non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    How many religions are there?

    On pure mathematics alone you almost definitely have the wrong religion.

    Even if bible god exists I wouldn't demean myself to worship him/her anyway.

  • Lozhasleft

    As a believer, the thing I respect about non believers as you refer to them Unstoppableravens, is their honesty. They don't pretend to worship a god, they don't impersonate believers when it's suits them. Here in the UK when the circumstances require it, out come a bunch of people who attend the C of E special services/traditions etc so as to look very moral and middle class in our society. It really is so hypocritical. The same people, in their everyday lives freely admit to not believing really, but they put on a 'show' for some sort of social acceptance. It's not for fear of losing family etc, its simply for image. I find that pretty despicable. Give the the atheist any day, who has the courage of their convictions, and is prepared to stand up for them, and doesn't pretend at all.

    My opinion, for what it's worth, is that any loving god would far prefer to deal with a decent person who is honest about their opinions and feelings than a hypocrite. The damage that religion has done throughout history is responsible for turning so many away from a creator. I believe that at the end of the day this will be taken into consideration. And anyway, as a believer, there is no guarantee that I or any other believer is getting it so right, is there?

    Loz x

    Edit to say I should say that Cof E aren't the only ones guilty of this by any means, perhaps they're just more visible.

  • unstopableravens

    thats the thing its not religion im talking about religion is man made. i simply talking about a creator. the wt says the all of us here are not going to be resurrected and that is same thing that non believers (believe) .no hope at all!

  • mrsjones5

    Not believing there's a god does not equate to hopeless.

  • Lozhasleft

    Yea but we know that the corrupt WTBS .has no authority to make such judgements, don't we? They just keep people ensnared by fear and legalistic burdens, and we know what Jesus thought about that sort of system.

    Loz x

  • bohm

    You won me over with your argument, now i only need to ask the local church if their religion is man-made and i will know if they are good?

  • unstopableravens

    loz yes i agree and i have said many times i do have respect for all people , i am only discussing this bacause i care what happens to ppl and yes i hate hypocrites as well thats why the jws hyporicy is so bad because it destroys familys including mine!

  • bohm

    Btw they are called hare-something. Wonder how they will answer...

  • NewChapter

    no hope at all!

    It just depends on what you think is hopeful. As an atheist, I don't find it hopeful to dwell on the idea of an afterlife if it is not a reality. This is not about going with the best bid, you know. It's about what is, what is possible, and what we can accept. You can offer me streets paved in gold, or you can offer me luxurious naps on a cloud, but if you can't produce those things, then there is still no hope of it---only a false hope that will lead to disappointment.

    I have a lot of hope, but I hope in things that are real and can be achieved. I don't wast my time chasing rainbows. I focus on where real progress can be made.

  • PSacramento
    I have a lot of hope, but I hope in things that are real and can be achieved. I don't wast my time chasing rainbows. I focus on where real progress can be made.

    That almost seems to imply that believers do otherwise...yes?

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