by AuntConnie 98 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    Lord's Evening Meal?!

    What meal? Y'all congregate on the wrong day to NOT do what Jesus instructed you to do... ie you DON'T partake. There is very little eating and drinking going on, if at all.

    But you don't have to worry about me. I have to change the tires on my jeep, wash my hair, and get to bed early as I have to work in the morning.

    Don't really understand why you waste your time inviting people if you don't want them showin' up.

    Crazy Smiley

  • Finkelstein

    Who else were you expecting to show, when this religion is proselytizing and selling the end of the world is coming soon.

    That's the purpose of religion. In fact what would any other purpose be? What good is God without some sort of change in the future.

    The teaching of a god such as Jesus Christ can be conducted to create better human social behavior and inter-actions.

    The point I was making is that apocalyptic styled religions have the propensity to draw people toward them, who are already suffering from

    mental imbalances, paranoia, insecurities etc.

  • optimusprime

    AuntConnie I do not believe that you are really a witness with the ridiculous statements that you have made. You need to do some soul searching as your comments indicate that you have truly forgotten the reason that we are out in the ministry in the first place. We should desire everyone to have an opportunity to learn about Jehovah. What you do after you learn the truth is your choice... aka free will.

    As to your comments about the Section 8 people it indicates to me that you are either classist or racist. Such a shame! You need to think before you speak or write...

    The other possibility is that AuntConnie is not even a real person which really says a lot about how low the so-called apostates, conscious Christians or whatever you guys are known as will go. Really ridiculous.

  • unstopableravens

    or it could be a jw talking stupid to make us look bad, either way, John 6(44-68) will you eat and drink tuesday?????????? read verse 51 than 53 which group are witnesses in?

  • Finkelstein

    If you read most if not all of AuntConnie's posts and comments they are full of apathetic rhetoric of examples of being very unimpassioned

    toward people who are disadvantaged in one way or the other, really dispelling notions of acting as a Christian with Christian values and virtues.

    I think most of her comments comes in as vitriol expressions of vindictiveness toward ex-jws or people who aren't as rigidly faithful or

    structured within this faith. These people she is talking about in her own assumption, are all members of this forum.

    So she's throwing dirt at members of this forum, in spite of not realizing that a large majority of the people on this forum have

    left the JW years ago and do not even attend anymore.

    So if people are wonder whats up this this woman there you have it.

    If she finds being a member of the JWS is so painful and unfulfilling then she shouldn't be a JWs and move on,

    thats just my opinion.

  • Apognophos

    It's interesting to see who can tell a Poe and who can't. Personally I think this is one of AuntConnie's best threads.

  • Finkelstein

    Disregard my last post, I've read some more AC threads now.

    Good satire and parody AuntConnie

    Very imaginative and inventive

  • steve2

    I've always read AuntConnie as providing some light-hearted parody on JW-related topics. Sometimes she hits the mark nicely (as she does in this thread in my opinion), sometimes she misses...and badly so.

    Do we need to subject her to the Interrogation Light to get to the "bottom" of her "real" intentions and motives? Do we need to ferret her out or warn others she may not be who she claims to be? Should we alert the elders so they can "assess" her? Or should we just let her be? I'm in favor of letting her be. Any seconders?

  • Finkelstein

    I second the motion

    Carry on AuntConnie

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes


    I have had a couple of reserved seats notices printed I can get there early and stick them on two chairs in the front row for us.

    Just to make it more exciting I could put reserved for Governing Body stickers along the same row and an illuminated one for Aunt Connie next to us .I have a supermarket carrier bag in which to put my own bottle of wine but could you bring a couple of plastic cups and because the official wine will not be blest I can perform a blessing over our vino in the plastic cups .I have some cheese for the crackers by the way.

    In order to be recognised I shall be the one at the front wearing a red cardinals hat and matching slippers. Maybe I should wear a nuns habit and go as a cross dresser no pun intended. What ever just look for the carrier bag under the chair.

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