WTS leader rants against higher education

by hoser 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samaritan At the Well
    Samaritan At the Well
    I just saw a few seconds of the clip and I first noticed the shirt and tie that Tony had, that is an expensive ensemble.  At least this time he actually had his hair trimmed.    
  • ToesUp
    Tech49. We loved your post (past one also). We couldn't have said it better ourselves!
  • Vidiot

    Tech49 - "...obviously all of them put their stamp of approval on this trash..."

    Despite the fact that she has issues with Morris' anti-education stance, my university-educated-yet-nonetheless-devout JW mom isn't quite convinced of that.


  • flipper
      Been reading this , haven't commented as I've been working out of town. On page 2 I like the quote from  Brumley ,  " All credit goes to God in our victories, it is not US and our OWN work , they see God's hand. " Right. Uh-huh. So if God gets credit for their victories who gets credit for their losses ?  WHO gets the credit for the 13.5 million $$$ lawsuit loss of the WT Society on the child abuse lawsuit case of the victim Lopez where WT Society refused to release information to the courts about child abuse and refused to have a GB member Losch testify in court ? I think the GB and WT leaders bungled that one up all by themselves. They didn't even need God to screw that one up for them. LOL
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Good catch on that quote Flipper...

    " All credit goes to God in our victories, it is not US and our OWN work , they see God's hand. "

    All the more reason to ditch their legal department with all those university educated attorneys. If it really is god to credit for their victories, shouldn't they back it up with a David vs. Goliath example and have some home-schooled, baptised-at-8, bethel newboy teenagers represent them in court?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    They seem to think that going to university is all about making money and gaining status - good point. For most students, this is not the case at all. For me, going to uni is a chance to study a subject that I'm interested in. This will hopefully lead to a career that fulfils whatever potential I have. Money is a secondary issue.

    The GB, of course, don't have to consider choosing a career - they're waited on hand and foot in bethel and have financial security. 

  • flipper
    Just saw some of the link of Morris talking in the first 5 minutes . I could only stomach about 2 minutes and I had to shut it off I was getting so annoyed. He said that IMMERSING oneself in going to college is different than being around " bad association " at your work or job. So it's like he's putting down JW's for CHOOSING to go to college and insinuating that they are PUTTING themselves into circumstances of "bad association" to get an education. What a freaking idiot ! I couldn't watch anymore- wanted to throw up
  • flipper
    I just loved TECH 49's post about what this WT disgust with higher education REALLY exposes. Well done on the post by the way ! It really exposes as others have stated the absolute hypocrisy of and the audacity to call JW's " unfaithful " in pursuing college degrees when the WT leaders have sent their OWN  Bethelites to higher education getting educated to become lawyers. As some have stated here - WT Society is going to HAVE to use outside $ 400 per hour attorneys to fight all the child abuse cases coming down the turnpike against them.  Good. Maybe that will drain WT Society's billions $$$ even quicker and they'll go away like a bad dream. One can only hope
  • Magnum

    I've been furious over the the org's sending Brumley to college for some time. I was out busting my a$$ knocking on doors thinking the end was coming any minute and at the same time he was being sent to law school by the org??? It burns me up to think that about all the money I gave to the org and that Brumley was sent to law school on my money while I was pioneering and working hard labor for menial wages.

    I think the org has caught a lot of grief about this, and that's why Brumley was shown in the video and the point was made that the org won't be sending any more Bethelites to law school. They are taking the ammunition away. Sort of like we were trained to remove conversation stoppers in the ministry before they occurred. For example, we would say "I know you're busy..." when we first met householders so they couldn't tell us they were because we had already addressed that. Now, when JWs complain about the org's sending Brumley to law school, it can be said "Oh, we learned our lesson about that and won't be doing that anymore; we addressed that already."

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    That Brumley guy seemed kind of miffed that he was called on to give this interview about what happened to him because of higher education. I bet he had to exaggerate in order to please his bosses/GB. Anyway the experience seems phony through and through. 

    I'm willing to bet there is an under currant of dislike for the GB right there at headquarters and I bet the legal department is at odds with these guys and defending their bull shit policies.

    Talking to Anthony Morris 3 seems to be like talking to a brick wall because he is so opinionated and set in his theocratic ways and diagnosing how Jehovah feels at any particular time like he has some type of mood gauge device hooked up the the big guy in the sky.


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