Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door

by comforter 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    ???Of course those missionary stories help boost the money-giving in this and other democratic countries. And money is what it's all about.???

    Why would an organization that is so concerned about money encourage its adherents to be self-sacrificing and pioneer? You cannot make a whole lot of money when you pioneer or work at Bethel. It would seem that if the Society was worried about money, it would do away with pioneering and tell all jws to get a good education and full time jobs that pay well.


  • Gopher


    Why are you telling us about the reasons JW's go door-to-door. You're talking (in the main) to a group of people who have been out door-to-door, and we could (if asked) argue BOTH sides of the issue.

    But as SPICE said, it is mainly a warning work now -- telling 99% of the people they're about to die at God's great war. That is, if you can even get to that part of your presentation. In my experience, most people turned me away after 30 seconds.

    Anyhow, your post adds no knowledge to the discussion board and is seemingly intended only to "needle" those who don't share your view point.

    Of course you have a right to say what you want, that's what is beautiful about free speech such as is granted us on this board.

    But would I have a right to present the opposing view at the local Kingdom hall? Methinks not. No free speech there, you are only allowed to summarize what the paragraph just said (in your own words, but not too different -- you don't want people looking at you funny).

    I feel sorry you live in the restricted environment of the JW's. But if it's what you need, hey go for it. Obviously you're not getting many takers here.

  • comforter


    I am responding to posts made about the court decision that dealt with the door to door work. I am telling my opinion why only jws do door to door work year in and out and why ex-jws never will do the work of publicly proclaiming a positive and life saving message from door to door. It takes God's spirit and love for neighbor and God to preach.


  • SYN
    Why would an organization that is so concerned about money encourage its adherents to be self-sacrificing and pioneer? You cannot make a whole lot of money when you pioneer or work at Bethel. It would seem that if the Society was worried about money, it would do away with pioneering and tell all jws to get a good education and full time jobs that pay well.

    No, Comforter, the sad Truth is that it it very, very CHEAP for the Society to have it's literature sold for free by the travelling salesmen called Jehovah's Witnesses. Your points are in complete contradiction. The Society has never cared in the slightest about the financial welfare of it's slaves, nor will it ever do so in future. For instance, full-time Bethel slaves are given something like $80 dollars a month for toiletries, and that's it. Stories about on this site of Bethelites who literally had to beg in order to survive, and how the Congregations had to help them. We on this site are certain that the Tower has loads of money stashed away (although that situation may change soon due to lawsuits and settlements etc). Where do you think all your donations go?

    Isn't it lovely when a book-publishing Company not only expects people to spend their entire lives selling it's books, but also expects them to buy the books themselves (admittedly at a tiny discount for pioneers) AND give it donations TOO?

    Is this negativity? I don't think so. I think it would be more along the lines of ME trying to CARE for my fellow human beings who are being abused by this system. They are spending their lives "preaching", and at the end of the day the Society is getting richer, while the Publishers are getting poorer.

    Edited to add: Also, don't you just love the Society's money-generating scheme of loaning money for Congregations to build Kingdom Halls (with interest), and then the Kingdom Halls become the property of the Society once the loans are paid off?

    Edited by - SYN on 17 June 2002 12:37:52

    Edited by - SYN on 17 June 2002 12:40:19

  • roybatty

    Mormons don't preach about Jesus and his kingdom? Hmmm....I think that the LDS would say the same thing about the Witnesses.

    Regarding the Girl Scouts going door to door. They do so to sell cookies, JWs do so to sell magazines. Why not just go door to door with only your Bible instead of placing so much importance on placing lit.?

  • metatron

    Wrong again, the letter from the "Governing Body" clearly mentioned COSTS when discussing


    I know about the paperback books and downsizing at Bethel DIRECTLY FROM THOSE

    INVOLVED - they have been losing revenue ever since their 'voluntary donation' arrangement

    went into effect - I was overseeing accounts - and saw the accounts of many nearby congregations

    and KNOW that countless congregations are sending in less than half the $ they used to.

    As for us preaching negativity - that's hypocritical bulls**t! Witnesses commonly believe that

    the vast majority of the human race will be slaughtered by God at Armageddon including

    all 'worldly" babies and small kids. How much more negative can you get than wishing

    for the death of 99.9% of humanity? And don't give me that crap about how you don't

    want them to die - you want Paradise ? The Watchtower path to it goes thru an ocean

    of blood.

    If you really want to understand the organization, then understand the meaning of one


    Pretense! If you understand what that word means, you understand the whole of

    Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • DakotaRed
    The Society has explained the subscription situation. They want us to concentrate on making disciples, not placing literature. Just a theocratic adjustment, dude.

    Hmmm, was the UN debacle and their sudden withdrawal as well as their conflicitng reasonings also just "a theocratic adjustment, dude?"

    When do we get to see "a theocratic adjustement, dude" concerning the pedophiles hiding within your ranks?

    As far as growth not being a sign of God's favor, is that new light?

    *** km 4/98 3 Wanted-More Bible Studies *** 1 Jehovah God is blessing his earthly organization with continued growth.

    *** km 11/98 3 We Surpassed the Million Mark! *** We look to Jehovah for his all-important blessing so that growth will be maintained.1 Cor. 3:7.
    *** km 4/97 1 Multitudes Are Being Added *** 1 As was true in the first century, the growth that the Christian congregation is experiencing today is phenomenal. (Acts 2:41; 4:4) Last year, 366,579 new disciples were baptized, an average of over 1,000 each day! More than one million were baptized in the last three years. Indeed, Jehovah has kept on adding multitudes of believers.Acts 5:14.

    *** km 2/93 1 Conduct Bible Studies in the Live Forever Book *** This outstanding growth is the result of Jehovahs blessing

    *** km 3/93 8 Be Versatile in Your Ministry *** Having done our part, we can happily leave any future growth in Jehovahs hands.

    Don't you just hate documented statements?
  • SpiceItUp

    TY (((gopher)))

    In fact the only reason I even posted to this thread to begin with was because I thought it was in response to a posting where I said that we should go door-to-door (half-joking mind you).

    Unknowingly I have engaged in a half-assed battle where my opponate (spelling?) is soo brainwashed that if the WTTS said that the sun blue they would indeed agree.

    Of coarse now I am almost tempted to go to the doors just for the sake of argument....lol...better stop now before I get carried away.


  • comforter


    Your assertions make no sociological sense to me. Usually when a religion wants to be powerful or rich, it tries to appeal those type of parishoners. This is what has happened throughout history. Or they put a dear price on their literature and then recruit people in great numbers to sell it. But jws do not sell literature, they often give it away for free.


    I prefer to work with the Bible alone. But if I start a Bible study the literature gives the study some type of structure. I never ask people for money though.



    Ever hear of "Free Help". Unpaid door-to-door salemen for the Corporation. No salaries...no benefits...Hell, no commissions on book sales. If the Society told everyone to become well educated, they run the real risk of losing most of their adherents. It's much better to have a hard-core group of fanatics that cannot think for themselves and who are prohibited from reading anything contrary to their beliefs. Even though their stand has supposedly liberalized on education, you will NEVER hear them say, "be sure and attend college."


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