I thought that in Daniel 7 it talks of the 'son of man' gaining access to God.
Does it? If so, then 1) which scripture and 2) what is the relavance?
by Perry 229 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought that in Daniel 7 it talks of the 'son of man' gaining access to God.
Does it? If so, then 1) which scripture and 2) what is the relavance?
Pterist - If you are going to insult me don't put shalom at the end of your post - its hypocritical.
Ucant- Check out what a Jew understands 'son of man' to mean.
**** Pterist - If you are going to insult me don't put shalom at the end of your post - its hypocritcal.****
Insults....come on, don't be silly, Can I borrow your defination of insults "dispassionate factual statements" or words to that effect.
Does it? If so, then 1) which scripture and 2) what is the relavance
1)I can't remember.
2)Well this someone like the son of man accesses God in heaven and recieves a kingdom and then Christ identified himself as the Son of Man. Do you remember?
pt : i will, just take comfort in ur belief!
Ucant- Check out what a Jew understands 'son of man' to mean
I think its entirely possible that the Jews viewed it differently
Insults....come on, don't be silly - Pterist
"don't be angry at a God"
"You seem to have a reading or compression (sic) problem, "
"You remind me of an elder that was in my congragation with your arrogant attitude. "
"throwing perls before swine"
Why can't you stick to the point and stop ascribing bad motives to somebody who disagrees with you?
Cofty *** Those who had the integrity to say that the answers didn't add up were called apostates and prideful and arrogant and mentally diseased etc.***
Thats one thing we agree on and shared that same humiliation !
Ucant- Remember that dozens of Jews have identified themselves as the Messiah and all died which is the ultimate test for not being the Messiah (Jesus included).