by AuntConnie 98 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bigmac

    i really wish auntconnie were a real j-dub. they need a lot more like her. the cult would self destruct sooner rather than later.


    I think AC is just going for shock value. If you walk around dressed up in serve-us, and hand out books for billions of hours, but don't really love people... When JW's act annoyed because they have to help people, which is very common, they are acting like the Pharisees. Very few would imitate the good Samaritan. They are acting like AC says, it's just more subtle.

    I don't know why it's such an issue for some. It could just be that JW's are so burnt out themselves, they just have nothing left to give. If a JW spouse ignores their hubby or wifes needs because of burn-out, why would they help some stranger? I have helped people in the past, knowing full well that they would never set foot in a KH. That's because you should help your neighbor. Many JW's write people off because they figure they aren't going to become a dub. I guess it's a judgmental thing....

  • unstopableravens

    data: yup 1 corn 13:1-4 condemns alot not all witnesses!

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes


    Good idea wouldn't want you sitting next to an elder by mistake the evening could end up boring but be discreet with the radar thing wouldn't want to bring attention to myself while I am blessing the wine and crunching crackers and stilton. Leave it switched on during the ceremony if you like and bleep the speaker as and when you think appropriate or as the emblems pass by each individual make it bleep. If someone partakes make it sound like a metal detector that should relieve the boredom.

  • AuntConnie

    The Watchtower has repeatedly said "I want self-sacrificing people to engage in the door-to-door work." During the Summer District Assembly a brother on the program stated what the Organization feels, he said something like "A weak witness is able to drag down two to three other witnesses, even strong members of the Kingdom Hall." Do you understand why the weak are a detriment to all the good members of the Kingdom Hall? A weak person is able to drag his fellow brothers and sisters down, how many people do you know who drowned by trying to save someone drowning? They cling to you so hard, as they panick they drag you down to the bottom of the river, lake or ocean.

    The weak are alway's needing phone calls or they will complain "nobody is showing love to us!" and these same people are the last to participate during Kingdom Hall "clean ups" unless the sisters have cooked up a meal, than they will show up ten minutes before the meals are served, take extra food (we all have seen them load up three or four plates, only to lie to your face saying "I thought sister so-and-so could use this food(sister so-and-so moved out of the Kingdom Hall months ago and "brother and sister weak" would have known that if they attended Meetings more than once every two months.

    It's been my life experience, our physical appearance and conduct tell volumes about our spiritual nature. Friends who make the meetings, attend field service regularly and donate time are always the most faithful, strong and blessed financially by Jehovah. God helps those who help themselves!

  • Crisis of Conscience
  • unstopableravens

    aunt: the bible has a differnt attitute than you, paul said you who are strong should carry the weak, however sense jw is a conterfeit religion i guess that verse can not apply to you or the kingdom hall.

  • cantleave

    Unstop - Aunt Connie is being Satircal - she is no more a dub than you or I!

  • unstopableravens

    cant leave: you really think? i hope so !

  • jhine

    I'm more of a dub than AC , and I'm a Trinitarian !!! I know that doesn't make sense but you know what I mean , don't you ?

    edmond dantes can't make up my mind , are you an ex member of Monty Python ? cus I could see the evening going that way , with you declaring yourself to be Brian , the very naughty boy !

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