non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    My understanding is just as correct as your understanding.

    If our understandings are in conflict, then either we are both as incorrect as one another, or one of us is correct, and the other incorrect.

    But I asked where you get your understanding. Who (or what) is teaching you?

    I often passed on the bread and wine ritual in church. It never made sense to me, and seemed very foreign to the entire concept of Christianity. The times I did partake, it meant nothing to me. There was no connection to Christ in doing so. I fluctuated. Sometimes I just did it for the connection to others, but it was never anything that ever made sense to me. Or I just passed. It felt very unchristian.

    In church okay... but I asked about the WTS.

    It never meant anything to me on the few occasions I had been in a church during that time, before, either. It was just a meaningless ritual to me; I had no understanding at all on this; and I really had no understanding of the spirit behind it.



  • unstopableravens

    i understand what ur saying new chapter .

  • tec

    What does jesus do w those who don't want him to be their king?

    I must differ a bit from Paul (Psac... not paul, formerly saul) in my understanding here. The people who reject Him are not 'punished'

    If some do not want him to be their king, then he is not their king, and they are not entering His Kingdom. Since they are not subjects of His kingdom, they do not partake of the things within that Kingdom.

    You can't jump into someone's kingdom and say 'screw you, you aren't my king - I reject you - but I am going to take all the things that come with being part of your kingdom, even taking from those who are subjects of your kingdom. I'm going to take them for myself, and I'm going to do things around here MY way.'

    (In this case... the thing to 'take' being Life, in the spirit.)



  • tec

    Christ asks/commands Us to love each other as He loved Us ( He died for us so that is a pretty awesome love), He tells us to not judge others, to love and pray for our enemies, to give of ourselves for others, to care for those in need, those that are sick, etc, etc
    Now, to reject CHrist is to reject ALL that, so I ask, why would you?

    Now this, i agree with :)

    Those who reject Christ... but who embrace all that he taught... are probably only rejecting the lie that some have taught about Christ.



  • NewChapter

    If our understandings are in conflict, then either we are both as incorrect as one another, or one of us is correct, and the other incorrect.

    I will save this comment. I think that I am correct and you are incorrect. Your understanding of the spirit behind the ritual is incorrect. I passed in the WT, but just pointing out that it was not a big deal to me. I simply didn't delve into the reasons that some would partake and some did not partake, because it never made any sense to me anyway. Since I only partook because of social pressure, the times that I did, it was no big deal for me to not partake as a JW. In fact, it was quite comfortable and natural for me. So I was not 'refusing' because of the WT teachings---it had never been my gig anyway. And it wasn't Christ's either.

    Who taught me that? Christ. I only need to look at his personality and teachings and even his style to see this clearly. Christ would never institute a cannabalistic ritual. He may have spoke of Manna from Heaven, but that was something everyone could understand quite readily. He was the Word. Partaking of him is following his word. Just like when he used slavery in parable---he would never actually have slaves. So he may have used manna as parable, but he never would have actually expected us to pretend we were eating and drinking his flesh and blood.

  • NewChapter

    I must differ a bit from Paul (Psac... not paul, formerly saul) in my understanding here. The people who reject Him are not 'punished'

    You are not differing a bit. Your conclusions are completely in conflict. In that case, either you are both wrong, or one of you is right. Which one is it?

  • NewChapter

    double post

  • cofty

    Now, to reject CHrist is to reject ALL that, so I ask, why would you?

    I love others as much as any christian.

    I reject christ in full knowledge of the gospel. Jesus is a pile of dust in an ancient tomb. The idea of him dying for my so-called sins is repugnant.

    So where do you suppose that leaves me?

    Those that reject Christ will be punished.

    That is the sort of fear-mongering that makes bible-believing christianity a cult.

  • tec

    Since I only partook because of social pressure, the times that I did, it was no big deal for me to not partake as a JW. In fact, it was quite comfortable and natural for me. So I was not 'refusing' because of the WT teachings---it had never been my gig anyway.

    LOL... well that was a long route to get to your answer.

    Christ would never institute a cannabalistic ritual.

    Well, we agree on this.

    To eat of Him is a spiritual teaching... becasue HE is the true bread of life.

    If one does not understand the meaning behind it, then one should go to Him, and ask HIM to explain what He meant. Those who left Him thought he spoke of cannabilsm - words of the flesh. Those who remained with Him trusted Him. Their faith was in Him. So perhaps they knew what he meant... or perhaps they knew that they could remain and ask Him - the Teacher - to explain it to them more, because they knew that He had the words of eternal life. Instead of just leaving because of what they thought he meant.

    He was the Word.

    He IS the Word.

    But hey, if you are now putting your faith in Christ, following Him and asking Him to guide you... then great. He is the teacher, after all. Not just from words in a book, but in spirit, in life... here and now. Alive.



  • tec

    You are not differing a bit. Your conclusions are completely in conflict. In that case, either you are both wrong, or one of you is right. Which one is it?

    Why are you asking me?



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