I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • Listener

    Simon, I have sent you a PM.

  • brinjen

    I'd like to know how anyone can automatically "know" the intentions of a hacker. Email accounts get hacked everyday... it's common. Why do they do it? Because the email account exists.


    It`s painfully obvious BlindNoMore has suffered at the hands of the WBT$..


    Someone has mis informed her about what happened at the AAWA..

    AAWA is Responsilbe for their Own Problems..

    Simon allowed discussion about it..

    If a News Paper reports a Bank Robbery..

    It`s not The News Papers fault,the Bank was Robbed..

    If JWN reports that AAWA`s lack of Security..

    Allowed members of JWN to be outed on AAWA`s forum..

    It`s not Simon or JWN`s fault..

    JWN members were outed on AAWA,because of AAWA lack security..

    Neither Simon nor JWN,caused AAWA`s security problems..

    AAWA gets all the Credit for that..

    .............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Tylinbrando

    Would giving out IP addresses accomplish anything for anyone anyway? is my IP as you see it tied to my true identity. This whole thread is not uplifting and instead is very troubling.

  • mamochan13

    I'm puzzled by this whole thing, too. But if I can toss something into the mix. I'm wondering if blindnomore may be a bit "blinded" by the awful things done to her family and may be lashing out indiscriminently, suspicious of everyone. Which would be quite understandable. I hope that's the case. I really would not like to hear that someone is spreading crazy rumours...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I didn't think you would Simon, in fact that has never crossed my mind. This forum has proven itself to be trustworthy. I have never had any security issues. And the only time I've had any come back, has been from information I have divulged myself through PM directly to a person. And even that was dealt with swiftly here when I asked that information be removed from a post that person made.

    What I would like is some clairification on what I have asked blindnomore.

  • Listener

    Blindnomore would do well to ask Simon to delete this thread, it is disturbing on many different levels.

  • Tylinbrando

    agreed. take a step further from simply changing the title

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I know that Simon was very lenient by not quashing the inflammatory title to begin with. He has given extreme latitude to the SUV STD apologists for weeks. I am getting tired of them shitting in his living room, while they rim Cedars.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Someone has mis informed her about what happened at the AAWA..OUTLAW

    If that is the case, maybe she and/or they can clarify. And clear up the misunderstanding.

    What you say is quite possible mamochan... I don't know the answer to that. So I am hoping either she or AAWA can clarify. Because from where I am standing. She is not doing AAWA any favours with these accusations.

    This whole thread is not uplifting and instead is very troubling...tylinbrando

    I agree...maybe someone can sort it out. Instead of leaving accusations like this out there unanswered.

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