It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends


    Is darth Magog Australian? 🤔🤔🤔

  • Teddnzo

    That’s the point Kim there is no way to find out🤣


    I’m calling “Magog is Australian” 👏👏👏👏

  • Thisismein1972

    Remember as president he "accidentally" doxed a lot of people because he wanted to destroy everything that was good.

    This was all his doing. This is the person that people still seem to worship. He is Jehovah, the Hateful god we used to worship.

  • TonusOH

    ForeverAlone: He stated that he wanted to get past JW stuff 12 years ago.

    I think he says that and he might even believe it. But I don't think he ever really wanted to. It was always a future thing for him. And he ended up in a comfortable situation, where he was the figurehead of a growing brand that was making him a very nice living, supported mostly by unpaid volunteers. He thought he could continue to misbehave behind the scenes and keep his family in line. Leaving exJW activism would not only involve more effort on his part, it would also involve more risk. Not just financial risk, but his ability to control things at home could be jeapordized.

    He can blame the WTS for messing him up, and Kim for ruining his life. But he had a situation that was working out, and could have become very lucrative if he'd just exercised some self-control and perhaps even a smidgen of self-respect. He probably still feels that his big mistake was telling Kim and Producer Bob about his personal life. His mistake was building a house of cards and shifting blame onto the WatchTower, and using that to avoid taking responsibility for his decisions. I don't think he will ever admit this, but until he does he will continue to spiral downwards.

  • WingCommander

    I like how in that post from 11 years ago, Slimfatboy was calling out Cedars as basically an Elder-type attempting to Lord his imaginary authority out over everyone even back then!

    Those of us who've been on here since the very beginning, saw the rise of The Great Neck-Bearded One, know what's up. Know what for a condescending scumbag this creep is.

    Occasionally, I'll see someone post a link to this sub and/or subsequent threads about Chins over on the EX-JW Reddit sub. Newer people read up, and are shocked. So you all can rest easy that word has gotten out.

    LadyBoi Lloyd can't even be mentioned over on a thread there without it quickly being openly discussed how he's a cheating, Thai-prostitute visiting, money-grubbing grifter. It's hilarious! His reputation is for SHIT.

    I honestly don't know if I believe those Patreon numbers. Half (or more) might just be him attempting to save face. It's something a loser like him would do, as his swirls down the bowl.

  • DerekMoors
    I honestly don't know if I believe those Patreon numbers. Half (or more) might just be him attempting to save face. It's something a loser like him would do, as his swirls down the bowl.

    He's at 365 paid so he lost one sometime yesterday. Hopefully that means any upticks he gets due to all these changes and more people searching for content will be minimal if even nonexistent.

  • Simon
    He stated that he wanted to get past JW stuff 12 years ago. It kind of makes you wonder what was he planning to do for money back then when he got past the JW stuff?
    Perhaps that was stated at a time prior to him realising that it was financially lucrative?

    Yeah, he clearly put no effort into moving on and building a life away from the WTS. Instead he made the WTS a more intrinsic part of his life and it now completely revolves around them.

    As I've said before, he demonstrates little ability to think ahead or plan for the future.

    As for his "legacy" ... he's deluding himself. Any commentary on what the WTS said that week becomes quickly outdated and old news. No one is sitting through that in years to come, in the same way that people don't watch recordings of news broadcasts from a decade earlier - what's the point?

    His legacy is his scandal, self-destruction, and exposure as an abuser.

  • Ron.W.

    I think in the past he must have been raking in an amazing amount of money.

    When he received superchats etc and payments in his livestream he seemed to be getting paid a small fortune while his 'helpers' got nothing.

    Perhaps he thought in the future he would be able to retire and live a non jw life of ease on the strength of these and other donations..

  • Toblerone5
    he clearly put no effort into moving on and building a life away from the WTS

    Yes, and a good example of that, is when he tried (and Fail) to do some stand up. Most of his boring routine was all about JW stuff...snooze

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