The Christian Onslaught

by satinka 205 Replies latest jw friends

  • satinka

    Terra Incognita wrote:

    >it's my belief that most proselytizing, religious or otherwise, is a form of territorial expansion.

    Are you saying they think there are not enough Christians in the world? What would happen if they killed off all the non-Christians...then to whom would they preach? Better yet, who would listen? Since each has that sense of superiority we see prominently displayed here on the forum.

    >they will like canvass everyone in sight like salesmen do.

    Hmmmm...selling religion. Another similarity to the JWs...*shudder*

    >Why does anyone think he is more special than others?

    Not everyone thinks they are more special than someone else. This appears to be a phenomenon peculiar to religious fanatics. It's like ...when they speak, god speaks ...and they can do no wrong...say no's pure gospel! No one is allowed to say NO! or question, because the voice of god speaks through them. NOT! There are people on this forum who think they are channeling! They put themselves above us mere humans by professing doing that. I find that especially objectionable. I, like mostly anyone on this forum, just tries to be a better human...and along comes this "Christian" who tells us we are wrong to think or feel a certain way. Then their friends jump in and compound the issue. Anything that does not sound to them like a "Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir" is just unacceptable! How insulting! We are just trying to find a voice and a space where we feel we "belong" and receive some validation from others like ourselves...and along comes these judgmental super-fine apostle "Christians" who in effect step on us when we are feeling vulnerable. And they think they are "healers"??? They don't know the first thing about psychology, just like the JW elders. Ooops, another similarity to the JWs! All they know how to do is spew bible text. Like that does any good!

    >If they believe that only they have authenticity, as in your last question, then it's obvious that we are inauthentic. Would you respect someone whom you believe is inauthentic?

    What I hear you saying is... because they automatically think we are in-authentic, and they are so obviously can they respect us? I am embarrassed to admit I had this superior type of attitude as a JW. Another similarity to the JWs. No wonder no one listened to me at the doors. After all, people know when they are being dis-respected. They feel it. They hear it in our voice, etc. Guess I would have been wise to leave the JWs wa-a-a-a-y earlier than I did. Unfortunately, I was conditioned to keep preachin'
    by rote lo-o-o-o-ng after it was no longer in my heart to be out there knockin' on doors.

    >You see, as an atheist, I really don't care what you believe in. Go ahead and believe in Fairies for all I care. However, if those "Fairies" start whispering in your ear: "Pssst. You see that guy over there? He's inferior because he doesn't believe in us. He might even die a brutal death if he doesn't start believing", that's when I get pissed. And it gets me in trouble.

    I don't know where I stand right now. I am in an exploratory stage, going to school and doing a lot of reading and studying. I have been lied to and betrayed by religion. I understand why people go in all differing directions after leaving the JWs. After all, we aren't robots. Our life experiences lead us to where we need to be. It's not for some stranger on a forum to start dictating where we "should" go or what we "should" do next. That might fit their life...not mine! The hell & damnation and Armageddon stuff gets spewed by all religions and it is truly sickening. Another similarity to the JWs---big turnoff.

    >they go off topic or focus on the most trivial point of my argument and ignore the rest. ...when it's time for them to give their second rebuttal they either fail to respond or engage in more of the usual dodging.

    I have noticed that. I, too, have asked questions only to be ignored. Guess it touched one of their buttons. Same with JWs who come a-trollin'.

    >...then Simon gets angry

    ...I appreciate hearing you break down the process of communicating with these super-fines. And I am grateful that Simon has been patient with forum members. After all, we are supposedly adults and can think and act on our own within the forum rules. And I think for the most part the group is well-behaved...for the most part. Thanks for spending all that time explaining your strategies and reasonings. It's wa-a-a-a-y helpful to hear. Also, in a peculiar kind of way, it validates my venting!

    Satanus wrote:

    The funnest though, is when christians start ripping eachother;)

    *Goes for I can watch the Christians rip each other to shreds.* Who to cheer for, though...

    But seriously, the kind of Christians I am refering to are the evangelical Christians promoting themselves as of late. There is another kind... much more "moderate" thankfully. I don't want to paint all with the same brush. That would not be fair.

