WTS leader rants against higher education

by hoser 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal

    Oh, and one more rant.

    Remember that example of the son who got a full ride scholarship and how they 'wrestled' with the decision whether or not to send him?

    The son was being 'stumbled' and pleaded with the parents to quit college and return home but the PARENTS told him NO and told him to stay.

    The son wound up falling out of the 'truth' and his siblings don't go to the meetings anymore and the parents end up divorcing.

    Yet somehow, that was all due to the son taking that full ride scholarship to college.   

  • pixel

    They say if they need a lawyer, they wont "exposed" a member of Be-thell to the university.

    I know what they are going to do, "invite" somebody that paid for it already and benefit for free. Yep. Make sense!

  • 20years_to_get_free
    I'm a bit confused about the doctor vs nurse thing.  A nurse still needs at least a 2 year degree, though most facilities prefer BSNs, and a nurse practitioner is a 6 year degree.  It only took me 1 semester of school to figure out I wanted nothing more to do with the JWs.  How do they think 2 years is not just as "risky" as 4?
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I do think the unconscious drives of Governing Body that causes them to speak during these GB chats will be full of Freudian slips. So keep a look out for them, BTW I think Anthony Morris shadow figures(Jungian) of homosexuals in tight pants and his hatred toward's higher education, tells us a story of his own denial and his negative veiw of smart people, he thinks of them as proud and haughty, he was raised by a wealthy father who probably wanted a smart boy to take after dear old dad but instead he got Anthony the 3rd who was so dumb that he squandered the rest of his life in service to a blood sucking cult, and that is why I think Anthony hates smart teachers and people who listen to them, a sort of defense mechanism for his own stupidity so he don't feels so bad being stupid.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    After having some more time to think about the things stated as objections to university education, 3 points have lingered with me.

    1) The example of the guy that went to university and decided he believed in evolution. I suspect this to be something that has been reported frequently. Looking at some examples close to me, and myself included, evolution was just one of the issues, besides all the false prophecies, the futile works, the flip-flopping troothz, etc. Perhaps it's since WT has printed books and brochures that they think are so convincing against evolution, but are completely full of holes and illogical. Why would god create thousands of species of blood-sucking and disease-spreading mosquitoes as a "marvel of creative design"? If evolution doesn't happen, who carried ebola and AIDS on the ark? Speaking of the ark, how could the millions of species fit on the ark? WT says that there were a limited number of 'kinds' on the ark that descended into the millions of species today... isn't that evolution? And the way that kangaroos evolved from possums in just a few hundred years is a far more radical evolutionary belief by a religion than any evolutionary biology presented by science. Yet, when such facts are expressed by a college student, ToMo can only say, "He believes in evolution. Shouldn't have let him go to university where he learns FACTS." Since WT teachings completely crumple against the force of real truth, their only solution is to keep the kids away from learning real truth that can be acquired outside the walls of WT.

    2) They seem to think that going to university is all about making money and gaining status. Well, isn't WT about asking for money and the GB themselves about grasping for greater status and adoration? So they ascribe those same motives to university students and label it "evil" and "worldly". Ironic, eh? In my case, if we say that Billy went to university to get a degree to make money and gain status, would we say "That's terrible! Billy should struggle to find any job that pays almost no money... and then find the worst job possible that he'd be ashamed to talk about publicly!"? Well, nobody's ever told me that to my face. Who would say that to anybody's face? My job now is both physically and mentally challenging, but it is so much better to be out of bethel and have a degree to my name and working in the real world... words cannot describe how much better my life is now. I don't have that much money, nor do I have "status", but for me it goes very far beyond that.

    3) As I recall (and I'm not going to watch it again to confirm), ToMo states that an objection to attending university isn't the expense. Well, in realistic terms I'd say that it is one of the major obstacles as far as I would be concerned. If someone isn't a particularly good student, have a desire to attend, or have a plan for where their education is taking them, it can be very expensive to attend university and leave without a degree or a career path. But when someone has a plan, the aptitude, and the desire, why object? For me, I finished with debt... but I'm on my way to having that paid back within just a few years. (It's suggested that the student debt be less than the first year's salary. My debt is less than half.) As a side note: taking classes at community colleges can be much cheaper and can be either a way to pursue a degree or just learn something new... like evolutionary biology or neo-Babylonian chronology!

  • hoser
    pixel10 hours ago
    Why is he so concerned with plumbing in the New World????? 

    Because he is so full of $hit 

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    The guy is totally a company man anything that don't promote wholesouled enslavement to the purposes and profit$$$ of the Corporation is evil. Why don't he just come out and say it: "We don't want your kids to escape our grasp by getting edumacated".
  • Vidiot

    truthseeker100 - "...it must be awful being that stupid."

    Actually, in my experience, the stupid don't really notice.

  • Tech49

    I finally got around to viewing this sorry excuse for "spiritual food", ie. the January video.

    Firstly, Tony's "rant" is ridiculous, again.  He uses MANY terms to put people down, push his own personal opinion, and to openly chastise anyone not making the "proper" decisions.

    As has already been stated, he then does a complete 180 with the mention of a "nursing degree" as being "acceptable"??? 

    And then, after beating the slaves repeatedly and making them all feel ostensibly stupid for even THINKING about getting any education, other than to become a "carpenter or plumber", we fade into the next story...

    How the WT sent a plain ol factory worker to LAW SCHOOL, full ride !!! 

    Now, I take many things with a grain of salt, and consider the source, but this was just absurd.  The hypocrisy was full-on... how can anyone NOT see that??

    The brother was enrolled in Law School, and obviously took all the other classes required by the college, many not even related to the degree (his words).  Fully funded by WT.  Right? As someone mentioned... WHO DROPPED HIM OFF ???!! 

    So let me get this straight.... in the 80's, our brother was put thru Law School by WTBTS.  I remember the 80's.  I was in High School here in the USA, I wanted to go to college, I could have gotten a full scholarship.  But the elders said absolutely no way, "unacceptable"!!!    If I would have told them to kick rocks, and went anyways, I would have been shunned like nobody's business!  ALL the elders in our Congregation said how WORLDLY it was, how DISGUSTING college would be, how you would FALL OUT OF THE TRUTH, how your life would FALL APART because college is SATANS HOUSE!!  A meeting in the back room would have been high up on the agenda!  On and on it went, until I was guilted, like so many others, to throw away the opportunity.

    But alas, its ok for WT to send their own guys to an outside Law School ???  WTF ??

    I have previously written some about this, and about the "educated ones" they want to come to Bethel, when they first started the process with Warwick... see here --->>      EDUCATION DOUBLE STANDARD

    Complete double standard, do as we say, not as we do.!! 

    Complete morons.  I am beginning to hate these guys more and more.  Its not just Mr Tony (he just makes the biggest fool of himself, repeatedly); obviously all of them put their stamp of approval on this trash, and they ship it out to be lapped up by the masses like strawberry milk.

    Oh, and you can bet the farm on this one, mark my words.... they WILL be using outside LAW FIRMS to represent them in the future, to avoid conflict of interest accusations.  And guess who will PAY!!????  Not me, tell you that right now.  Peace out.

    Jack Harper, Tech49

  • Finkelstein

    Anthony Morris says ...... " Its tight pants and higher education that is ruining humanity today "       

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