It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    What I find hilarious are his boasts about the reams of evidence he produced against each defendant... so what happened to all that evidence when it came time to actually file with the court?

    I'm guessing his lawyer pointed out that courts don't accept long-winded babbling as actual evidence and that there are certain rules you need to follow when filing paperwork with them.

    Of course he couldn't be arsed to do things correctly and just assumed that his boasting and chest thumping would be enough for those stupid little courts who would be so awed by the great Lloyd Evans.

  • MeanMrMustard

    You didn't provide any evidence.

    You didn't even say what happened, when, where or how.

    Yeap. We All knew it was coming. Try to hide the video where he explicitly admits to forking sex workers "definitely over 20" periodically (but somehow not regularly), over years of time, but especially during the Christmas holiday in Thailand. All because he doesn't have, nor does he think it is possible to have, "mastery of his penis".

    Kinda hard (no pun intended) to keep up (ok, this time I intended the pun) this argument when all claims of defamation originate with his own words.

  • TonusOH

    DerekMoors: there are certain rules you need to follow when filing paperwork

    Yep. Courts tend to have very specific ways of presenting information and even how to describe acts and activity, so that there is no confusion. If all he did was provide pages with links and vague insinuations ("at this link, defendant defamed me"), the court will ask him to resubmit and to follow certain protocol.

    "You know what you did" and "I don't need to tell you what you did" does not work in a courtroom. It will get your case dismissed, often with prejudice (ie, you cannot file it again). Courts are very busy places that have to deal with lots of time-wasting nonsense, so they have developed ways to minimize the impact of garbage like this.

  • Toblerone5

    Let's see if I remember this... Tin man: No Heart Cowardly Lion : No Guts Scarecrow : No Brain...

    -Yep , What he did to his own wife ,No Heart (not to mention the hole using sex- workers and Thailand 💩) . Run away to Croatia to hide from all his U.K 💩 and he can't face any critisisms so delete any comments he doesn't like on Youtube not to mention delete his Twitter account ,No Guts. All of the above and then some .NO BRAIN .

  • Toblerone5

    Happy friday the 13 everybody...

  • MeanMrMustard

    "Remedy" - A Haiku by Lloyd Evans

    The truth Defamed me.
    I'll add you to the lawsuit!
    Stop telling the truth.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Of course he couldn't be arsed to do things correctly and just assumed that his boasting and chest thumping would be enough for those stupid little courts who would be so awed by the great Lloyd Evans

    This is Vintage Lloyd ™. If one ever carefully analyses him in one of his SM arguments, he never actually argues the issue. Instead he accuses the critic of being a JW, anti-Cedars, obsessed, criminal....

    It's in his nature to march into the courthouse, file an incomplete and ludicrous lawsuit, and turn his fire on the court and justice system when it fails.

    But I doubt the court was his real audience. It was the exJW community he had so callously used and abused that he hoped to win over. A PR stunt gone awry.

    I am in support of a countersuit should the M7 decide to file in Croatia. Sounds like they have a competent attorney and the evidence that he called them criminals is astounding. From the document shared, it looks like when suing someone like Lloyd did, he needed to propose actual court sanctions. He denied this in a post and claimed it is up to the court to decide sanctions. He was dead wrong.

    I would keep it simple and make it easy for the court to rule in their favour. Don't ask for excessive punitive damages. I'd ask for the court to force him to post a retraction on his Patreon page for public and all tiers, acknowledging that his case was dismissed and an apology to all those he had slandered as criminals. Make him name them one by one.

    If he doesn't comply, the court could fine him or hold him in contempt for violating a court order. Then we can all call Lloyd a "criminal defendant",

  • JeffT

    I'm not surprised at the court's reaction to his suit.

    I while back I pointed out that his book (Reluctant Apostate) displayed a number or rookie mistakes. For starters, it's way to long. It cuts across several genres (traditional publishers don't like that). If he had a proofreader they did a lousy job.

    His approach to the courts shows the same lack of concern for how to do the job right. My reading of the court response appears to me to be a lecture from the judge about how to do things, and then an opportunity to fix the mistakes, which advice Lloyd didn't take.

  • ForeverAlone
    I am in support of a countersuit should the M7 decide to file in Croatia.

    I second this! I do think that the M7 should turn it around on him through and demand the court find as a judgement all the extortion money that he tried to get from each individual to be paid directly to the M7. Talking about someone coming unglued!! That man would have a breakdown!

    EDIT: I've not done the math but that puts it around $50,000 or so...I think. Plus, some for all the headache and worry.

  • Ron.W.
    I'd ask for the court to force him to post a retraction on his Patreon page for public and all tiers, acknowledging that his case was dismissed and an apology to all those he had slandered as criminals. Make him name them one by one.

    YES! YES! YES!

    Love it!!!


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