    And I appreciate hearing from other forum members who are experiencing similar things that I am feeling. When I first noticed this happening, I thought maybe it was just me being too sensitive. But I see now..I am not alone . And I appreciate the validation.


  • InterestedOne

    Satinka - Here's one more validation. Also, this is my first time hearing the word "superfine," and I think it sums up the situation well. Is that JW slang, like how they use the word "fine" all the time?

  • satinka

    Sifting through my cobwebs...The expression "superfine apostles" is used at 2 Corinthians 11:5, at least in the JW bible. If I recall correctly, the Apostle Paul was expressing concern because of certain members of the congregation that were putting on a show of being overly zealous, but were actually the cause of stumbling. The "showiness" was causing problems for Paul, so he was addressing the problem. I don't know what other Bibles say, and I don't know what other religions believe this scripture means. And quite frankly, I don't care. But, I do remember a Watchtower study from years ago that addressed the scripture. Perhaps someone with references could help dig up the article. I no longer have JW publications. I threw them all away in the year 2000 when I left the WT religion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I figure Paul was using the expression in a sarcastic way to get his point across.

    Any ex-jws care to address this further...?


  • InterestedOne

    Ha ha. I just looked up that verse in the JW bible. Superfine. That is funny.

  • godrulz

    I have loved Jesus and JWs since 1978. I am not targeting vulnerable people, just valuable ones in the image of God. I am an ambassador for Christ sent by Him into all the world to reach all ethnos/people groups with the gospel. Those in the kingdom of the cults or leaving them need Jesus as much as atheists do. All have a right to hear and reject/receive the gospel, the power of God.

    The Spirit is sending us here, but typical JWs will think it is an evil spirit because they are afraid of everything and anything and lack discernment.

    I just watched Ann Coulter. I hope I am not perceived as the Ann Coulter of JWN?!

  • trevor

    The Christian proper gander is equally matched by atheistic rhetoric. The two warring factions balance each other out.

    Personally, I find it entertaining to read about both sides of the great divide. The battles are great fun, though my desire to comment has diminished.

    Peace to you all

    A slave of life who won his freedom.

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Godrulz: "I just watched Ann Coulter. I hope I am not perceived as the Ann Coulter of JWN?!"

    Oh my God, no! That honor goes to Alice in Wonderland. You have a long ways to go God, before you reach sink to their level.

  • the prisoner No 6
    the prisoner No 6

    @ godrulz If i didnt know you any better id think you were taking the piss, JESUS SENT YOU, your delusional man,are you drunk ? I used to believe i was directed by angels, as i went door to door Watchtower told us we were being directed by angels to find deserving ones, HOW INSANE IS THAT !!! and I believed them, now of course I realise I was a complete dickhead, DO YOU really think in your wildest dreams, that existing or ex JW,s, could possibly buy into that,JESUS WANTS ME FOR A SUNBEAM STUFF ?????

  • cofty

    I agree with the OP.

    On the other hand being able to publicly debate the content of what christians want the rest of us to beleive demonstrates how hollow it is.

  • godrulz

    no 6 JWs may have a human-driven agenda and even demonic empowering (given their history and doctrine of demons). Children of God are led by the Spirit of God. Just as the Spirit lead Jesus to talk to the woman at the well (must needs go through Samaria even though it was the longer route), so He (not it) can direct believers to those with open hearts. Apart from that, we can make our own divine appointments by impartially going to all men based on our marching orders in the Great Commission. I obey God, not man. If I have knowledge about Muslims, I can go out of my way to reach them. Even if I don't, I still have obligation to share Jesus with all men (matter of effective or not). Many JWs will complain that the WT misled them and God did not try to reach them. This will not wash because of personal responsibility with Scripture (vs blindly trust men in NY who have been proven to be wrong many times), the number of Christians who have tried to reason from Scripture with them, and the internet (which is full of sound material to bring the WT and Mormonism down to a thinking, objective person vs indoctrinated one who cannot look at all sides). Jim Jones is culpable, but so are the former believers who followed him despite him claiming to be God and throwing the Bible across the church since they were to listen to him, not it?!

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