Resigned being an elder

by subytrek 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    I just resigned being an elder 2 weeks ago. The letter hasn't come back yet but I can't log in to the elder portion of the jw website so I think it's official.

    Welcome, welcome. You will cherish the decision to resign. I see they are making you wait until it is official. What a joke. You can't even quit the assignment unless they approve, or so they think.

    I look forward to your input on this forum. Good day.

  • GoneAwol


  • happy@last

    Welcome here, I bet you feel a whole lot better having resigned! They didn't write back to me, they left it until the CO visit, and let him accept my resignation. I had circumstances that meant I could resign without speaking of my doubts, so just be careful in case they wait until the CO sees you first.

  • jgnat

    Welcome. I remember the rush from having a place I could share freely. My best wishes for bringing your wife with you, and for continued contact with your family.

  • Dagney

    Welcome Subytrek! Congrats on this step of your journey to freeing yourself and your family. Times will prove challenging, but the freedom is worth it. Best wishes for success with the rest of the family.

  • Emery

    Welcome subytrek!

  • cedars

    Wow subytrek, good for you! It sounds like you've had an emotional journey which isn't over yet. I admire your decision to stand down as an elder. As a former elder myself, I know that can't have been easy. I'm pleased to hear that you already have an open dialogue about your doubts with your wife. That sounds very similar to the way things were with my wife when I first woke up two years ago. She is now fully awake with me, so I hope you manage to get your wife out too. It sounds like you are already almost there, but be patient and don't push it and you will be more likely to succeed.

    Welcome to the board!


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Subytrek ...I am so thrilled...Watch Tower Society 7 1/2 million minus 1 and possibly more from this Family...Yay!

    What a way to start the day!

    I am trying not to cry. Your little Baby will be raised normal! How wonderful for all of you. I too was a born in. I have known TTATT for almost 1 year. I am 63, rebuilding my life. It can be done!

    Just Lois, so thrilled for you!

  • NoRegrets

    Hello and welcome Subytrek!

    I certainly am glad you made it here and are crafting a plan to de-tentacle yourself from the Watchtower. Since we have left, we have NEVER missed the organization! (Hence the name No Regrets! I have other regrets and of course have made many mistakes but leaving the Watchtower has never been second-guessed!)

    Consider yourself SO fortunate to have your parents that have faded (or gone on the minimum-maintenance plan as I call it) but be careful how honest you are about your doubts! Sometimes, it's best to keep the specifics to yourself for your benefit and others. Either way, I wish you all the best and hope everything goes well for you and yours!

    No Regrets

  • Londo111

    Congrats and welcome!

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