Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door

by comforter 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • SloBoy

    Nanoprobe......Thank-you for your post. I really have to contol myself when I hear JW's say ' Well I've never heard of anything like that. I think some are just trying to cause trouble'. But now we know of the cases a hundred times over where Organization malfeasance has led to or contributed to devastating consequences for countless others. We are not keeping silent. We will not be intimidated, manipulated, or isolated by their sick, twisted ways. The real truth is most certainly getting out. What has started as a small trickle will most certainly become a ravaging torrent that will sweep away present day WBTS and all other oppressive, abusive, man-made concoctions of 'spirituality'!!!!!!

  • Yerusalyim


    Hmmm, lets see, first of all neither Christ nor Paul wrote about going DOOR TO DOOR. That is just another of Fred Franz's mistranslations. Door to door as conducted by the JW's is a very INEFFECTIVE way to minister. How many bible studies have you personally started due to this.

    You contend that other Christians don't go door to door. I have, my mother has, when there is a good reason.

    You're worried about "saving souls"? A terribly UNTHEOCRATIC expression, if you're so worried about saving souls and not doing it from peer pressure, why do you turn in time?

  • Farkel


    : Hmmm, lets see, first of all neither Christ nor Paul wrote about going DOOR TO DOOR. That is just another of Fred Franz's mistranslations.

    Yep. In fact, when challenged on that issue, Freddie rationalized about going in the front door of a friend's home and leaving through the back door of that same friend. THAT, he said was going from "door to door."

    Good old Freddie. God, I so hate his rotting corpse. His insanities and self-appointed importance and arrogance destroyed more people's lives than we can ever know.


  • HomebutHiding

    It's true, JT. If Comforter isn't already out, and is still in the mode...habit...of spewing what his brain has been trained to spew, he is on his way out. He is playing with fire, isn't he?!

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