NRA Targets Obama Daughters; Limbaugh Mocks Murdered Children

by BizzyBee 246 Replies latest members politics

  • wasblind

    So you are agreeing with me. Something can be properly secured and broken into_____EP

    Mornin' LUV ,

    On the basis, if the mom used a lock and key, and properly locked it

    then I'd have to agree

    But, If it was lock and key that she used, There was a risk that this key could be found ( By a Nut )

    Which means she didn't use the proper security measures for her

    circumstance which allowed a breach

    You need to keep in mind EP,

    There are more than one type of security , the mom

    choose the wrong type . which mean the guns were not properly secured



  • EntirelyPossible

    You need to keep in mind EP, There are more than one type of security , the mom choose the wrong type . which mean the guns were not properly secured

    You are ignorant of how the guns were secured. It's very possible she may have had them lying on a bed, it's possible she had them stored in a fireproofe safe with a digital keypad, bolted to the floor with a trigger lock on every one.

    You simply are ignorant of those details and cannot say how properly or not they were secured. Any attempt to do so is mere speculation on your part.

  • wasblind

    IT seems we can't get enough of each other EP

    You are right I don't know exactly how the Mom stored the weapons

    I only know what most have concluded, and that is the Guns weren't secure ENOUGH

    And we have the end result to prove that

    As you say: " It's very possible she could have had them lying on a bed "

    Which defeats the argument you are trynna make, that she could have had them properly secured


    You jus' whooped your own ass EP




  • BizzyBee

    Because this kind of stuff happens pretty much every day........not big news anymore....
    No, it doesn't, actually.

    270 guns injuries per day, 87 deaths.

    Right. Then let's regulate guns as stringently as we regulate cars.

  • EntirelyPossible

    270 guns injuries per day, 87 deaths.

    At gun shows? No...

    Right. Then let's regulate guns as stringently as we regulate cars.

    Sweet. I don't need a license to own a car OR a gun. I can own a car w/o insurance, same as a gun. I have a license for both. Both are under security systems. It's illegal to use either while intoxicated.

    Of course, I am in favor of regulating the sales of guns between private sellers via background checks, something we currently don't do for cars. In fact, you don't have to do ANY kind of background check on someone you are selling a car to. If I buy a car from a dealer, I don't have to to get a background check.

    So, unless you didn't really think this through, it sounds like you want to remove background checks for guns, which is a horrible idea.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Which defeats the argument you are trynna make, that she could have had them properly secured

    You jus' whooped your own ass EP

    Don't be silly. I am saying you are ignorant of how they were secured, which is still true. I am ALSO ignorant of how they were secured. The difference being you are trying to make silly claims like "unbreachable is the same as secured" and make claims about security that you can't know. IOW, I admit we are both ignorant, you just make stuff up and run with it until you get caught, then try to claim something else is what you meant, usually the something else being just as ignorant and wrong as the first thing you said.

  • DaCheech

    As long as you're sane, and not a criminal..............-->I don't see the problem of gun sales!

    Liberal minded newspapers are already putting people's lives on the line, by publishing gun owner's info!

  • EntirelyPossible

    So, you know what we need? Every last one of Obama's executive orders enforced. We need mandatory training for both cars and guns. We need to quit submitting to the will of the auto-industry and set limits to jack fuel efficiency through the roof, invest heavily in continued research into sustainable fuel and energy for transportation, invest in smart-gun technology research, better tracking of spent cartridges to the gun that fired it, gatling archery technology (we already have gatling potato guns, this is a logical next step and would be seriously cool). I have no problem with limiting magazine size to 10 rounds, we need general firearms education so people know the difference between my super-accurate, super powerful, long distance browning 7MM rem mag and my scary looking, less accurate, shorter range AK so that, when they try to talk about guns, they know what they are talking about. We need to teach critical thinking skills starting in kindergarten.

  • wasblind

    you just make stuff up and run with it until you get caught, then try to claim something else is what you meant, usually the something else being just as ignorant and wrong as the first thing you said.____EP

    MY darlin' I, can't get enough of your love babe

    _______Barry White

    Hey EP, are you surprised by the accident that happened at the gun show ?

    In the other thread started by James , You stated that you never knew

    of any unintentional killin' by a gun

    I'm glad no one died in this case. It would have been the first

    unintentional killin' you ever heard of.


  • EntirelyPossible

    You stated that you never knew of any unintentional murders by a gun

    That's not at all what I said.

    **Edited to reflect wasblinds edit**

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