It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors
    Police are dispatched to the in-laws/estranged wife’s home looking for Lloyd regarding a court matter. Specifically, mail sent to him at that address was not deliverable to him and returned to the court.
    So that would mean that Dijana (or perhaps the parents) refused the mail and did not forward it to Lloyd personally, but sent it back via postal service, right?

    I wonder if court documents required a signature as proof of delivery, so Dijana might not have had a choice in accepting it and then forwarding it to lard ass.

  • ElderBerry

    Funny when he talks about brother Rutherford wanting to break away from brother Russel and he uses words that could be talking about himself when he says he was a narcissist

  • Toblerone5
    works hard to scrub the YT comments on his videos.

    He could not delete the 84 thumbs down (so far) thought .

    Also ,It's not like he has anything else to do , cause No job . And No More twitter account to have his hissy fit on , No More Friends , No More wife or kids ( the weekends he has them ,every 2 weeks maybe ,that doesn't count) No More Tibor ...oops That was not very nice🤨😁 No More BMW , No More flying monkeys to inluence to go and insult people he doesn't like on social media, No More compagny R.I.P Ipsilon Media ( even thoug its not closed yet) hardly No More patreons ,soon No More Law suit😁 Worst, No More money to start a new one ... In fact If I had to resumed L E 2023 year I could do it in 2 words , the year of NO More! 🥳

    Anyway ,I know there is still 11 days left in 2023, but I hope all of you on this forum had a not to bad 2023 year so far. ( Not you Lloyd your year really Suck ! )

    That was all your fault Mister Evans by the way ,All you! it was always ,and will always be all you! 2022 You,2023 You again and 2024 ...Why break the tradition You! 🎶fa la la ,la la - la la -la -la 🎵 had to put a little holidays song here

    But I will be nice ,😜 I will wish you in 2024 a "' More" year ! More Patreons and Youtubers unsubscribers ,More begging videos, come on those are the only one I like, which will means More post on this forum and More meme 😉 More time for you to get a JOB, between your More bogus mental health crisis excuses ,seriously can't you find another one ? it's so 2021!

    Talking about meme this one his for you Mister Evans., and those of you who saw the singing Intro of his latest video...😉

  • TonusOH

    Yes, he has had a rough two years now. I feel bad for him, the way Kim dragged him to Thailand and threw him at those sex workers, that wasn't very nice. But at least she made sure to verify that they were 20 or older, so she's not entirely evil.

    So, I hope you are happy with yourself, Kim.

    And also, happy holidays!

  • WingCommander

    Just had a (disgusting) thought:

    I always wondered why LadyBoi Evans decided to confide in Kim about going to Thailand and "dating" sex workers there. Like it was no big deal. Why give yourself up like that?

    Did Lloyd secretly have a thing for Kim? Maybe thought she'd be into joining in? Maybe offer to fly to Thailand to "help"? (((( Shudder ))))

    It might explain some of his hatred and feelings of betrayal. Cause ya know, he betrays no one and everyone betrays HIM, in true Narc fashion. He secretly lusted for Kim's sensual intelligent Aussie body. Wheh! Throw some shrimp on the barbie, it's gettin' hot in here! And that's Kim's fault. (naturally)

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I always wondered why LadyBoi Evans decided to confide in Kim about going to Thailand and "dating" sex workers there. Like it was no big deal. Why give yourself up like that?

    Because he got off on telling people about things like that. Having sex with only one person in his life obviously bothered him and in his own twisted way, casually mentioning he sees prostitutes was him telling her how “cool” he was.

    Wasn’t the first time either. In the book he just couldn’t stay off that subject, and even after he had moved on from it he circled back to relate the story about humping Christmas trees.

    He views himself as a “sexual being” and felt he didn’t need to change anything about himself as this passage from his letter to Dijana illustrates:

    I am a sexual being, and my sexuality is not an abomination or something that needs fixing.

    He wanted to come out with this all, and only didn’t because of the controversy it could cause and the loss of income. It was also the (only) reason he tried to save the marriage. He probably had a grand video planned that went into his sexuality once the open marriage was agreed upon and was working.

  • Toblerone5

    For those who only want to see him singing😜 and some more...

  • Ron.W.
    Wasn’t the first time either. In the book he just couldn’t stay off that subject, and even after he had moved on from it he circled back to relate the story about humping Christmas trees.

  • WingCommander

    @ Ron W. - OMG, Hahahahahahaha! Where did you ever find this undercover photo of Lloyd-e-Boiz humping the Xmas tree? Let me guess? Kim took it! Voyeuristic bitch!

  • DerekMoors

    OMG that singing had to be one of the worst things I've ever seen. No wonder he needs to pay for sex.

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