My JC meeting. Did they RI me?

by KateWild 144 Replies latest members private

  • KateWild

    What you should have had is support and understanding.- tornapart

    This is so true, but in all honesty these men have done me, and all my loved ones a favour. Imagine that they had treated me with support and understanding, and my ex would have been Df'd and not me. Well I would have never accepted WT was a cult. Never, I was reporting 5 Bible studies in multiple languages the day I was announced as DF'd.

    The mishandling of domestic violence in WTBTS must be exposed. Any who are suffering this same treatment today need support, and need to know they are not alone, it's a worldwide epidemic in this organisation that has to stop.

    Thank you for listening to the recording love Kate xx

  • blondie

    My jw mother separated from my non-jw father because of abuse in the early 1970's. She approached an elder to see if she would be df'd. He said no but she should not initiate the divorce. So she had papers served on him and the police escorted him out and my mother changed the locks. He though filed for divorce which solved her responsibility problem. But she and we were viewed with suspicion. She would be told about a sister who stayed with her husband though he beat her. Many years later I found out that story was false, that he had never beat her (found out from several of her adult children and friends of the family). This sister told them it wasn't true but it continued for years.

    Also elders are men and men in authority stick togetber, after all they may need support and have their wives painted with an evil brush.

  • KateWild

    Thanks for your support Blondie.

    If I haven't responded to you personally I am so sorry. There have just been so many posts I couldn't keep up. Thank you all so much for your support. Love Kate xx

  • cognac

    I'm still flabbergasted by this recording. Honestly, sometimes I think when people post about all the crap elders do and say, I don't really believe it even though it's happened to me. I just feel like it couldn't be that widespread and people are just jumping on the "pity me" bandwagon.

    But, really, it's not far fetched at all. They are brainwashed, cult members who have authority when in real life they are nobody's. That's what happens when people get power in a cult...

    Hubby wanted me to have a sheparding call with him And the elders. I'll record it if we do but I know already I wouldn't have nearly the amount of patience you have. Great job!!!

    Are you going to ever tell them you posted it on the internet?

  • KateWild

    I'll record it if we do but I know already I wouldn't have nearly the amount of patience you have. Great job!!!-cognac

    I have lost my temper many a time with these autocrats. It was when I realised they don't want to listen, I could calm down. The recording helped me to stay calm. In places I did increase my volume, but when they shut me up, I permitted it for expose purposes. This site and the new friends I have made helped me stay calm too. You can remain calm if you plan it well and practice. You can do it and I will support you.

    Are you going to ever tell them you posted it on the internet?-cognac

    It will get out I am sure of it. I have given to my friend who incidently got RI'd that same night. She's been chit chatting to me everyday and will reamin in contact with me. Likely she will play it to many of my loved ones who will ask about me.

    I don't mind though, it's liberating not to live in a cloak and dagger world.

    Love Kate xx

  • RayPublisher

    Yeah what TornApart said!

  • truthseekeriam

    Probably a stupid question but what is RI'd?

  • KateWild

    Reinstated. Quicker to write. Probs my AS expecting everyone to know what it means. (AS is Asperger's Syndrome) Kate xx

  • blondie

    I haven't been able to get my computer to download it and play it.

  • KateWild

    Do you have itunes Blondie. It just opens on my PC. I am sorry you can't listen to it. Maybe try a different browser like google instead of internet explorer.

    But I am not that up on technical stuff. I hope you get to listen to it, Kate xx

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