My JC meeting. Did they RI me?

by KateWild 144 Replies latest members private

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Marked for listening later.

  • AnnOMaly

    I found it disturbing and upsetting. Get your life sorted out? In what way? What is it you were still doing that was scripturally wrong (hard to give scriptural counsel without a Bible - tsk, tsk)? It all seemed nebulous, all coming down to them hearing reports about you: as long as nobody tattle-tales about you for long enough, they'll be happy that you're being a good girl and they might let you back in - WTH? Twilight Zone stuff. It annoyed me that they would not name the gossip-mongerer (and when they pressed you on who phoned the police I would have said "It doesn't matter who."). I don't understand why they didn't ASK for your version of the events - you volunteered some information, but they weren't going to ask you - it's as if they preferred hearsay.

    I was stunned at the multi-leveled stupidity of the question, "Why would he [your son] call you rather than those taking care of him [meaning social services who were not his primary carers anyway and his [allegedly] abusive father]?" And I still don't get what your DFing offense was in the first place - 'reviling'? Reviling whom? Your husband?

    The exasperation certainly came through in your voice.

  • Phizzy

    Well done Sam !

    I just loved so much of what you did, controlling the whole thing.

    And I loved your line about you understanding that they had to follow the rules of men, from a book not in the Bible, to keep to the RI process, priceless !

    I agree with Cofty, they did come over as bunch of pricks. Also they tried to really bully you, which you did not rise to, or allow them to get away with, a fine line well trodden !

    The silly bit about they "don't want to hear any more reports" ", they should not be listening to unsubstantiated gossip, and what possible control could you have over people reporting lies about you in the future ? (I know some of the gossip may have been true, in part) but you cannot control future tongue wagging can you ? Plonkers.

    Isn't it amazing ? they call it a Judicial Committee, which sounds like you are going to get some kind of justice, yet they flout all the rules of basic justice, totally ignoring Human Rights as defined by real, legitimate Courts.

    I am afraid that if I am ever "invited" to a J.C, for J.C read Star Chamber Kangaroo Court, I simply would not have the interest or energy to respond, I would just tell 'em to poke it where the sun don't shine probably.

    Though, if it ever happens, I may just be tempted to have a helluva lot of fun with the opinionated, self-righteous, jumped up little pricks.

  • KateWild

    The exasperation certainly came through in your voice.-Ann

    My loved ones who stay in touch illegally, know how sick and tired I am of this circular issue. I am glad it comes through. That part was particullarly truthful when I was relating that I had, had enough of it all.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    And I loved your line about you understanding that they had to follow the rules of men, from a book not in the Bible, to keep to the RI process, priceless !-phizzy

    Thanks so much. I am enjoying the "helluva lotta" fun option phizzy. I have been planning it for months. I feel proud it was excuted how I imagined it would be. If you choose this option too, not only will it be fun but you will be helping others going through the same thing. But each one must decide what is best at the time.

    Thanks to another elder love Sam xx

  • adamah

    Kate said-

    That's my style, out with a bang. I am enjoying my exit, not a somber occaision for me, I am popping the cork (like you said adam xx)

    Well, you misunderstood my advice, then.

    Sam, if you REALLY wanted to be free from the JWs, you wouldn't be acting out in retaliation or playing silly games (which only plays right into their definition of those rebellious and rude 'mentally-ill' apostates who are disruptive and feel entitled to break their rules, etc). Instead, you'd simply move on with your life and grow from a valuable life lesson you've learned the hard way (i.e. don't sacrifice your self-determination to ANYONE or ANY group, however well-advised it may be).

    Yes, I know you're venting right now, a day after the JC, and that's fine, but for your own sake, don't stay trapped in that phase as it's not healthy for YOU. You may even be egged on by some to do so, but you're still not taking control of your OWN life. Some morning you're going to wake up and realize that the only person you're harming is yourself by allowing others to continue to define and control your life (ironically JWs, by acting contrary to their rules, or those on JWN, by allowing strangers to get some kind of vicarious thrill by witnessing your acting out against the JWs, by proxy).

    The old saying is the opposite emotion of love is NOT hate, but indifference. The sooner you feel indifferent about those individual elders and what happened to you while in the JWs is exactly as soon as you can take control and responsibility for your own life.


  • Laika

    Adam, you post on an ExJW message board. How are you not acting out against JWs?

  • adamah

    Laika said-

    Adam, you post on an ExJW message board. How are you not acting out against JWs?

    Laika, did you have an actual argument that you somehow forgot to support?

    At least go thru the pretense of forming a coherent statement in order to create a 'false equivalency' to build a childish 'tuo quoque' (which I suspect you'll do, shortly)....


  • KateWild

    Well, you misunderstood my advice, then. - Adam

    LOL! confirmation bias Adam, I understood it how I wanted to. Playing silly games is fun Adam. Life is not a serious affair. God created dogs chasing their tails, He wants us to be silly sometimes too.

    There is a time for everything, a time for sillyness and a time to be serious, a time for debate and a time to shut the heck up Adam

    I love you Adam, honestly I do. You make me smile xxxx I will fly out to see you if you put me up for free. Love Sam xx

  • Laika

    I wasn't attacking you Adam and I'm sorry that it came across that way. Just interested in your opinion. If Kate's 'going out with a bang' means she's letting the Society control her still, are we doing the same by participating on this board?

    I can hardly claim to be indifferent as long as I post here imo.

    What do you think?

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