How do I hear/feel God?

by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    FFS! <=======

    Did I mention I absolutely LOVE this? LOL

  • transhuman68

    It's just a game... like this thread is the most important thing in the world... lol! Everybody takes their position, and plays their part- if you don't like it, don't play heh heh heh.

  • jamesmahon

    I have been wondering why AG irks me so. I have had ding dongs with others on this board but they don't raise my hackles the way she does.

    Could be that she has a divine message and I am just closed off to hearing and it is my inner self getting angry with my own ignorance.

    But what I think it really is that I find it hard to even begin to relate to someone who thinks they talk to the lord in a direct personal way and thinks they see dragons. It would be like having a conversation with David Icke. You know, he comes across as a really pleasant guy. But he thinks that we are being ruled by a bunch of lizard people. And thinks everyone else is just sticking their heads in the sand for not believing him. It would make small talk hard and everytime he tried to bring it up in the conversation I would be thinking "either your a liar, mentally ill or a charlotan. Two of those make me angry and one makes me sorry for you". Either way, if you don't argue against these people then the darkness they have spreads.

    Whilst it may not be darkness for AG and a couple of others, like any faith based view of the world there will be some that get dragged in and it destroys them. I can see it in this case because someone will believe her and not see spirits, not hear the lord's voice, not be able to interpret her metaphors - and think regardless of what AG trys to tell them that they are not good enough. If what she believes is true then she does not need to share it with anyone as the lord will surely find his sheep. So really, she should have answered the OP:

    "I believe I hear the Lord. I think that to do this you first have to worship Christ. Although why some people hear his voice and some don't I could not say. That is just one of the many mysteries of faith and you should not take it as meaning that Jesus does not love you less. In my experience I perhaps needed the lord to speak to me because I am not an inherently good person and he needed to firmly put me on the right path (AG admitted to this so no insult intended). Maybe if you are good of heart and doing his will he saves his voice until you are with him in his kingdom in heaven."

    Do you see the difference? Now, I and other posters might still disagree, but the whole tone is more humble and less "I have the answer. If you follow this convoluted set of metaphors then god will speak to you. You don't understand, well the mystery is shared to some (ie me) and not others. Spend your days interpreting my words and you will be fine". I somehow think if there was a god he would be slightly less obtruse. Anyway, I digress. People would not be on her back in the same way.

    And before we get all up in arms about everyone has a free choice - I wonder how many of the people who converted to JWs on this board would have done so if at the same time they were having a study there was someone sat in the room pointing out the fallacys in what was being said? Which is why so many of us 'jump on' AG when she presents her view of the world. Contrary to what others (or who knows, maybe no one) may think I believe that this is really healthy for the board. Sharpens people's minds and views. If there are a few bloody noses along the way so be it.

    So I guess I am already biased against AG in the same way that we are all biased against people one way or another - for their political and economic beliefs for example. This, coupled with her posting style: full stops everywhere implying she is talking slowly so you can all understand, 'peace' and 'dear' which are patronising whether she means it or not (I wish everyone peace without having to say it every five minutes), means that when she says something that sounds nasty she is not given any quarter. But I think she has to accept that. As someone else has said most of us don't know her, we only know her posts as that little yellow blob. And it is the little yellow blob to whom I am directing my posts.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just trying to get back on track:

    Not all of them are faking it (as some Governing Body members must be doing). With Christianity, it seems that most everyone will tell you that you have to believe that it will happen before it will happen. They might phrase it as "You must first kiss the son" or "You must first accept that Jesus died for your sins" or "You must have full faith first" or whatever. But that just leads to people believing that they should hear/feel God's presence, therefore they must have. It can lead to a slippery slope of allowing one's own mind/imagination to fill in for God/Holy Spirit/Christ/Jah.

    So here's a video that demonstrates what I said above. All you have to do is acknowledge that you already hear this voice in your life and you will know that you really do "hear" it and will start to hear it in new and different ways:

  • elderelite

    I dont care about being on track :-)

    So because i get lost... Tammy are you saying "see shelby has supports who like her so its not her, its her detractors who are wrong"? Cause.... Even hitler had supporters (hehehe! I got to bring in hitler)

    Support isnt the issue. Its whether her attacks in the name of god are morally defensiable. To call someone a drunk and say its ok cause god said it.... Rediculous. She dosent even believe in god! She has admitted she dosent believe in Thor! The whole thing is silly.

    But it is telling that no matter what she says or does some run to her defense.... Just like dubbies to the tower.

    (heheheh!!! I tied in hitler and the wt! EE wins!!!)

  • NewChapter
    heheheh!!! I tied in hitler and the wt! EE wins!!!)

  • tec

    So because i get lost... Tammy are you saying "see shelby has supports who like her so its not her, its her detractors who are wrong"? Cause.... Even

    hitler had supporters (hehehe! I got to bring in hitler)

    Other people supporting Shelby kind of refutes people saying that I can only be agreeing with her because I am biased, or a Shelby follower, or whatever else gets said and implied.

    Because that is what NC was implying.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Other people supporting Shelby kind of refutes people saying that I can only be agreeing with her because I am biased, or a Shelby follower, or whatever else gets said and implied.

    No, it doesn't refute that at all. It is very true that, despite what she says, you ALWAYS defend her and NEVER call her out. It's a 100% one way street for you. What others do is not relevant to YOU. This is not a discussion where you ask Kid 1 why he left the milk out and the first thing he says is "Kid 2 left the toilet seat up!".

    What the others do doesn't have any real relation to what you do.

    I am asking you directly, and you know what I think of you from our emails, why do you do that? Why do you always defend Shelby no matter what she says and never ever call her out on it? Why does your compassion and reason only go one direction?

  • EntirelyPossible

    There are many types of ships, but there is only one sea. Shelby is the veteran sailor and you could learn a lot from her, but she can only teach you on the open sea.

    1) there are actually many seas, all with different sailing characteristics

    2) I have yet to see this experience, what is it?

  • NewChapter

    Because that is what NC was implying.

    I'm not implying anything Tec. I am saying some things. Shelby called me damaged, and indicated this happened in my childhood. She took that post, which I offered in the spirit of understanding and healing, about my view of most apologies, and turned it into a narrative that I was UNABLE to accept apologies, OR peace in my life. She repeatedly called me silly, and told me I did not hold my own opinions. Then she used this reworked information as a weapon, which was not relevant to the discussion, and she lobbed it at me.

    I was sarcastically shocked that you or others didn't pipe up and say it was out of line. I mean afterall, you are the ones who are unbiased and interested only in doing the right thing. You are always at the ready to defend other believers, while claiming it has nothing to do with belief. Not so much the nonbelievers though. Then you pop on and tell AG that there are those that would find fault in what she said, no matter what, because she is a believer. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she called me damaged and silly, that she took something personal and used it gleefully in her attack, that she repeatedly called another poster an alcoholic and indicated he was miserable in his life, that she made up some anger issues on another poster and proceeded to discuss them as though they are fact.

    What I am not implying, but saying, is that as much as you pretend to be unbiased, you have different standards for people according to their relationship with Christ. And those standards will not be bent for anything---not history, friendship, repulsiveness, nothing. And I think you have proven that here. I gave you a chance to not just scold any who would have a problem with AG, but to address some of the things that AG has done that most would consider inappropriate. You will not do that. You will only defend her. She is your sister in Christ. You could just admit it, you know. We are all biased at times. But you deny it. Therefore I pointed it out----again.


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