I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • besty

    @mrsjones5 ohiocowboy

    I have no problem with English not being her first language or nitpicking her spellling/grammar. I do have a problem with her choosing a subject title that is 100% opposite of the truth, as she goes on to describe her in OP. (Simon has now 'fixed' the title)

    What I do have a problem with is her claim that 1300 people were 'outed' on JWN.

    To date 4000+ people have viewed the thread - this stuff lives forever on the Internet - she made a statement and I'm calling her on it.

    Are you backing her up on that claim in her absence?

  • steve2

    I realize that sometimes posters intentionally choose thread topic titles to get maximim attention - which may mean some titles are more dramatic than they warrant. However, sometimes thread titles are unhelpfully misleading. The 'saving grace' of BNM's initially misleading titled topic is in her OP - and a subsequent explanatory additional post: She did take some effort to make it clear she was not blaming JWN. Good for her - as I stated earlier - but given the 'heat' her unfortunately mistitled topic has generated - and the bleak fact that some posters responded before carefully reading her OP, perhaps a more accurate and less inflammatory thread title would have lowered the temperature and led to calmer exchanges. Perhaps. (thanks Simon for amending the title to mimimize misunderstandings )

  • digderidoo

    Just picked up on all this as i don't visit here much anymore, I'm so glad that i deleted everyone ex jw from facebook. I guess if you don't want your anonymity compromised then don't start adding people from here on Facebook.

  • besty

    steve2 - fair enough - you strike me as a poster worth reading - you use words with care and attention.

    what got to me was thread title compared to OP contents - ie "I was outed and compromised by JWN!!" and then buried in the 870 words and subsequent 'clarification' - "I'm not blaming JWN". So misleading that the forum owner saw fit to edit the title...

    add in the breathless claim that "some on JWN outed 1300+ people from a secret FB group" - I doubt we will see evidence, retraction or apology on that specious statement...

  • blondie

    I noticed the title was changed...I attributed to my progressing alzheimers, ha. I have seen people put up titles that are deceptive just to get people to view it and up their view numbers. Crying wolf?

  • Scott77


    Calm down or slow down a little. blindnomore sounds as having been hurt badly by the Watchtower-sponsored JC. Some clarifications have been provided. I think they are adequate to move on. If you are as caring as some of us are, you need to express sympathy for this unfortunate Ex- Jehovah's Witnesse for that untold suffering she and her husband have been through under the hands of the Watchtower-sponsored Judicial Committee of heartless Elders.


  • blindnomore

    Hummmmm, the title was changed. Fair enough. After all it's your forum.

    Simon, in connection with that, I would like to bring your attention to the following thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/251003/1/I-am-John-Cedars I provided you the above link to make a point. You did not correct the title of as you did mine. Why? That title is obviously miss leading yet you went along with it. This is double standard. That's what the exact point I was making all along on this thread.(but again it's not my problem) At this point I am no longer interested in entertaining some of you who go out of your way posting unfounded accusation against me that's all in your imagination. "Crying wolf?", Just because I don't log in to the internet forum as often as some of you because I have a lot better things to do. I have personal and family obligation that require most of my time. For that do I deserve to be called names? At this point I will not take any of this personally especially you Blondie because you have been doing awesome job on the Watchtower Study weekly for years. Makes me sad though from reading some of your comments after reading my post. Attacking me for what? Is that all what you have to say? You were right I do not need your sympathy or support. Obviously, Watchtower's abusive behavior in handling child sexual abuse is not your concern . I have fought very hard for last 5 years against evil Watchtower in my daughter's behalf. I did it without any of your help and I will continue to press this not only for mine but maybe for those of you who are still trap in the Cult. One thing I can assure you, none of your children or grandchildren may never have to suffer in the same way my daughter did. For individuals, who asked the source of my claim, you know what you've posted and shared in the public forum. This is another reason why I save the threads. Go back and read your own posts on the various threads. It's your issue not mine, Period! This is my response back to some of you on this site: Please noted and read carefully every sentence in the following link, http://www.justice.gov/opcl/privstat.htm Yes, both "Hacking" and " violation of Privacy Act" is a "Federal Crime" in the US. You who, in disgusing your true identity on JWN, hacked in and continue hacking my email(the last one just 3 days ago) better look out. You will be tracked down. I need to correct one minor mistake I made on my second post in this thread. I said I am not befriend with any administrative of AAWA is incorrect. In fact I am FB friend with JWfacts. I mostly familiar him in connection with JWN that I spaced out on that. I didn't mean to miss direct any of you. I apologize. I also need to make a clear that I do not belong to any group except I support various groups as a volunteer poster at JWN and volunteer at AAWA and at change.org, to name a few. All my action is strictly on my own and I am not representing any organization or site. I however am proudly anti-Watchtowr and against their inhumane practices. It's not a matter of "us" or "them", "JWN" or "AAWA". Those of You on this site do not include me in your silly agenda or accuse me falsely based on your agenda or imagination ever again. Truthseekeriam. I am So sorry for the suffer your family suffered in the hands of monstrous and heartless GB worshipers. My heart goes out to you. I cried when I read your post. Your family were wronged and abused inhumanly. I'd like to suggest you to report the case to the Child Protective Service if you are in the US. That's what I did and got JC elders convicted as child abusers in my State. The record of their conviction is permanent. Now I am taking them and their GB to court and my goal is seeking criminal conviction. Good news is the Law profession in the US now is aware and are actively pursuing cases like yours and mine. Now is the time to speak out, seek justice and take our power back. Please feel free to PM me for further info. It may take a few days to get back with you as I don't log in here often. Thank you, the rest of you, including Simon, for your kind words. Don't forget who's our common enemy is!

    Edit: What happened with the double spaces between the sentences from my origianl post?
  • blindnomore

    Thank you, Scott77.

  • flipper

    I want to come on here and vouch for our friend BLINDNOMORE . My wife and I know her and she is smart, and a very active person involved in fighting against the WT Society in a personal way as are my wife and me. Blindnomore has suffered numerous injustices in her daughters ordeal and has gone through stresses that many of us will most probably never have to face . She needs to be shown empathy and compassion due to the abuses suffered by her family, especially her daughter. She has shown more courage in taking on the WT Society head on than most of us here will probably ever show in our lives. She deserves respect. Especially having gone through much suffering as she has. We have your back sis. Take care

  • Tylinbrando

    Oh wow. I thought Simon would have requested your permission to do so before changing the title which is your intellectual property. Interesting.

    Blindnomore. Some of us read your opening post and understood clearly your meaning and intent. Kudos to Terry for running a quick reading comprehension class for dummies.

    It is irreprehensible the amount of abuses you and your family have suffered at the hands of the Watchtower and its minions. I am truly sorry. I wish you all the success and healing that you can possibly achieve in your battle for justice.

    Thank you for sharing everything you stated on this thread and for taking the time to respond.

    The only thing that is certain from participating in this arena is the propensity for many to dissect and destroy and discredit anything and everything that comes their way. It is part of post traumatic stress from years of having shit rammed down their throat and many of us are upset for being so gullible for so long. Try not to take it personally. I am sure everyone has compassion for you and your history.

    You are loved. Stay strong.

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