My JC meeting. Did they RI me?

by KateWild 144 Replies latest members private

  • Crazyguy

    Sick sick sick, I have never been df'd so never really understood that the punished must also make no attempt at talking to any Jw. Total mental torture designed to break a person down, its all about punishment and control. Pure evil.

  • RayPublisher

    You have a PM Ms Kate Sam.

    (Oh and Adam LIKES to attack and be attacked it's what he thrives on! Great response to that pseudo-intellectual drivel.)

  • KateWild

    What was their reason for going against the bible?-cognac

    Sorry that bit was too quiet. I said I am getting my bible out, Bro IamSoFullofMyself replied, you don't need it. Plain simple reason, I think I can read it better than them and they know it. This has been going on for mor than three years.

    They used to read me scriptures, isolate them and missaply them. As per flock book. So I used to read the surrounding scriptures and say, well my understanding is this from the passage. Can you explain why it is wrong?

    They find my questioning them, reviling I suppose. They are in a cult. If any ever came on here I would forgive them if they were truly sorry.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild


    I sent you an email, to jwstruggle. I can't see your PM

    Sam xx

  • RayPublisher

    Got it TY!

  • KateWild


    You are awesome too. You always make me smile. When I said I understood their perspective, I was thinking to myself. "They are deluded by the cult" Did you notice how they panicked, when I said I wasn't writing another letter.

    We want you to be a member of the cong, we know you love Jehovah. They know nothing, but they panicked just the same.

    Thanks for listening DD

    Love you to bits Kate xx

  • nugget

    I'm surprised you didn't slap them. It just shows how intrusive they are without taking any responsibility or be willing to investigate. What they are saying is don't make trouble, follow the rules and hush up the domestic violence and then you can be reinstated.

    You are outside the congregation so you can speak to whoever you want. It is the responsibility of members of the congregation to shun. The use of inflamotory language such as "do you suggest x was lying?" is designed to paint you into a corner and the use of nebulous accusers is unfair.

    The important issue is why were Police called not who called them. To suggest that calling the police is a barrier to reinstatement is ludicrous. They did not wish to look into domestic violence, protect your son or take the matter further and why they think that Ethan in distress would contact social services just shows how stupid they are. No sensible mother would stand quietly by and let their child be abused or contact social services and think their job was done. It shows how unqualified these men are to deal with issues such as these.

    Asking for you to throw your daughter under the bus by disclosing whether she was with a worldly boyfriend is shocking and very creepy. I can understand why they would see her visiting your home as a barrier to reinstatement but the whole idea that it is improper for your daughter to visit at all is disgusting.

    It demonstrates how they have already formed opinions and have no interest in your point of view.

    Very interesting and what comes accross is their patronising, self satisfied attitude that they are untouchable and totally right. They make decisions about people without any perception of the real impact their decisions will have. They do not justify themselves, explain themselves, accept the possibility that there is an alternative point of view or that informatiuon they have is incorrect.

    Like I said I am surprised you didn't slap them.


  • KateWild

    Like I said I am surprised you didn't slap them.-nugget

    To be honest I have lost my temper with them in the past. It was really stressfull as I did not grasp it wasn't God's org, it didn't make sense to me. As soon as I learned TTATT, meetings have been calmer because I know they are talking rubbish.

    Thanks for taking the time to listen. Thanks for everyting you have both done to support our family. I couldn't have left with out you and cantleave.

    All my love Sam xx

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    downloaded, gonna listen to it later. i recorded my JC too, but it's all in some german dialect, so not much use (they weren't able to DF me, was a nice experience).

  • scary21

    I think the way you went about it was just brilliant. You sounded like a true christian. They sounded like company men. You sounded loving.

    They sounded hard core and very unloving. I think this will make many people THINK. Even if they don't leave right away, this is something they will not be

    able to forget. Bravo Sam !!!!! Thanks for answering my questions about the two girls. I could understand you very well, and I grew up in Michigan. lol

    HUGS Sherry

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