non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • perfect1

    No Stonecutters, I dont disagree with you, AND I dont see the irony.

  • mrsjones5

    Well I got nothing for that. I do realize that for some it's difficult to communication the goings on in one's own mind. It's not like I've never had that problem myself. What I'm trying to communicate to you is folks' non belief seems to be something that concerns and worries you even though the non believers on ths thread really don't see why it shoud disturb you so (maybe some do but I'm one who doesn't). I'm certainly not disturbed by it, just as I'm really not disturbed by folks believing in the sky god. I have very dear friends that do but I don't go running around telling them that there's something wrong with them. It's frankly none of my business.

  • perfect1

    Satanus said, 23 hours ago:


    I never said that chritsianity is occult. I said that it's magic. It's practioners seek to change the mind of god through prayers and sacrifices. The greatest sacrifice was for the purpose of changing the mind of god. It was the jesus sacrifice. Christians continuously hark back to that, basing all their prayers on that human sacrifice. How many of those you label satanist use human sacrifice? As well, catholics invoke a multitude of saints, including mary mother of jesus for intersession w god. Is that not magic?


  • NoStonecutters


    We just deny the existence of that ruler.

    I know. And that's why you couldn't answer my simple question about a month back asking atheists by which standard they determine their supposed morality.

  • EntirelyPossible

    And that's why you couldn't answer my simple question about a month back asking atheists by which standard they determine their supposed morality.

    Oh, look, a judgey Christian. Never seen one of those before.

    By the standards of treating people decently and like equals. Why, what are YOUR standards?

  • NoStonecutters

    Entirely, where does the standard of "treating people decently and like equals" come from?

  • Satanus

    ' by which standard they determine their supposed morality.'

    Simple answer: empathy. Even some animals have demonstrated that they have this. Scientists have proven it. It is basically a model of the other that the brain makes, and then feels what they feel. No god or bible or priest needed.


  • perfect1

    last post on wrong thread. Sorry people.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Entirely, where does the standard of "treating people decently and like equals" come from?

    From empathy, the Babylonian principle of treating others as we would like to be treated and ignoring hateful, spiteful, rape and slave happy gods.

  • NoStonecutters

    Entirely, fortunately for you, Satanus bailed you out. Fine, but do you think empathy alone can account for all the guilt in the world as well as be the determining factor drive people to do what is moral?

    perfect, I was going to say...I think you meant to post that on the other thread.

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