Further proof of no real message in OCCUPY

by free2beme 229 Replies latest jw friends

  • drewcoul
    Do you read newspapers? Magazines? Weblogs? Watch TV? Watch YouTube? Dare I say......BOOKS? Talk to other humans? Ever get out of the house? Or your parent's basement?
    I cannot educate you from the ground up on this website. However, if you are serious, I would be glad to supply you with a reading list. But.........................YOU yourself have to prove your thirst for knowledge by doing the work of actually reading!

    Bizzy, you vitriolic, insulting, self-righteous, judgemental, close minded, envious, yet ignorant snob:

    FYI- I am educated, I paid for my own college degree at a private university. My father is dead, and my mother lives two hours away, so no, I don't live in my parent's basement. I formerly thought you were a decent person, although I felt you were wrong on issues.

    The fact is you posted on a previous thread concerning tea parties and posted a picture of someone with a poster depicting the holocaust. You wanted to know where the outrage was. I asked you why you don't demonstrate outrage at the anti-semitic things being said at the OWS movement. You said nothing except that there's fringe groups everytime there is a large gathering. You have not addressed the insconistency of wanting tea partiers to show outrage, but not demanding the same of OWS supporters.

    I do not need you to educate me. I'm quite certain my education is equal to or superior to yours. I work for a living and have my own family. I am nearly 40 years old and do not need a bitter person like you to attempt to insult me. I am laughing by the way. You obviously do not have a clue about me, who I am, what I do, or who I do business with.

  • designs

    laissez faire capitalism v compassionate and fair/honest business dealings

    Somewhere 26 pages deep on Loan Docs in legal-eze so oblique it would give your 10th Grade English Teacher a nose bleed was the paragraph that said 'YOU'RE SCREWED".

  • BizzyBee
    Let the big banks fail, if they can't manage their affairs. Let the automotive companies close if they can't manage their comanies in today's business climate. Free market capitalism will allow some comanies fail on their own. It will also allow other companies to succeed. All without government intervention. Consumers will get what they want, and the cream will rise to the top.

    Ahhh....the 'invisible hand' at work? We are about 50 years beyond that myth, drew. Try to keep up.

    Government has a role - which may have been abdicated at times - but it is up to us citizens to keep government honest and not give up. Democracy is messy - defecating in the streets is the least of it. Get over it, because true democracy is worth it. Always has been.

    You ain't seen nothing yet.

  • drewcoul
  • designs

    tsk tsk drew, getting yourself on camera as a maoist.

  • drewcoul

    LOL @ Designs: Did you like my shirt?

  • designs

    I did I did, I have one just like it

  • Berengaria
    I do not need you to educate me.

    Well someone does. It appears you've been unable to do it yourself.

    I'm quite certain my education is equal to or superior to yours.


  • Berengaria

    “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.”

    Mark Twain (supposedly)
  • 144001
    My values, what I believe is right, does not change according to my own interests or comfort. I've been dirt poor, and I've been very comfortable. My values aren't based on my own selfish interests. I was not one of those JW's who only did what I thought was right at the time because of the fear of the grave, or the reward of the new system. I am disgusted by those who live that way.

    Talk is cheap. The anonymity of the internet encourages boasts of altruism, machismo, and other personal attributes that are rarely corroborated. I continue to believe that if the "Occupy" protestors were shitting on your doorstep, you'd be the first person to call for help from law enforcement.

    Get a grip on what's at stake here.

    Get a grip on reality. The "Occupy"movement has accomplished nothing, other than to elicit condemnation from right wingers. The executive orders recently signed by Obummer are politically motivated, and are not motivated by fear of the "Occupy" movement.

    144,000, I withdraw my earlier comment ,,, I really care not what you think. You don't like protestors? Then move to Syria or some other police state. -- Talesin

    It's rather ironic that your statement above is almost identical to the statements of rednecks who hated the Vietnam War protestors and created the slogan, "America, love it or leave it." Congratulations! You have established yourself as one of their peers.

    As for your rude and entirely unwarranted and unsolicited comment regarding what you think of my thoughts, thank you for exposing your true character and personality to me. I won't respond in kind, but I've definitely lost respect for you.

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