The Outing of Faders Rears Its Ugly Head Again

by zed is dead 178 Replies latest members private

  • Vidiot

    Pack mentality?

    At a place where any attempt at organizing more than five people has less success than trying to herd cats?

  • fizzywiglet

    Yup, I suspect the same, Zed. And Vidiot!!!!! Long time no talk! PM me! Haha, right? It's hilarious that this thread seems like pretty much the only thing on JWN everybody can agree on (except venetian, apparently), regardless of whether they supported AAWA in the past or not.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Good point Vid!

  • venetian

    V - idiot

    Here's a clue for ya...MENTALITY.

    Think about it, doh

  • DesirousOfChange

    We've seen this over and over again. When backed into a corner, and given the opportunity to fix it and do the right thing, they LIE instead.

    Is this off topic? Are you talking about the WTS?

    (Lots of scary similarities, aren't there!)


  • AlphaMan

    It's not over until AAWA dissolves and that slutty alcoholic Bo Jensen resigns (first).


    I don't know much about the AAWA organization, or what happened here with the outing of some people. Seems like many people were outed when AAWA first started. The organization has lost all credibility with X-JW's. Even worse the Watchtower is probably laughing at them. If that Bo Jensen guy is still involved with AAWA, that video he posted of himself giving a KH the finger should have told you all you needed to know about the class AAWA would have. Outing faders that did not want to be outed is as low class as AAWA could have gotten given what they claim they stand for. AAWA is history and the Watchtower is laughing in their face. Hopefully, what remaining credible people associated with AAWA will resign immediately and distance themselves from AAWA.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't understand why anyone who has been a Witness can out another! These people aren't celebrities so they can get no social high by revealing information. Also, celebrities know they trade in privacy for fame. These are normal people. If outing people is routine practice, why would anyone join the organizatiion.

    I wish them success in their goals. So far I've heard of a petition addressed to no one and some clown leaving a business card at Bethel. Read the bios of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. at wiki. John Lewis, Black Panthers, Abbie Hoffman, Saul Alinsky. We are adults. Our actions should be adult actions. Petitions to no one and business cards (not even engraved) accomplish little. So many independence movements exist in the world. It reminds me to high school boys.

    It scares me that so many former Witnesses sign up to be part of a brigade. I hope we are wiser and don't follow orders. Consensus is powerful.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    It is not off topic. The baby borg is the image of the Borg.


  • fizzywiglet

    I think he's kidding/pointing out irony.

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    Thanks to everyone for your support.

    If there wasn't an actual, documented pattern of abuse here it would just be me here whining.

    I am so grateful to all who have documented the abuse ahead of me.

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