Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.

by the research lady 226 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Reniaa - you have reminded me of all that I don't miss about JW Land: judgementalism, holier than thou attitudes, etc, etc.

    The fact that this Roberto is disfellowshipped is irrelevant (even the Society never lets your average JW know what someone is DF'd for). If he is shining light on corruption, deceipt and damaging practices of the religion he was once part of, people need to know about these things to protect themselves and their families. It's a label that has no meaning in the real world. In the JW cult world it is nothing less than an offensive prejudiced term to describe someone that allows people to act in a cruel, unnatural way towards a fellow human being.

    'Sour grapes' is a convenient ad hominen attack that allows people to dismiss what he says without a second thought.

    You have no right to slander this man without knowing the full story.

    How about listening in to the call? You may just learn something if you take your blinkers off.........

  • cognac

    Thank-you for posting this research lady.

    The pre-show starts at 6:30 p.m.EST and the Six Screens of the Watchtower starts at 7 p.m. EST.

    What is the "pre-show" all about?

  • diamondiiz

    Reniaa said "I wouldn't ask that question of anyone on here but if someone is acting as an authority on witnesses to the world, speaking out like the andersons do then I would want to know."

    My question is:

    How connected are you(Reniaa) to Watch Tower organization or any of it's various branches? I wouldn't ask that question of anyone on here but if someone is acting as an authority on witnesses to the world(this site is viewed worldwide), speaking out like you do then I would want to know.

  • Narkissos

    I think the question is most interesting -- not for the answer it asks for but because it reveals a major gap between the actual JW moral conscience or set of values and the official WT propaganda. No matter how dark a portrait the WT draws of "apostates" as guilty of the worst possible sin, JWs actually tend to think better of people who were df'd for apostasy or da'd themselves than people who were df'd on other (so-called "moral") grounds. Apostasy or disassociation still sound as "honourable exit" to most JW minds. This shows that the policy of anathema rests on fear (of consequences) rather than moral agreement.

  • purplesofa


    You really don't have to take the Andersons word for anything.

    Read the court documents and make a decision for yourself.

    Barbara Anderson has just released a new book on CD that contains some 5000 pages of public court records from the nine lawsuits involving 16 victims that the WTS settled secretly in May of this year, plus documents from two other cases the Society settled in 2000 and 2006.

    It’s called Secrets of Pedophilia in an American Religion: Jehovah’s Witnesses In Crisis.

    The book, and more info from Barbara about it, is available here:

    You can buy the CD, which contains the 5000 pages of court documents along with about a 100 page commentary on the material by Barbara, all in PDF format, I think.

    What makes this especially fascinating was that a good deal of this material was supposed to have been sealed and not made public, but the court failed to do that and made it available when it was requested from the court records.


  • AndersonsInfo

    Roberto was not disfellowshipped for immorality. His story is being played out thousands of times across the world as people try to get out of this cult. They are finding out there is no easy way out. The following statement is part of theconclusion of one of the discourses that I gave in Europe, the title which is, Why It Is Dangerous To Associate With Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Fear is what keeps multitudes of members in. JWs do not have freedom of speech. If any Witness asks questions about the harmful policies of this group, they are disfellowshipped and shunned; Consequently, this breaks up families. Tens of thousands of people want out of this group, but can't get out because they don't want to lose their families. They do what they are told because of this fear of shunning. All across the world, JWs are being disfellowshipped for trying to get out of this religion.

    At the ICSA Geneva, Switzerland Conference I talked about the Secrets of Pedophilia in the Jehovah's Witnesses. There was another XJW, also a former Bethelite, who spoke. The title of his discourse was, The Impact of Religious Shunning: An Exploratory Analysis of the Jehovah's Witnesses' Shunning Policy. That talk was a real winner. In the near future, when I write my blog article for Freeminds, I'll discuss what he said about the "new class of members" within JWs.

    FYI, Roberto speaks fluent English and tonight's conference call will be on the Internet in the near future for all to hear.

  • flipper

    This should be a good program tonight. I'm going to tune into this one. I've got some questions for Roberto as well as Barbara and Joe

  • passwordprotected

    "Apostasy or disassociation still sound as "honourable exit" to most JW minds. This shows that the policy of anathema rests on fear (of consequences) rather than moral agreement."

    I wholehearted disagree. I was told by a family member that it would have been preferable for me to be conducting adulterous affairs rather than doubting the teachings of the Governing Body. I was also told that I've brought more shame on my family than my DFd brother, who had led - by his own admission - a colourful life, to say the least.

    I'm still married the same woman (whom I love), I still raise my 3 children in a moral way, I still work hard to provide for them, I still believe in God and value the Bible but that it is regarded as a disgrace that I no longer believe in Watch Tower Society dogma.

  • DaCheech

    great guys, we need more higher ups rebelling.

    as for reniaa, she could spin any reason into "evil grapes"

    renia, last i checked they never announce the reason on stage, but everyone finds out from the elders or the elders wives. there is no confidentiality.

    I know a couple of elders that are mental doctors, all the witlesses that go to them have to sign a paper (a no-confidentiality paper)!

    anything said, can be relayed to the other elders

  • cognac
    all the witlesses that go to them have to sign a paper (a no-confidentiality paper)!

    You think that this would actually hold up in court?

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