My JC meeting. Did they RI me?

by KateWild 144 Replies latest members private

  • scary21

    Great job Sam ! The two females that went to the elders about you talking to them, what is the story on that? Are they your friends ? Why did they do it ?


  • konceptual99

    Well done Kate.

    It really is a case of having to sit down and shut up until we think you have sat down and shut up for long enough.

    There was no attempt to try and contextualise anything. All this "we have heard reports" nonsense. Their minds were made up before talking to you. There was no use of the Bible to try and frame their stance. Everything was about trying to catch you out, put you on the spot.

    If you don't go back they will simply congratulate themselves that following "gods standards" (i.e. WTS protocol) has once again shown up what is really in someone's heart and that they were right to not to RI you much earlier. They will shrug off your words as the gripes of the disaffected who simply couldn't show enough humilty to be "orderly".

  • Tech49

    I listened to the meeting, Kate.

    I am truly sorry you have been subjected to this kind of idiocy. This is the type of thing that is an embarrassment to JW's, and any congregation.

    These fine brothers displayed their true colors: they had already made up their minds before you even showed up. Shame on them for being so callous. To meet with you before meeting shows their lack of concern....they didnt want to take up too much time with you, and certainly werent interested in your side of the story.

    Good for you for asking if you needed your bible...that should have been a wake up call for them to use the scriptures to formulate their thoughts and words, but sadly it went unnoticed, as if you werent even worthy of an encouraging scriptural thought...

    And double triple shame on them for using gossip and second and third hand info as a means to deny you..."before we let you back in....." as if THEY are the self appointed gatekeepers to life. No, you are exactly right, that is not how Jesus would have acted.

    Really, how many of us "have our life together?"

    Honestly, you will NEVER gain the approval of this bunch. They will ALWAYS find an excuse to not "let you in." They will always find and hear just enough gossip and flap to be "very concerned." As you so eloquently stated, its frankly none of their business.

    Sadly, the brothers couldnt even follow the instructions outlined in the Flock book, as to how to handle a meeting with someone requesting reinstatement, regardless of how many times it has been. There are no "short cuts" to procedure in the Flock book. They took it upon themselves to make their own rules.

    Lastly, be proud of yourself, you stood up to the magic 3, and didnt choke the living daylights out of 3 grown men.

    What you do from here on out is entirely up to you....but I can honestly say that I dont think anyone in their right mind, including a loving and caring God, would blame you if you turned out the lights and closed the door.....

    Peace and love to you and all of yours,

    Jack Harper, Tech49

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    There was serious domestic violence growing up in my family. My former Bethelite father would beat us without mercy. Mom just cried. She was raised a Witness and felt she could nothing. My mom said to never tell the Witnesses. She also coached me to lie to teachers. Very sick stuff happened. I felt I was so worthless. One night my father beat my siblings, too. I had no confusion whether they deserved it. My solution was to write to the advice column of a teen fashion mag. Each month I looked for my problem in the mag. Finally, they mailed me a letter through a secret system. It said my father was wrong. I will never forget reading those words. An adult said it was wrong. I was supposedto call a local agency for help.

    I would walk miles away from home to a public phone. Every time I telephoned I felt Jehovah was going to start the Big A. /c I was so bad to say bad things about a parent. I just could not do it. My mom found the l etter spying in my room. She told me she found it. I prepared to die. She said she called and made an appt. No Witnesses were ever to know. No family members. My siblings were told our lives were at stake and even if they were angry with me, they were never to tell anyone.

    The agency immediately wanted to involve the brothers. My mom explained about the WT. The staff had trouble believing any religion could have such ideas as male headship. It became worse an worse. I ordered a gun. My brother went to kill my father before he killed us. It did not work. Court action was pending. Mercifully, my father died from natural causes.

    We breathed. Life became good. I can't listen to your recording. Maybe that is good.

  • smiddy

    Kate : Has this recording identified you personally ? Names spoken identifying the judicial commitee are real ? Your admission you lied to the jc on this forum may very well work against you . I hope not.

    On a positive note you did very well under the circumstances , not that I am overly familiar with your circumstances .You did make some very valid points using scriptural references. Such as Mannaseh , the Prodigal Son , and then their is jesus example not casting the first stone , jesus dialogue with the prostitute etc. all of which goes against the watchtower procedure of forgiveness/mercy/compassion .

    I wish you well,you and your family.


  • Crazyguy

    The overall system is right out of something the pharisee's and the sadducees would think of. Once they have their hooks into you and have control over you they never want to let go. Reminds me of the American legal system, once someone is convicted very hard for them ever really get free, the system is designed this way for money of course. More proof the JW's are not the True religion of God. I'm supprised you didnt give them hell.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Let's get this straight- they're investigating your family's problems with DV etc and gassing you about things they've heard? Gossip? Stuff that has nothing to do with 'Jehovah' or their Bible? Are they nitpicking you over a bunch of gossip and denying what your son told you?

  • KiddingMe

    Great job!! You held your composure really well. lol, at your comments when leaving...that'll give them something else to talk about.

    Best of wishes to you and your family moving forward and coming to grips with the domestic violence you went or continue to go through.

    Band on the Run- I'm so sorry you and your family experienced domestic violence! How brave of you to write to the magazine.

    Thank you both for sharing, you will help many by doing so!

  • KateWild

    The two females that went to the elders about you talking to them, what is the story on that? Are they your friends ? Why did they do it ?- scary21

    No they are not my friends, they're kids younger than my daughter. I have been talking to loved ones in the cong and other congs too. But of course my JC couldn't get a witness to confirm this. I did speak to one of them in McD's (the unbaptised one) but not the baptised one.

    They were obviously manipulated by the JC. Their Dad has been taken off as an MS. The baptised daughter is involved with Mike's son, the CoBE, and my JC chairman. He would have approached her Dad and pressured them to get information from their girls.

    This is what Mike is like. He armstronged an employee of mine, a sister, to divulge I had doubts that his was guided by holy spirit. That breached work confidenciality laws.

    Needless to say they have all done my family a huge favour. We are free to do as we wish now.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    Why were there so many accusations against you that were totally wrong (must be a lot of gossipers in your area) - Idrnomo

    I hate lying to anyone. Here is the truth.

    1. Have you been talking to ones in the congregation?

    Yes, and other halls, they are my loved ones and don't care about shunning rules

    2. Has Chloe been left in your house alone with a "wurlllly" boy.

    No. But she has a boyfriend and what they do in private in none of my business, or my parents business who she llives with. He is not a boy. He is 25.

    3. Did you call the police?

    No. My dad called the police because my son disclosed domestic violence, he was scared and wanted me, his mum, to come and pick him up to rescue him from the DV he was experiencing. When I arrived the police were there also. They stopped the violence, told me to go and see to my son and calm him down. He was told he was not allowed to come with me. 4 weeks later the social worker condemed me for my actions, and is working with my ex to reduce my contact with my son. The authorities are not helping him. He is Gillick comptetent, and old enough to decide where he lives. The Judge disagrees, that Gillick competence applies to my son.

    Kate xx

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