Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?

by Monsieur 418 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    Having read up on schizophrenia and oscams razor, I am not sure that a diagnosis of scizophrenia vs demonism is the simplest

    explanation. I and some others would think demon possesion is the simplest answer.

    To come to explanation of schizoprhenia one has to go thruough 8 or more years of education and indoctrination.

    to come up up with demon posession one only has to read a few verses in the bible.

    So according to Occams razor the simlest answer is demon posession.

    In that case, all of you need to read up on Occam's Razor again. You are making loads of assumptions with the demon possession answer that you are NOT making with the other.

    1. Demons are real (we know schizophrenia is)

    2. There is an invisible, un-verifiable spirit world (we know schizophrenia is real)

    3. You can tell the difference between the two (schizophrenia can be diagnosed and treated)

    4. That demons CAN posses a person (we know people can have schizophrenia)

    5. That this un-testable spirit world can interact with our realm

    That's just off the top of my head, I am sure there are others.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    The medical profession cant diagnose demons because they don't believe in them.

    They don't believe in them because they cant get them under the microscope

    or into the test tube.

    If you want medical treatment for that behavior you get Thorazine.

    But the psychological treatment would be more biblical based.

    Schizophrenia is related to environment and thinking patterns,

    Those are things Jesus and the bible could address.

  • EntirelyPossible

    The medical profession cant diagnose demons because they don't believe in them.

    Let's say I had a doctor that did believe in demons (I happen to know one, my brother in law). How would he test for, diagnose and differentiate schizophrenia from demon possession?

    But the psychological treatment would be more biblical based.

    And what would that treatment be?

    Schizophrenia is related to environment and thinking patterns, those are things Jesus and the bible could address.

    Schizophrenia has many causes. Specifically, which things could Jesus and Bible address to fix schizophrenia?

  • heathen

    right now I'm just interested in what joanna has to say . as what sir arthur conan doyle would say , once you rule out all possibilities , whatever remains must be the truth . This is a strange universe , science can only hypothesis on how it even got here .I have posted a link to some possible info , to accuse me of only wanting to convince others that they do exist is stupid since I already stated I don't care if you believe or not but want to hear the stories from the ones that experience strange phenomena . I've had alot to do with dealing with mentally ill people . I will no longer discuss what I saw or experienced . I think some of the posters on this thread should show some respect instead of carrying on like juvaniles . None of you are experts in anything and probably wash windows for a living so just keep in mind that mr. monsieur probably wanted serious discussion .

  • talesin

    Heathen, I don't know what to make of your experiences. I am a dyed-in-the-wool atheist, and skeptic, BUT I realize that we just do not know a lot of things ... who knows?

    It could be ET's who are far more advanced than we; it could be personas or entities from an holographic or alternate dimension - science teaches us to be open to anecdotal experiences. Though I am not one who believes in demons, I feel there can be other possibilities that we cannot even begin to imagine, just as the doctors of 300 years ago could not imagine what a 'virus' was ..

    Nice to 'read' you.



  • mrsjones5

    " None of you are experts in anything and probably wash windows for a living so just keep in mind that mr. monsieur probably wanted serious discussion ."

    Ouch! That would hurt if it were true for EVERYONE on this board.

  • cofty

    Heathen in what way is it juvenile to challenge superstition with intelligent questions and reasoning?

    On the other hand insulting people who disagree with your fantasies is sophomoric is it not?

  • mrsjones5

    I vote sophomoric.

  • GromitSK

    EP has raised some interesting points. I'd love to hear the answer.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    Let's say I had a doctor that did believe in demons (I happen to know one, my brother in law). How would he test for, diagnose and differentiate schizophrenia from demon possession?

    Your brother in law better just stick with conventional medicine, or risk loosing his credentials. He is a medical doctor

    and has to go by the rules and guidelines of his profession.

    Having said that, you start you diagnoses like everyone you listen to the patient describe his condition.

    In the case of the inmate I was dealing with. He had gone through many years of failed conventional treatments,

    that might be an indicator to try something different.

    We both have to much time on our hands, I'm retired I don't know what you do to be able to spend

    your days in this fashion but lets just suppose that all schizophrenia is demon possession.

    But the psychological treatment would be more biblical based.

    And what would that treatment be?

    The bible and psychology is word therapy vs medication. I don't believe all psychology or differentiate

    what degree is biblical. But it is word therapy. The bible is the Word and Jesus is the Word.

    Schizophrenia is related to environment and thinking patterns, those are things Jesus and the bible could address.

    Schizophrenia has many causes. Specifically, which things could Jesus and Bible address to fix schizophrenia?

    In the case of the inmate I was with. He watched vile things on tv. Things that were not hole-some or up-building.

    He listened to raunchy vile music. And his family life was deplorable.

    Jesus advise would for the parents to have been better more loving parents and the advice to the inmate would be

    You are as you think. If you watch vile deplorable tv shows and movies, think there is no God and life is meaningless.

    Your life will become meaningless. Also you need to get out of yourself stop being so introspective

    and start helping people

    Garbage in garbage out, if you take in wholesome thoughts, wholesome thoughts will come out.

    If you squeeze a lemon you get lemon, if you squeeze shxt you get shxt.

    Stop being a sack of shxt.

    Jesus and the bible might find a more palatable way to express the above.

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