Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door

by comforter 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    Jehovah's Witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of God's holy spirit. Jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of God would guide them in this life-saving work (Acts 1:8).

    Without the spirit of God, one cannot continue preaching about Jesus and God's kingdom (Matthew 24:14). One surely will not have God's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against Jehovah's servants) from door to door. One also cannot preach without loving God and neighbor. That is why you will never see jw opposers out preaching from door to door. It is a divinely supervised work that is a mark of true Christianity. Only true Christians can faithfully carry out this work.


  • roybatty

    I'm sure that the Mormons and the Girl Scouts will agree with you.

  • invisible

    Don't be a dick

    Celtic Mark

  • DakotaRed

    AS I see it, Comforter, we won't go door to door, not because God prevents it, but because we actually have lives and better things to do.

    But, since you say the door to door is sanctioned and protected by God, I guess he owns stock in the Kirby Vacuum cleaner business too? Is he also directing and protecting the LDS? Their "elders" go door to door on their bicycles for their two year mission and they are growing much faster that the dubs. So, is that proof that he is favoring them over you?????

    Think about it and see how ludicrous your claim is.

    I just want to add, Don't let the ruling over Stratton Ohio puff you up with too much pride. You guys haven't felt the backlash from them yet!

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 17 June 2002 11:52:51

  • teenyuck

    Great points Dakota!

    I would not go out in "service" or door to door because I had enough doors slammed in my face as a JW youth.

    What would I tell my neighbors? "Be afraid, very afraid...of the JW's! They will try to indocrinate you into believeing that the "end of the world" is coming."

    Yeah, that will go over very well. The dubs do not come here very often. We are in a new neighborhood....oh, then again, most of my neighbors are educated and have gone to college, so the likelyhood of pulling in one of them is pretty slim. Why waste your time on people who can debate and ask questions you cannot answer?

    Now you have one more reason to say you are persecuted! Oh, poor you! It must be a sign of the last days!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    hmmm I have been wondering about the Dateline cards I went door to door with right before the airing and what kind of response some of the householders had. Perhaps I should do some return visits

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    We don't need to go door to door....you should know that no one wants to be a JW anyway! Duh!

    Besides, I've found it more fun to do "street work". I just toss mags in the garbage at the laundry mats and such whenever I see them.

  • comforter

    ???I'm sure that the Mormons and the Girl Scouts will agree with you.???

    The Mormons and Girl Scouts do not preach about Jesus and God's kingdom. Look at my message again. The Girl Scouts just sell good cookies.

    ???AS I see it, Comforter, we won't go door to door, not because God prevents it, but because we actually have lives and better things to do.???

    I am not saying that God prevents ex-jw from going from door to door. I believe that he does not give his spirit to those preaching derogatory messages only and those who preach nothing but negativity. And what could be better than going door to door saving souls? Proverbs 11:31.

    ???But, since you say the door to door is sanctioned and protected by God, I guess he owns stock in the Kirby Vacuum cleaner business too???

    I said God gives his spirit to those preaching about Jesus and proclaiming his kingdom (Acts 1:8). I did not say anything about Kirby vacs.

    ???Is he also directing and protecting the LDS? Their "elders" go door to door on their bicycles for their two year mission and they are growing much faster that the dubs. So, is that proof that he is favoring them over you????

    Growth alone is not really proof of God's blessing (Matthew 7:13-14). And the LDS only preach for two years. Jws continue to preach for their lifetimes. We do not tire out.


  • dungbeetle

    Comforter is starting to sound a little ALL - TOO - FAMILIAR

    Hi, I'm Mario Kempes and....

  • SpiceItUp

    When i posted about going door-to-door after the JW's, I did not intend to mean in a negative manner. I think that ones even with "gods spirit or direction" telling people they are goind to die unless they change is alot more negatively charged than with someone telling you hey its ok to have your own thoughts and live your own life. You are not going to "be destroyed in Armageddon" if you dont attend organized meetings 5 times a week.
    In fact I think it would be interesting if some did that. Maybe more people would have their eyes open to the reality of what the trOOf really is.

    I saw it posted on another thread that "wordly" people were impressed by the unity of the dubs. Now what if another group not only had the unity but a much brighter message. I for one would be more apt to listen any day.

    But the main reason I probably wouldn't myself is quite frankly said well here:

    because we actually have lives and better things to do


    P.S. not trying to fight with ya comforter just expressing my own opinion.

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