Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?

by Monsieur 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GromitSK

    So.. back to the question raised a few times...if we accept for a moment that demons exist, and that they can control a person.. how would we know the difference between that and some mental illness?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Plenty of parasites take control of the host organism, but no matter how microscopic they are mankind has been able to detect and categorize them. Invisible beings from space so far dont cut it.

  • GromitSK

    These parasites have been detectable eventually,as technology progressed.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The LHC hasnt found any....

  • GromitSK

    Lol whatever "any" is. I wouldn't be too pessimistic though, I'm sure the LHC isn't the last word in scientific development. :)

  • Monsieur

    This discussion, i feel, only proves the disparate disconnect between a 'concept' (existence of demons) and an absolute (cold, hard, 'palpable' evidence that CANNOT be refuted or denied by any intelligent and reasonable human mind).

    it could be akin to once attempting to prove that the sun (or earth) was/wasn't the center of the universe, and eventually man accepted whatever proof or evidence of it became recorded.

    will we one day have absolute proof of the existence of demons? hard to say. we have so far so much evidence of so many other once 'inconceivable' claims, why is this not the case with demons?

    there is still a small (very small) part in my brain that says there is a chance, but its becoming reduced more and more.

    man can be 'demonic' (murdering, hateful, abusive) there is plenty of proof of that.

  • GromitSK

    I think the difference is, in part, that one can prove for oneself that the earth isn't at the centre of the universe. One might have to learn advanced mathematics but it can be done. Also, the proof is repeatable.

    One of the problems with proving the existence of 'demons'' (or any other type of spirit) is that, as far as I know, one cannot simply decide to find one, following a method that others have used, to get the same result. At least not in a repeatable way.

    Often the experience is intensely personal and not reproducible. That doesn't mean it didn't occur, and that spirits don't exist, but it my experience is unlikely to satisfy a different person looking for proof.

    I don't see a problem with the 'concept' of demons. It's just that some don't accept there is any/sufficient evidence to make it any more than a concept.

  • Johanna0426
  • cofty

    Johanna - the source of your article is the New Oxford Review - "Dedicated to delivering sparkling prose on behalf of Holy Mother Church"

    The RCC is one of the most superstitious organisations on the planet. The made their fortune by playing with people's fears and superstitions.

  • cofty

    Here is an example of the depth of the risible and dangerous superstition that is promulgated by The Oxford Review.

    Under the heading, "Seven Degrees of Demonic Persecution", part one asserts the following medieval bullshit...

    Children may become possessed due to victimization by adults or direct curses, but they can be the easiest to liberate from the power of evil. As a result of a child’s natural innocence and immaturity, his mind, emotions, and will are usually not deeply bonded to demons; consequently, the demons are generally easy to expel as long as the victimization is not enduring or related to Satanic Ritual Abuse, as will be described below. The expulsion process requires the faith-filled participation of caring adults close to the child, and the help of professionals where possible. Children need a great deal of love, safety, and persevering prayer on the part of loving adults for complete liberation from demons. If the liberation requires multiple prayer sessions, it is important to give the child ongoing, clear explanations and solid catechesis, helping him to call upon his guardian angel and his innate sensitivity to God as a help to liberation.

    You really need to be more discerning in what sources you credit with authority.

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