The Outing of Faders Rears Its Ugly Head Again

by zed is dead 178 Replies latest members private

  • DesirousOfChange

    Aawa has lost the last shred of credibility if they claim as the Watchtower does that they have NO CONTROL OVER THEIR VOLUNTEERS!!

    THEY ALLOWED HER TO REMAIN IN HER POSITION OF AUTHORITY. AAWA HAS a DUTY and a RESPONSIBILITY to the individuals who volunteer. So when Julia OUTS people its okay.

    Now they will say to you she apologized.

    I say to THEM it is WAY past TIME TO step up and make This wrong RIGHT.

    TIME to remove Julia from AAWA.

    I'm talking to you, Lee Marsh.

    I'm talking to you, Richard Kelly.

    If YOU are unWILLING to remove YOUR volunteer(s) then STFU about WT volunteers. Understand?

    RIP, I think you've summed it up well!!

    Once again WT has been proven right - "Mentally Diseased Apostates".


    I expected more from Lee.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Faders really do need to be very selective in where and who they give information. If you have much to lose then why take the risk?

    This kind of thing is absolutely bound to happen because people make up any social media site like facebook, and not all of them are nice, stable or have ethics.

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    I was selective with who I gave my information to.

    I gave it to Ruben and Zeek and my meme admins.

    Oh and a few others.

    I gave it to the AAWA Social Media Team leaders.

    Guess who betrayed me?

    Also, I'm not a fader. I threatened the elders with individual lawsuits when they tried to disfellowship me and they backed off.

    So my parents don't shun me because technically I am not disfellowshipped and it eases their conscience.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    But safe to say none of this would have happened if you hadnt shared that information with certain groups and individuals?

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    I volunteered for what I thought was a reputable organization. In fact I was recruited.

  • Listener

    Beth Shan

    "And for the person who messaged me in PM wondering why I would sacrifice my family to out someone?

    You might decide to do that too if you got sick of the blackmail and veiled threats."

    Sorry to hear that this happened to you. I imagine this is very scary The person doing this has a very serious problem and their ability to deal on a socially acceptable level with other people is just scratching the surface of their problems.

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    Thank you

  • flipper

    Very important thread, thanks for posting it Zed buddy. Look , here's the thing, everybody has a responsibility as an ex-JW to respect the ex-JW community, and that involves protecting other ex-JW's from being bullied and abused from the WT organization or not exposing other ex-JW's to harms way from abusive JW family or friends. Haven't we all suffered enough from the psychological abuse of the WT Society ? To minimize that danger of being exposed for our fellow ex-JW's is to virtually AGREE with the shunning policy of the WT Society by aiding and abetting Witnesses to cut off their ex-JW family members . Something to consider

  • Skinnedsheep

    It is amazing that ex jw's can be just as vindictive and nasty as active JW's. So sorry Beth Shan. You have my best wishes, sympathies and support.

    Julia barrick Douglas' actions are inexcusable. It will definitely make lurkers/ faders think twice about trusting anyone.

    Way to go Julia, you validated the rumor in some people's minds that "apostates" are untrustworthy wolves who are bent on destroying their fellow man.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    Simon is my hero of the moment. I have a large family still "in." It's not in my nature to disuade them. That seldom works. At my age I'm dependent on them and i love them. Outing is wrong.

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