Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door

by comforter 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter


    What I actually said was

    ???Growth alone is not really proof of God's blessing (Matthew 7:13-14).???

    Notice the word "alone" dude. Think about it. Islam used to be and probably still is the fastest growing religion on earth. But that growth alone does not prove that Islam is the true religion. See what I mean, dude?


  • roybatty

    Yeah, sure you do comf. Two things that were in just about every presentation that is found in the KM. One, something negative about the world we live and two, mentioning some publication. Classic sales pitch. And just to show you how effective it is, the vast majority of newly baptized JW are people who grew up in it. Great use of the billions of hours spent bothering people on Saturday mornings.

  • imissthedub


    I am so angry right now I can hardly see straight. I will try to not let my anger guide my comments.

    You ask "What could be more important than saving souls?" Let me tell you, if you think for one minute that YOU or ANY PERSON (JW or NOT) is able to save souls I think perhaps you should study your Bible harder. God saves us thru HIS SON....YOU don't have a dam thing to do with it.

    The Bible speaks about removing the plank out of your eye before speaking to others about the speck in theirs. Please consider that. It also speaks of letting me who is sinless cast the first stone. Please don't begin to tell me JW's are sinless.

    The Bible also states that only through grace are we saved. Your little door to door thingies don't have a thing to do with grace.

    JW's are very good at picking and choosing verses to support their hogwash. Well, I can through out plenty of scripture for you that shows you are WRONG...and guess what? Other translations of the Bible were done by people with a much better background in Greek, Hebrew and Aramiac than the goofballs who translated for New World Translation. Do some research!!! But, of course, you just take the Watchtower's word for it. Hmmm.....seems like a bunch of people a while back took someones word for salvation and participated in mass suicide cuz that someone said a spaceship was coming..>USE YOUR HEAD!!!


    And please don't tell me about your loving concern. Would you like to know what a ministerial servent did with me???? How he shamed me, my husband, his wife, his daughters and his religion???? Your religion is full of people just like him....dying to lead a normal life so eventually they sneak around using a "wordly" (we are just garbage after all) to get their rocks off or have some dream of a normal life with no thought to what it will do the other person or either family when it is over. OH, he goes door to door. Does his 5 meetings a week. Is a ministerial servant. I wonder how his "sisters" would like to know the thoughts he has about anal and oral sex, about women, about dominance and submission. Yeah, just the guy we all need going door to door in loving concern of our salvation.

    Read some of the other things that have happened with witnesses who have to sample what is outside their kingdom hall. You people are so repressed you don't care WHO you hurt. And you think you can EARN forgiveness by pounding on doors and running to meetings.

    Get a real life. Learn what the Bible really says. Learn to really live and love and please, oh please, start having good sex with your partner so that you all can leave the REST of us alone!!!!

  • comforter


    I want to save souls. That requires three things though. God's blessing, my personal love for others and a soul's willingness to be saved. If you and your neighbors do not want the good news, there is nothing that I can do about it. But by sharing in service, I have done my part, by at least giving people a warning of the impending wrath of God. That is no threat. It is what the Bible tells will happen. So even if nobody listens---I have not wasted my time. God's name and kingdom is made known and people get to hear about Jesus' work.

    Time spent wisely.


  • invisible


    I'm puzzled highly so by your motive and intention of being here and why indeed you have bothered posting at all. Now, I have been out for just over 7 years, disfellowshipped, when I went to the elders with some psychological health reasons. You however, are obviously a dedicated Witness. I was in there for 28 years, so I know the score ok.

    Question, here I am on the outside and you view it that you are on the inside, yet I know your own litureture and talks have often condemned internet activity because of the dangers inherent in meeting apostates online, or put another way, partaking of the table of demons. So, why are you here, for by your own actions, you should be hauled up by the elders for a JC, yet you preach to us you little arrogant git self righteously condemning yourself at the same time. Doesn't that make your actions somewhat hypocritical?

    Celtic Mark

  • comforter

    ???Question, here I am on the outside and you view it that you are on the inside, yet I know your own litureture and talks have often condemned internet activity because of the dangers inherent in meeting apostates online, or put another way, partaking of the table of demons.???

    I have never read any blanket condemantions about internet activity in our magazines. Maybe there have been warnings to be careful about where we go on the internet. But we are not forbidden to surf the internet.

    ???So, why are you here, for by your own actions, you should be hauled up by the elders for a JC, yet you preach to us you little arrogant git self righteously condemning yourself at the same time. Doesn't that make your actions somewhat hypocritical???

    I am not here to peach. You Know taught me the folly of doing that in this place. I am just in this place to set the score straight. The Bible tells me to set opposers straight and expose their errors. I am not being hypocritical. We will provide comfort through discomfort.


  • SpiceItUp
    We will provide comfort through discomfort.

    Oh I am sorry...but does anybody else just want to giggle hysterically when they read this besides me.

    I swear if thats the case then I should have some major confort in my life.


    Edited by - SpiceItUp on 17 June 2002 13:12:56

  • imissthedub

    ROFL Spice It Up-


  • metatron

    Wrong yet again! Witnesses don't need ANY holy spirit or help from God to go door to door!

    How do I know? Because huge numbers of Witness kids are cajoled/forced/compelled/

    punished into going door to door - the Society is worried that so many are leading "double

    lives" - having sex, smoking dope, stealing, etc. Lots of them eventually get caught and

    df'd - but in the meantime they have to go to meetings and door to door to cover themselves.

    They don't need any holy spirit - and neither do countless other adult witnesses who

    secretly smoke or commit adultery - which is why the Society PUBLISHED YESTERDAY's


    All you need is peer pressure and fear. Heck, why do think the Hari Krishna's were so

    fanatical and zealous?


  • detective

    You said moonies are a dangerous cult.
    What makes the Moonies a cult? (How is a cult defined?)
    And, what makes them dangerous?

    Could you please explain a little further regarding your statements?


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