Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door

by comforter 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz


    I know that this has been asked numerous times already but I have yet to read a decent response.

    Are JW's forbidded association with df'd or da'd people? Be careful how you answer this question if you decide to answer it at all. Because if you answer "no" they are not forbidden I will show you about 100 Watchtower quotes that say otherwise. If you answer "yes" then I want to know why you are here, especially after I've read you say that you would not be posting anymore.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 17 June 2002 14:52:50

  • BugParadise
    Are you saying that all jw kids are just going from door to door to keep parents happy? Hogwash and horsefeathers.

    They make good sales pawns.

  • metatron

    I could be making things up, but I'm not - if you ask the right people in the organization,

    you'll find out. Here's another fact for you to ignore: the Society is starting to cutback

    on magazines produced for poor foreigners. Read your Kingdom Ministry and note the

    cutbacks on Awake printing in Urdu and various African languages - cuts from semimonthly

    to monthly or quarterly issues.

    Why? because they are losing resources - especially money from richer nations that

    have lost publishers like France, Japan, Germany, Canada, etc.

    Actually, if you'll check the yearbooks, you'll find that Japan has lost about 500 congregations

    in the past five or six years.


  • comforter

    I can see that most people in this place do not care for meaningful dialogue. They just want to be able to win arguments. You people are like those that opposed Jesus in his day. They loved to try to get him in catch-22s. If he drank wine he was doomed; if he did not drink wine, he was doomed. If Jesus drank with sinners, he was bad; if he did not drink and eat with confirmed sinners, he was bad. Cannot win with unreasonable ones.

    And last, most people here (many df or da ones) do not use their real name or show their real picture. But you expect jws to do this. Now who is hypocritical?


  • 144thousand_and_one


    Are you running from the discomfort that the issue of rampant exploitation of children within your cult causes you? Your cover is blown, you're just another dirtbag who supports the exploitation of children. Like other idiots who've tried unsuccessfully to defend the undefendable, you ignore valid issues that are presented to you as you have no answers or defense.

    I have no respect for those who engage in or approve of exploitation of children. You're just the gristle of life.

    Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 17 June 2002 15:9:17

    Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 17 June 2002 15:38:42

  • crawdad2


    i really think you should be out in service right now!!!!!!!........ you know, ......with some jw children that are being molested by an elder, but don't have "2 witnesses"......... maybe a so called "wordly person"...will listen to them, and help them!......... ya,... they could direct them to the "silent lambs" organization, where they could get support and legal aid........ wouldn't that be nice?........ now hurry up!!!!!

  • SpiceItUp
    And last, most people here (many df or da ones) do not use their real name or show their real picture. But you expect jws to do this. Now who is hypocritical?

    I post my real name...and also my homepage that has pictures of me. You are the one who has even your email restricted.

    IMHO you have skirted around all the completely legitimate issues that many have posted. Where are all your answers. You asked me a question and I answered it back w/o any skirting. I was raised as a JW, my parents and sister still are so believe me I have all the resources at my finger tips If I really wanted to embarass you. I just choose to go the high route and not debate with someone who really isn't interested in listening to anybody else and merely wants to preach(yes...that is what you are trying to do...we are not fools...do not treat us like one).


    Edited by - SpiceItUp on 17 June 2002 15:13:0

  • Undecided

    Hi Comfarter,

    Jws continue to preach for their lifetimes

    I am one who woke up before I wasted ALL my life. So many of the things I preached door to door were outright lies as it turned out. Don't want to waste my time anymore.

    Ken P.

  • StinkyPantz


    What makes the your statements meaningful and others not meaningful? And as far as Jesus being caught in questions that were seemingly Catch-22's, didn't he still answer them? So why won't you answer mine?

  • imissthedub

    Ditto to Stinky Pantz, Comforter......why don't you answer our questions?

    How come our opinions are just quests for an arguement, but anything YOU have to say is enlightening?

    Your doubletalk cannot answer our questions, that is why. ANd you no longer can think for yourself.

    By the way, what if THE END comes tomorrow? Do you realize you are responsible for any in your territory you could have reached today instead of spending time posting to us???? How can you let them down?

    I think you should double your time....no quadruplie it...so no door is left unturned. The rest of us need our doors pounded down by a JW robot in order to see the truth before it is too late.

    I invited you folks in for a Bible Study. As soon as I started asking questions I was told if I did not stop questioning their facts they would move on. LOL. Well, now there was a real threat. Please!!! Don't leave me before you complete the brainwashing! Better yet, could you send by a MS or 2 to sin with me on the sly (if he can lie to me all the better) so that his sexual frustration does not interfere with his upcoming five meetings? Ah. Well done, good and faithful servant.

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