Rick Fearon should apologise for accusing faders of being cowards

by cedars 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    Whats that freaking need of people calling for apologies? Does that make you feel better?

  • cedars

    Here we go, cyber-"axe-to-grind"-jesus is on the case...


  • ziddina
    "I welcome you to this forum and please do not let a few disgruntled Jehovah's Witnesses discourage you from posting on here.
    It is sad that you have to make your first post in a thread that is so hostile.
    Please ignore those using foul language and those acting immature using insulting remarks, these handful of posters are bringing reproach upon this forum and please do not let them stop you from continuing to post. ...." koolaide man aka Rick Fearon

    Goooooood grief....

    He's talking as though this is HIS board...

    What arrogance....

  • cedars

    Zid - as always, you're perfectly right.

    Rick Fearon looks and sounds nothing like the person who owns this board. He isn't wearing a dragon suit for starters...!!


  • ziddina

    Whoa whoa whoa....

    We dragons tend to be a bit irresponsible.... "Flighty"...

    I may stomp around on this board and huff and puff, but I don't "own" it either - even though I'm sometimes delusional enough to fantasize that I do...

  • koolaid-man

    Can we now hear from ones that are not in the Rainbow alliance? ..... " Birds of a feather flock together"

  • cedars

    Rick, what the hell are you talking about?

    And why won't you answer my simple question?

    WHO is the "jealous internet radio personality"???


  • slimboyfat

    I'm a jealous radio personality. Now who is going to apologise to me?

  • cedars

    slimboyfat - right now I'm resigned to the fact that Rick is too proud and haughty to apologize - in fact he'd rather just keep adding to the things he needs to apologize for as an act of defiance.

    The least he can do is answer a simple question in clarification of his own comments. The fact that he refuses to demonstrates who the real coward is. If he's too frightened to tell us what he means, then he shouldn't be saying it in the first place. In other words, he should put his money where his mouth is rather than sounding off all the time.

    And what the "rainbow alliance" has to do with this, I have no idea. I think he's lost it (assuming he had "it" in the first place). Or maybe he's projecting his own insecurities?? Now there's a thought...


  • slimboyfat

    I am trying to say I think you are wasting your time.

    I don't know what the rainbow alliance is but he has expressed what could be construed as anti-gay sentiments in the past, and it has connotations in that direction.

    It's probably intentionally menacingly ambiguous but ultimately meaningless, like the whole thing really.

    I am not sure what you are trying to acheive telling him to apologise. That seems a waste of time to me.

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