Renaai at her most predictable, turning attention onto her.
Recently disfellowshipped prominent Assembly overseer in Western Europe now speaking out against the Watchtower org.
by the research lady 226 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
On the issue of being dfd for apostasy for better/worse, both sides have merit.
When a JW goes "apostate" other dubs view them as committing the "unforgiveable sin"! Worse than boning a pioneer sister, the 'apostate' has disagreed with the GB! Oh the horror! However...
When those JWs are in a situation where they have to explain disfellowshipping to a non-dub, the tables turn. A non-dub may understand shunning someone in the church that boned some other woman and wrecked his marriage. Yeah, that's bad and they could deserve the "cold shoulder". But when you have to explain that someone is an 'apostate' that is getting shunned, simply because they don't agree with everything taught at the Kingdumb Hall or celebrate a holiday? Well, the situation is reversed. A dub would have a much easier time explaining the shunning of a pioneer-boner, rather than explain shunning someone like PassPro that is an up-standing Christian... but not a JW anymore.
Does that explanation make sense? It's the best I could do. I have been through that situation, trying to explain a "horrible apostate" that had simply joined another church. I felt stupid trying to explain what was shun-worthy about the whole thing.
B the X
hey steve.........research reniaa's posts........see the "anomalies".....I would never purposely shame or embarrass any sincere person...
charlatans are another matter
who is on? I'm on!
I'm sorry besty but ex-members with axes to grind are not exactly unbiased objective points of view.
Current members with axes to grind are likewise potential sources of unbiased information. HINT HINT.
You're just sore because you hate to see people have legitimate complaints against the WTS. Well grow up and live with it--there are thousands and thousands of ex-JWs with legitimate complaints against the WTS.
Don't shoot the mesenger just because you don't like the message. That just shows how scared you are of the TRUTH. And the truth is that your faith is built on a pantheon of amateur theology and bullshit quackery. Face it. Actually, you face it every day, willingly, and yet you cling to an absurd stance that is completely illogical. The only reason for that is: 1) to seek attention, or 2) the presense of massive cognitive dissonance. Probably both.
JW policy harbors pedophiles. JW policy needlessly divides families. JW policy supports child sacrifice over the blood issue. JW policy includes lying and misrepresenting information to the outside world. JW policy includes fearmongering and pronouncing alarmist propaganda on a worldwide scale.
These are verifiable facts. No amount of sidestepping of issues or sticking your head in the sand will change this.
Rid yourself of the cancerous and false teachings of the Watchtower and you may yet reach the potential of your true self--which is no doubt, a loving, balanced woman with clear thinking faculties.
reniaa, if you got so many problems with your needy kids, how do find time to post here?
your family needs you, we don't need you.
find some priorities..... or maybe it's all a fantasy
If Adolf Hitler gave a speech and Jesus Christ gave exactly the same speech, word-for-word, would Adolf's speech be any less true than Jesus' speech just because Adolf was responsible for unspeakable genocide and dozens of millions of unnecessary deaths and Jesus was the Son of God?
Trying to impugn a motive to one's words, especially when the words are true doesn't change the words, regardless of the motive for uttering them.
Roberto will either tell the truth, or he won't. Whether he's an adulterer or a saint doesn't matter, my dear.
Roberto is on this forum. His nickname if I understood correctly: Nick!
He's going into why he was d'ffed now...
Here is his bio:
Biography: Raised in a JW family from the age of 2. Baptized too young to understand fully what it meant.....[as many of you], never df'd .
Have served 30 years or so as an elder and opened up several congregations. Resigned several years ago.
Now....Happily married with three grown-up children. We all left the org a few years ago. We can finally think for ourselves, without any dictates from an org., and use our own mind. Can live happily without any religion, no need to seek for a god, nor to rely on an org to dictate what is an acceptable behavior, but with high morality standards and love for the others. Eager to share my experience and maybe even my opinions with the rest of you, without any judgments. -
Here is more about him:
joined this forum very recently, and have already posted some comments in reply to given threads.
You may want to know that
- I am living in the E.U. s
- I was raised as a JW since the age of 2
- Baptized when I was 12
- Now I am over 60
- Typical JW family, all “in the truth”, wife, kids and their mates, as well as all my bros and my wife’s very large family
- None of us ever disfellowshiped or dissociated
- I have been an elder for almost 30 years, presiding overseer, circuit assl. overseer for years, elder’s school teacher, and a lot of other assignements
- Always been a leader in the area, opening up new congregations, participating to meetings in different congregations and languages
- Until … realized that this was not God’s organization.
- Left with the whole family a few years ago
- Finally free from the mind control system and trying to do what we have not been able to do the whole of our life