I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • Simon
    Simon, in connection with that, I would like to bring your attention to the following thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/251003/1/I-am-John-Cedars
    I provided you the above link to make a point. You did not correct the title of as you did mine. Why? That title is obviously miss leading yet you went along with it. This is double standard. That's what the exact point I was making all along on this thread.(but again it's not my problem)


    You're a little hard to decipher, I put that down you maybe English not being your first language? (apologies if it is, I thougth I read that somewhere and it isn't meant as any insult). The original topic you posted did appear to cast a serious shadow on JWN by making an unfair comparison with AAWA and a sensational and totally false claim in your title. Because several people said they were confused by it and because if the importance of the subject, I changed it.

    You are the one who has mixed up two very different issues with this topic: your experience with the WTS and the excellent track record of JWN security vs AAWAs immediate blunders. You can understand then why people who don't like to see false claims left to stand start picking things apart. Given your friendship with one of the board members of AAWA you can understand why some would be cynical and think that this was an attempt to divert attention away from them and to spread FUD about JWN. I'm not saying that is what you are trying to do, but it can easily have that appearance and thus elicit the responses you have had.

    Along with that are the repeated claims that AAWA people seem to be pumping out that somehow, 1300 accounts were hacked on JWN. This is an outright LIE. The AAWA are the only ones responsible for putting 1300 people's identities at risk and it's sad to see them resorting to what amounts to a smear campaign.

    I don't think there is anyone who truly thinks that the other thread really is by Cedars (who has his own account) and is anything more than a little bit of satire / light hearted fun so I don't think the title really needs to be changed.

    That you claim your email account has been hacked again shows a lack of responsibility on your part and I would encourage you to be more careful.

  • talesin

    Lots of faders have been outed for being on JWnet over the years...it is a risk we all take coming online. How many has JWnet been responsible for outing? Dozens? Hundreds? No one could ever say for certain.

    I only looked at page 1, but this is BS!


  • Simon
    Oh wow. I thought Simon would have requested your permission to do so before changing the title which is your intellectual property. Intersting.

    Erm, I think you need to go and research what 'intellectual property' means Tylinbrando - this really isn't it.

    We absolutely can and will edit any titles that we believe to be designed to be misleading as per the terms of use.

  • Simon
    Lots of faders have been outed for being on JWnet over the years...it is a risk we all take coming online. How many has JWnet been responsible for outing? Dozens? Hundreds? No one could ever say for certain.

    Yes, complete BS.

    I think the AAWA managed to do more in 3 days that we have done in 13 years.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    " Intellectual property(IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. IP is divided into two categories: Industrialproperty, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs. " http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/

  • Tylinbrando

    Simon, I defer to you and knowing your rights and obligations over your own house. It just surprised me that is all. I assumed Blindnomore PMed you asking to change the title and didn't suspect you could or would edit it of your own volition. Typically you will delete the entire thread and I must say I appreciate that.

    Meant no harm. Im going to go look up intellectual properties for dummies now.

    edit: thank for the headstart quiet one.

    Did Blindnomore not create the title and the thread?

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Post guidelines "We reserve the right to edit or delete posts at our own discretion and without notice, which we consider to be unacceptable."

  • Simon

    Yeah, I think of IP as 'secret sauce' type stuff and copyright for creative works.

  • james_woods

    What on God's Green Earth is going on here, BlindNoMore?

    (I know this (original) poster personally, and I know that she means no offense to any normal and innocent person here)

  • Iamallcool

    oh simon, change the title back to where it was even if your website is innocent or the title is misleading, let the readers discern for themselves.

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