Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?

by Monsieur 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ballistic

    My beliefs fall into the infinate universe theory, that we and our world exist because there was so much time and space that the probability was high for many many versions of our world to exist and we happen to be on one that is reasonably stable and there hasn't been a massive gamma ray burst in this galaxy for quite a while. But given such a diverse range of possibilites and dimensions in an infinate universe, it's actually quite suprising that we aren't affected more by unexplained phenomena, being popping out of other dimensions and such like. Somewhere there might be a world like that, and bet it's a damn scarry place.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    yes ,studied with a demon posessed person ,he could only study that much after a while he was "blinded" and always left study before the prayer ,the same with the meeting .I can't say more as I will give out my true identity but there was solid proof that he was under the influence, whether you believe it or not is not my concern

  • GromitSK

    @ray - why wouldn't a psychological explanation be equally as valid?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    The man was frail and weak was send to prison and had no chance of making it through without being someone's "whore" .The man was locked up with 8 others in the same cell and when physically challenged he started "calling" his invisible friends .The lights trurned off immediatelly ,beds staring turning around and his cell mates were beaten severely from the "invisible" friends .The guards heard screamings and cryings and when they opened the door of the cell were faced with a cell in chaos ,beds turned upside down and men crying like babies .No one touched him again ...

  • GromitSK

    Ah so this is physical objective phonemena you are relating. Did you see it yourself? If not who told you about it?

  • cofty

    Who told you these details? Was it the man who was under extreme emotional stress?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I was there ...Just because JWs have suffered nothing in recent years in USA,Britain doesn't mean that JWs in other countries haven't been in prison ...

  • raymond frantz
  • cofty

    Raymond Frantz - So are you saying you personally saw beds flying around the cell without anybody touching them and men getting beaten up with nobody hitting them? You actually saw this with your own eyes?

  • Scott77

    lol, to read to later

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