Ouija Board Hysteria

by Megachusen 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    AK - Do you believe in wicked spirits? Genuine Question

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I had one when I was a kid, at least until my Aunt brought over an Awake article about them. My mom decided to throw it out. My friend who I was playing it with, goes and buys one and my mom hands his mother the article. She throws it out also. I had read the article and it seemed crazy because the thing did not work. Much a do about nothing

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Look back at my 9000 posts here. I am not an advocate of 'spirits'. I consider myself agnostic in fact. I have never had such experiences myself.

    My sister has had some. My brother had others. None of them directly involved with a Ouija board.

    The ones I relate here were, at least anecdotally, related to that game.

    I just speak what I know about. My sister and brother were not liars. I can't explain the white shadowy figure she saw repeatedly in her bedroom, or the reason that my brother's bed shook so hard that he fell out one night. Still, they had no reason to create fantasies of this nature. My sister would sometimes sleep out in the car rather than face her bedroom.

    I seek not to convince anyone. The thread creator raised these questions. I just answered. And for your infomation, Lilith, I have never smoked any sort of drugs.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't know, cantleave.

    I don't want to, actually.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't know, megs. I know it scared the shit out of the entire family that night.

    Ironically, my aunts name was megs. LOL


  • Lillith26

    Wow- that house has faulty wiring and bad plumming- I would move out! I can see how these occurances could fighten the crap out of 6 yr old JW child, they are tought from a young age about the boogy monster satan and demons, good bible bedtime stories for kids hey! as for these things all happening at the same time (20yrs ago?)- we remember things the way we want to, as for the rattling in the kitchen at night- got mice/rats/roaches cause that would do it too!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They moved from that house 40 years ago. My uncle was very mechanical, and never had any other problem. I can't swear that no rats or mice were present. Did they turn on the water so he could wash his hands after peeing too?


  • cantleave

    AK - I know where you are coming from, I think I am now Agnostic. I much newer to this than you, and am still very confused.

    The one thing that still worries me are wicked spirits. I think it is just brain washing, my mother is and always has been scared of Demon. I have tried to brush this off as superstition, everything can be rationally explained. But when someone like yourself, who comes across as completely rational with clarity of thought, talks about things like taps turning themsleves on, lights flashing on and off etc. I do start wondering if where I stand on the issue.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Let me relate the story as it was told to me, so that there is no confusion:

    My mother gave the Ouija board to my aunt for safe keeping after some bad experiences with it. My aunt put the Ouija board in the kitchen cabinet, high on a shelf, to keep it from the kids.

    That same night. My cousing [5 or 6 at the time] got up to pee. As he passed thru the kitchen, the kitchen cabinets all opened and closed repeatedly. When he got in the bathroom, he peed. The toilet flushed itself. He stepped up to the sink and the water turned on. He washed his hands and the water went off. He dried his hands. He was not frieghtened by JW training. He thought it was neat [in the vernacular of the day] and ran into his parents bedroom to announce the fun stuff that just happened to him.

    His parents got up - scared - how much they saw of this, I don't know. But they were terribly upset. They disposed of the board.

    It was told with much more excitement than that, but that was the order of events.


  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    AK - Jeff I believe you believe it happened.

    I don't know if this would have anything to do with what you experienced, but I was at a study one night at a brother's home and we were talking about his children seeing a giant clown in their room and it was scaring them. While we were talking the kids started screaming. We ran to the room and the kids were frightened because they had seen the clown. It was eerie. Later, I realized that the kid's bedroom was near the room we were talking and the kid's door was open. I am sure that listening to our conversation built up their fear to the point of seeing it. They were little kids no older than eight.

    This brother had other stories of encounters. I think these children were primed by their father's stories to see things in the dark.

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