gaslighting his wife for years
    4. Sleeping with prostitutes in countries where prostitution is a crime
    5. Shamelessly pretending to care for victims of sexual abuse when he himself has engaged in such for years
    6. Attacking and silencing exjw activists for years
    7. Cold calling jwfairytale's mother and blackmailing her with lawsuit
    8. Attacking Kim and Mike's daughter
    9. Threatening with lawsuit and demands of 3-5000 euros from at least 12 activists
    10. Intellectual property theft by trying to print and distribute Ray Franz's Crisis of Concience

    The list is endless.There is only ONE rotten egg in the exjw community all the rest we are friends and promote each others work.

    Don't you get it you MORON that he makes us all look bad by association and destroys our activist work???

    "The positive outweigh the negatives" is an argument the Watchtower used to destroy our lives , we are not falling for that again...

  • slimboyfat
    what if he really was sorry and dropped the stupid lawsuit and then mag 7 said they accepted his apology and everyone moved on.

    If that ever happens come back and talk. It won’t. It’s not in him. He sincerely believes he has done nothing wrong and that other people have treated him badly. He lacks empathy and self-awareness to an extent that is difficult for any normal person to gasp. Just because we would feel guilt or shame in his situation doesn’t mean he feels the same. He clearly doesn't, if you listen to what he actually says and does.

    He is obviously hurting and he must feel trapped now having alienated half the ex JW community.

    Self-pity is not the same as hurt. He is not hurting because let down his wife or children or anyone else. He doesn’t care about that in the slightest. He’s just angry that people stopped him getting all the attention and money he thinks he deserves. He has displayed his self-pity, anger and desire for revenge numerous times, hurt or remorse not once.

  • Diogenesister

    10. Cont'd. {Theft of intellectual property}....... completely ripped off the concept of The Great Apostates' book "How to leave a cult"(step by step guide to leaving Jehovah's witnesses")

    11. At best carelessly, & at worst maliciously, revealing the identities of countless PiMO's on Facebook - with real world consequences - and petulantly refusing to fully acknowledge his responsibility in the error, with no genuine apology to follow.

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