I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • LisaRose

    I felt bad at first because I didnt read the entire original post, and posted a rebuttal to what I saw as a ridiculous accusation. But now, I don't know what is going on. Why give a misleading topic name in the first place, then post conflicting information in the post, then say you didnt respond to questions because you have a life, implying that others don't ? I think if you are going to start a thread by making inflammatory statements like that, you should stick around for the inevitable questions. Everyone knows if you post enough personal details and someone is looking to out you, they potentially could, its the risk you take on a public forum. But that absolutely is not JWN outing somebody, they are outing theemselves. And what happened to you was not the fault of JWN, by your own admission. The nature and timing of your post seems too calculated, an attempt by AAWA to muddy the waters and make it seem that JWN is just as bad as they are. I hope I am wrong, I really want AAWA to suceed, but it just seems like they are playing stupid games, and loosing all credibility. I almost made a contribution, but something didnt seem quite right and I am glad I didnt. I am still ready to support them if they get their act together and stop with this silliness. We Ex dubs need to stick together if we are ever going to expose the Watchtower for what it is, they are the enemy.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LisaRose...I agree. For all I know blindnomore could be doing this completely on her own. And AAWA may have no knowledge of the accusations that their emails have been hacked.

    So it would be nice if Blindnomore and AAWA could clear this up.

    I know it seems like I'm flogging a dead horse...but those accustations aren't insignificant. And neither is saying you are trying to get peoples IP addresses.

    If you disagree with AAWA....are you a potential suspect?

    Or is this just blindnomores take on the situation? Is it only her that is connecting the hacking or her personal email to AAWA opposers here at JWN...and is it only her that believes AAWA emails have been hacked by these same posters? Do AAWA people even know she is saying this? She says she is a volunteer for them....if they don't know about this, they need to worry about their volunteers then, or they will be in constant damage control.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know it doesn't seem like it....but I would really like AAWA to succeed. I loved their video...and I agree with activism. I don't feel confident suporting them personally after all this, but I do hope they achieve what they intended to.

    Can they just stop with all the BS now, or get their supporters to stop the BS....for god sake. Maybe one of the big problems they are going to have to deal with is loose cannons behaving as though they speak for AAWA (ie telling people AAWA members emails have been hacked). I kinda feel sorry for them if this is the case. Bad enough taking on the WTS without having to constantly battle your supporters giving you a bad name too.

    If that is the case, maybe she and/or they can clarify. And clear up the misunderstanding.....ST

    BlindNoMore thinks it was us that did this..It`s in the OP..

    Some of you went so far as outing 1300+ members list of Secret group of AAWA to the public site such as JWN ,
    it is one thing to add someone to FB without consent it is another thing to outing
    the entire secret FB group to the public which is maybe a CRIME!..BNM

    I know where that idea originated..It`s AAWA PR Spin..

    They don`t want to take responsibility for their own lack of security..

    Simon/JWN has No Authority there..But..

    Somehow AWWA`s Security,is Simon/JWNs fault..

    Why not blame Simon for Greek Banking problems as well?!..

    It would make just as much sense..

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  • steve2

    Where is self-responsibility in all of this? A lot has been said about (lack of) empathy or care and attention in reading the OP, but blindnomore chose the original title, then opened with entire paragraphs that appeared to be implying either JWN posters or JWN itself engaged in underhanded acts. Terry chastised other posters for daring to overlook a much smaller paragraph in which blindnomore more or less contradicted her opening paragraphs by stating she was not blaming JWN or its posters.

    From the undoubtedly intentionally chosen - but apparently misleading title - to the heavily implied blaming-implied rhetoric of the opening paragraphs of the OP - readers can be forgiven for going "WTF ?!" in response to this logic-starved thread.

    Besides taking responsibility for what we compose on this forum, one other "lesson" is taking ownership of what personal and identifiable details we volunteer. I am still astonished at the risks some posters take in divulging private information.

    Please take personal responsibility for what you dare to write in the first place rather than rushing to criticize posters who are confused by mixed messages.


    Hey Steve2..

    Bad PR will Influence People..

    Neither BlindNoMore or Terry are the Problem..

    AAWA needs a Professional PR Person....Someone who doesn`t "Pass the Buck"..

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  • besty

    @blindnomore - you reply, apparently to me:

    For individuals, who asked the source of my claim, you know what you've posted and shared in the public forum. This is another reason why I save the threads. Go back and read your own posts on the various threads. It's your issue not mine, Period!

    Yes we all know what I posted on JWN - the names of 3 individuals who, without consent, added 800 people to an anti-Watchtower Facebook Group.

    I have asked you for evidence of your completely different claim that 1300+ people were 'outed' on JWN.

    Your response above - is that it? Don't you think it was a bit reckless to make an accusation you can't back up?

    I am truly sorry for any pain you have suffered at the hands of the Watchtower - but that wasn't the intent of your thread title - was it? The main thing was to land JWN with the tab for your pain - correct?

    PS - @flipper and others who have vouched for blindnomore - I have no doubt she is a lovely person who has been and is going through a lot and needs all our support - however when someone makes a purely factual claim that seems to implicate me in something I didn't do, I will separate emotion from fact and ask for evidence - in this case - nothing. Just a wild claim that has no basis.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I agree with steve2

    Blindnomore created this thread...it is a mess.

    She is responsible for it...and AAWA, for their own benefit really need to comment on whether what she is saying about email hacking is true or not. I doubt it myself, since she has got quite a few other things blatantly WRONG.

    eg Some of you went so far as outing 1300+ members list of Secret group of AAWA to the public site such as JWN...blindnomore

    And we are told WE need to read properly. And people coming in to vouch for her personally have not helped sort the crap from the truth.

    What has happened to blindnomore is awful...I'm sure she's a wonderful person. BUT that has nothing to do with what she has posted here and the accusations that are being made.

    I would really like to see an official AAWA person join the conversation and set the record straight about the AAWA hacking accusations. Not just for us, but for blindnomore too. Because I doubt that any of that is true.

    But if it is true that they've been hacked....I want to know if they are blaming us too.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Not that anybody will listen to me, I have no authority here, but I think that a misunderstanding may have occurred.. The intent of the Op seemed, to me, from the second time reading it, that blindnomore was pointing out the personal responsibility each of us has regarding our email/data.. And that she didn't blame Jwn or anyone else for the hacking. Apples and oranges maybe.. But, taken in context, her comment that besty is quoting seems to me to have been poor english.. I think that she meant 'members of the 1300+' rather than 1300 members.. Until she clears this up, could we lay off with all the accusations and leave her to reply? Just trying to keep the peace..


    Blindnomore created this thread...it is a mess....ST

    BlindNoMore didn`t create the mess..It`s been a mess,long before she posted..

    I would really like to see an official AAWA person join the conversation and set the record straight about the AAWA hacking accusations.

    It`s not going to happen.....Until AAWA finds a new PR Person..

    Someone who is willing to accept AAWA "Fuck Ups" and..

    Move On..

    That person will bring AAWA forward..It can`t be done without that person..

    AAWA Advisory Board needed to make these Decisions..

    Long Before this Turned into a Shit Storm..

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