I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Is anyone else's head spinning from the barrage of all this AAWA stuff and all of the fall out?

    Yes...AAWA supporters have not done AAWA any favours. But they are no worse than AAWA themselves.

    If they hadn't denied so much...there wouldn't BE so much.

    They came...they divided, they hurt innocent people, they lied, they blamed the victims for their incompetence. they denied, ...and for some reason...some people still support them. It's beyond me.

  • Satanus

    Cedars must be one slick, smooth moving, ruthless and persistent dude.


  • FlyingHighNow
  • soft+gentle

    jwn has taken a broadside hit, imo, over the last few months but looking on the bright side she has several growing children -edit correction - her offpsring have emerged fully gown (cf anaximander's evolutionary speculations)

  • talesin

    Just read the whole thread ...

    Blindnomore, it was very difficult to understand your intent in the OP. Now I 'get it', and I think there have been a lot of misunderstandings here.

    It's hard to get things across in english sometimes, even when it is our 'first' language.



  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Talesin, could you explain what she may have meant? Thanks.

  • talesin


    I would hesitate to do that, as my impressions are my own. The last thing I would want to do is muddy the waters for anyone reading. Sorry, but if you read the thread, you will 'get it'.



  • blindnomore

    It's the Watchtower style attack all over again: railroading, presumptuous, and pilling on. Shame on You!

    Why are some of you so persistant this thread? What bothers you? What are you guilty of?

    Who said I was hacked twice? You have no idea what you are talking about. You are saying things out of your imagination without facts and in desperation twisting the whole thing. No wonder some of you are confused. Listen, I have been hacked 7 times since. They all have been reported promptly and I have changed the password for the seventh time. No I don't do any tracking down myself. My job is reporting everything(I mean EVERYTHING) I have. I am neither capable of nor interested in doing others job. The hacker(s) has left his tract 7 different times, not very smart. You better believe it I am still keeping the same account for very good reason.

    How do I know who the hacker(s) was and to what purpose? You wouldn't be so obillvious or ask such a question if you've read the OP and the provided links. Besides, I am not foolish enough to leak any detailed information so that the Watchtower can be benefited? I know you are good at picking and choosing what you read. By way of reminder, I am not FOR but AGAINST Watchtower. I am not working against myself. At this point I have no reason to continue posting anything further on this thread. However, I am here to do whatever I can to help the victims of the Watchtower especially young ones.

    If I posted all this in my native language how many of you geniuses would have a clue what I said? You want to criticize my language skills? You are cowards to do so. You have been working hard to twist the whole thing in your effort to miss direct the issues. I said it in my last post and I say it again, it is JWN not me, that has issues. My language skills nor myself have nothing to do with it.

    The fact is I posted on JWN and was directly hacked by the JWN member through the JWN aproved thread, regardless!! Anyone says other wise that is the one miss leading and covering up, not me! Simon, You said it, "What matters is the AAWA group and THEY are 100% responsible for everything that happend with that group."

    Let me repharase it: "What matters is the AAWAJWN group and THEY are 100% responsible for everything that happened with that group." Shouldn't it? Or the priciple applies with everyone else except JWN?

    Betsy, why are you so anxious? You know exactly what you have done. In your post, didn't you specify the exact number of people who supposedly added by certain individuals along with their full names? In order to do that you've must gone through entire memebers of 1300+ list to verify who added who for hours and hours. Didn't you then post on JWN the FRONT PAGE of the SECRET FB GROUP that contains its 1300+ members? In what right did you breach the confidentiality? Did you get a court order? Were you granted by the Judge? Are you above the law like the Watchtower? What else have you done with that?

    You and some might have easily fooled JWN and have its members unwittingly condone and even participate in your criminal behavior. Do you want to go back to the threads to count how many JWN memebers have repeated what you posted including the full names of the members of the secret groups? Just read this thread alone.

    I will tell you once and for all. If it had been my full name that you directly outed in the public forum from the secret group that I belong to without my permission, and then have it repeated over and over again not only by you but also by other members of the public forum, in doing so putting myself in a vulnerable situation publickly, I will have your contact info Subpeonaed from Simon and will have you answer your behavior like a man before the authority. And the rest of you who continue revealing the identity of the member of the secret group in mocking her usualname at JWN, I sure hope you got her permission to do so! You all put together will not make up 1/10 of worth of her.

    What is more, you all are cowards for outing and mocking a woman, who has been working relentlessly in aiding the broken victims of the Watchtower. It was also the same person that extended herself to me and offered the practicle assistance and comforting words when I first posted bit of my story 9 months ago. ( I didn't know it was the same person until a few days ago but thanks to Wasblind who were caught in the middle of performing Watchtower style witch hunt).

    Simon, you do whatever you have to do with this thread. I have no saying nor do I have any right on whatever you do with your forum. I am actually glad that I started this thread. It's been very revealing in many aspect. You were out of line to change the title of my thread without my persmission. You should remain Nutural and should never allow sensation that jepordizing your site. I am sorry If you still haven't figured out who's behind the whole thing. You know what, there's at least two JWN posters who have been taking in lead the whole thing on JWN haven't yet posted once on this thread. You've got to be top of everything these days.

    I don't post here much any more but I will get back to see if I can be of any assistance for anyone needs help. Feel free to PM me anyone who needs assistance.

    Some of you posted on this thread, Why don't you do something more useful? Do something constructive for yourselves and your families instead of being annonymous Cyber Bullies. Your situation will improve for the better, Grow up and get a life, Pathetic! Just give a few more days, without fail some JWN posters will continue reveal who they really are.

  • caliber

    "The road to hell is paved with stones good intentions "

    Attempts to improve the ethical behavior of groups are often counter-productive because hurt feelings may bring out less worthy, selfish motives

    In the end the only answer is to once again

    return to.. Think good, Speak good and Do good ... failing this all is lost

    In a Mexcian stand-off who gets hurt ?

  • blindnomore

    Thank you Talesin for reading the entire thread.

    All I was saying was let's take our own responsibilities. And provided my experience is an example of what can happen by being on internet forums and FB. You don't neet to go out of your way and attack people or the groups who are your own without having whole facts.

    I feel like what was happening here on JWN in relation with the group has been the best thing happen for the Watchtower. I could no longer keep my mouth shut. I had to do the right thing.

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