I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • jws

    Didn't read every page in this thread, so if this point has been mentioned before...

    The OP had her identity revealed as a result of dealing with another person she cyber-met through this forum. And JWN is to blame?

    Many people found out about AWAA through this board, know Cedars and others through this board. They chose to get in contact with AWAAA, Cedars, and others. AWAA outed them.

    But by the OP's logic, JWN is to blame because that's where they met the culprits?

  • wasblind

    Thirdly, any connection you and Wasblind are trying to make here is purly in your own imagination and out of context. The very same manner the Watchtower elders slandered me and my family._____Blindnomore

    I truly apologize if It came off as an accusation . I simply point out to where your breach

    may have came from

    JBD/Headisspinning had been warn all throught out the " We know who they are " thread

    about privacy issues. It doesn't matter what she worked on

    like you I had no Idea she would be connected to AAWA mess

    She threw advice and caution to the wind, and compromised folks anyway

    Trust, I hate this happened to Cedars and you .

    From the looks of it. That woman was a loose cannon

    Those who were outed have two choices. Continue to a live lie

    Or be done and be free of the WTS chains

    What Headisspinning did forces their hand

    before they were ready and in a position to do so


  • RayPublisher

    @ yourmomma- You said: "Wow, first cedars, now raypublisher, my favorite ex-jw's are going down the toilet."

    Hmmmm and I didn't even know I was swirling the drain! Someone please save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........

    And I'm pretty sure Cedars is not in any real danger either...especially not from thoughtless comments by people that don't know what they are talking about...

  • Simon

    Sorry to read more about your experiences blindnomore

    Thanks also for clarifying your post for everyone.

  • yourmomma

    yeah ray, we dont know what we're talking about. of course, WE are the problem.

    actually i think my big mistake was assuming aawa was attempting to unite the exjw community against watchtower. but its clear instead just like watchtower, aawa's goal is ultimatly damage control and the insulting or out right attacking (ie besty) anyone who points out rightly how unacceptable the way in which aawa handled this whole thing.

    it doesnt matter how good your contribution to the ex jw community is, and yours and cedars contributions pre aawa were some of the best. but when you act like assholes and use the exact same tactics watchtower uses against fellow members of the exjw community, no ammount of good you did is going to change peoples preceptions. the only way you guys can make this right is to clearly acknowledge your error and apologise. and putting an apology on your website which contains outright BS like "Once this was brought to the attention of AAWA's board, we aplogized and put an immediate stop to the force adding" doesnt count. anyone with a first grade reading skill who simply reads the threads can see that at best these is extremely disingenous or at worst and outright lie.

    we are not stupid!

    im not going to get into a pissing contest about this, i said my peace. take from it what you will. good luck.

  • Tylinbrando

    the only way you guys can make this right is to clearly acknowledge your error and apologise...BS like "Once this was brought to the attention of AAWA's board, we aplogized and put an immediate stop to the force adding" doesnt count.



    Our Humble Apologies

    "We are also mindful of several individuals who suffered distress on April 3 when they were added to our group against their will. We should have handled matters differently. We therefore offer our most sincere and unreserved apologies to all of these ones, and any others who were in any way harmed through being added to our Facebook group without their consent."


    Quote mining is the deceitful tactic of taking quotes out of context in order to make them seemingly agree with the quote miner's viewpoint or to make the comments of an opponent seem more extreme or hold positions they don't in order to make their positions easier to refute or demonize.


  • *lost*


    The sate of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles etc. that one does not actually have.

    Hypocrosy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

    Hypocrosy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches.

  • Tylinbrando

    An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument. Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy, more precisely an irrelevance.


  • RayPublisher

    @ yourmomma - " the only way you guys can make this right is to clearly acknowledge your error and apologise"

    And I would be apologizing to you for...what? For you saying I was "acting like an asshole"? In what way(s) have I been acting like an asshole? I was not on the Facebook AAWA group until way after the "outing" incident even took place. I am not a board member either.

    This ENTIRE thread is about blindnomore and what happened to her. It never had anything to do with AAWA, as acknowledged by several others on here.

    If a person reads the first post on a new thread that often mitigates the "foot in mouth" disease that you have just displayed. Go back and re-read the thread before you attack me for no reason and say I am "going down the toilet".

    Then your only response is to call me another expletive? That's a dead giveaway illustrating your mistake in not reading the comments before engaging your mouth.

  • Terry

    JWS says: Didn't read every page in this thread, so if this point has been mentioned before...

    The OP had her identity revealed as a result of dealing with another person she cyber-met through this forum. And JWN is to blame?

    You misunderstand. It is the opposite of what you've concluded.

    Think of all of this like walking in on season 5 of LOST and thinking you understand what's going on:)

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