WTS leader rants against higher education

by hoser 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • leaving_quietly

    I finally got the nerve to watch this. Morris started off saying they haven't said much about higher education since the 2005 article. To be fair, he said they didn't talk about is as in-depth as that article. However, I mapped the frequency which the phrase "higher education" is found in The Watchtower since 1950. I only counted number of articles the phrase was found in, not the number of times the phrase is actually used. The 2005 article uses the phrase 16 times in a single article. Results are quite telling.

    1950-1959 - 5 articles
    1960-1969 - 8 articles
    1970-1979 - 7 articles
    1980-1989 - 18 articles
    1990-1999 - 13 articles
    2000-2009 - 13 articles
    2010-2014 - 17 articles

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge


    It was also mentioned in the daily text last year.  I can't remember the exact date.  Also there was a daily text on pursuing careers.

  • Finkelstein
    Satan lives in Universities and colleges and he also wears tight pants while he is there.
  • Oubliette

    Satan lives in Universities and colleges and he also wears tight pants while he is there.

    You for forgot to mention that is wife wears spanx when she exercises in public and the demons wear brightly colored socks.

  • Cadellin

    All I could think watching a few minutes of this is--What a f*cking idiot.  At the same time, he's got it right.  The purpose of a university education IS to affect your thinking, so you don't blindly accept whatever someone hashes out.  It's to learn about recent scientific research so you know that there's no way the entire earth could have been submerged 4700 years ago, or that the human family is only 6,000 years old.  It's to encounter other perspectives to which you wouldn't ordinarily be exposed, like other cultures, religions or sexual orientations.  It's to see that your own way of thinking isn't the be-all and end-all you once took it to be.  Oh, yeah--and it's also to engage in the sheer joy of learning about more than pipes and hammers. INot that there's anything wrong with pipes and hammers, understand.  Trades are wonderful but my point is, you should have the right to choose.)

    So, yeah, he's right.  The WT should be damn scared of anyone going to university. Ironically, however, this angle of higher ed is under attack, with the evisceration of public funding, the move to vocationalizing and privatizing programs, the adjunctification of faculty and adoption of a retail, consumer-based business model by most public universities.  But I digress.  

  • lrkr

    Interesting that they haven't published anything on the subject in almost 10 years and aren't publishing anything now.   Just a video that can be pulled or disclaimed.  "We're emphasizing divine education" "decision is up to the parents"

    Because maybe they don't want to be blamed for a child living in poverty after following their rules (I know- I kinda doubt that too....)

    The LOL moment for me-  "now the child believes in evolution...how sad"

  • lrkr

    Also interesting that they are backing off from the old "universities are dens of immortality and drugs" and saying what they really are scared of "they will change your thinking"

    So sad that if someone knows "The Truth" about everything they have to be careful not to spend too much time with people who think differently.

  • Oubliette

    "At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith." - w2013, November 15, p. 20

  • wifibandit

    @Irkr >Just a video that can be pulled or disclaimed. 

    No need to worry about THAT.  I've made a copy and shared it with others who will not let it dissapear from the Internet.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    All I can say is more more more GB video these guys a riot. I mean what else can we expect from a bunch of clueless CEOs running a totally delusional Corporation based on a fantasy about being God's organization. (psychologically speaking this is a dangerous delusion). These guys that have made it to the top be it GB or some other title, you know they made it there by giving up thinking ability to stay in this mental fog,, so what ever they say is almost certain to be certifiably insane. Tony Boy is just starting off the show so get your pop corn and throw-up bags  out, sit back, and enjoy the show these morons put on in these final last days of total delusional ignorance.

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