How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??

by Lady Liberty 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bluecanary

    "I knew, but didn't understand the full significance."

    This goes for me, as well.

    Shallow things=what we tell people to indoctrinate them

    Deep things=what we tell them once they're too indoctrinated to say WTF!
    "I don't understand how jw's don't seem bothered by this when you tell them that is a wt teaching."

    Because we were indoctrinated to believe that the GB has holy powers of discernment that we lack. So we trusted their judgement no matter what. I was raised a Witness and frankly, having any kind of relationship with Jesus was neither possible nor important.

    "So Jesus is not the mediator for the r & f but He is the High Priest? a priest they are not allowed to talk to or pray to? of what value is Jesus for a r & f then?"

    I started to have a problem with this when that last book about Jesus came out. They told us that Jesus was supposed to be our friend but I didn't see how that was possible. I figured, as an example, that someone might really like and respect President Obama. They watch all of his speeches and pay attention to everything that he does. But if they never speak to him personally, they cannot rightly call him their friend.

    Thank you Stephen and Isaac. I wanted to ask if someone could post scriptures combatting this doctrined, and you've got it covered.
  • snowbird

    I knew about it, drilled it into reluctant family members that I'd dragged into the JW's, and fully supported it until I read, really read, the Gospel of John.

    I asked our Precious Lord to forgive me for being a party to such blasphemy, and He graciously did just that.



  • snowbird

    Isaac, you are a soldier for Christ!


  • Chalam

    Ya wanna stump a dub who really isn't up on his JW theology?

    Ask them who their mediator is. If they says "Jesus", ask them to show you from the Bible. If they can use the Bible even, they'll eventually find 1 Timothy 2:5 and read it and say "See, one mediator between God and man."

    Confirm that they accept the Bible as the final authority and then drop the bomb on them. "But you know, the Society doesn't teach that..." and then show them the WT quotes where it claims that Jesus is not mediator for all. If they were a real robot, instead of a human robot, you would see smoke start coming out of their central processing unit.

    Undercover, that has happened in this very thread no?!

    There seem to be one or two computers locked up due to WT programming bugs.

    I think they are rebooting right now. Expect to see them back on line soon.

    All the best,


  • BluesBrother

    Yes, we all knew the belief that Jesus was the mediator for the 144k, only. It did not mean anything special to me. We were, after Jehovah's Witnesses, not Jesus' Witnesses.

    I was happy enough to call him the Redeemer rather than Mediator. It seemed to be technicality, like when they decided that we should only talk about the sanctification of God's name, not the vindication of God's name. We just shrugged and tried to remember to use the right word.

    If the above reveals a basic lack of knowledge or appreciation for real Christianity, well..blame that on the WTS !

  • Chalam

    Unfortunately, like the Casio Personal Mini calculator some JWs will take over 1200 years to find that "divide by zero" is an illegal function and does not compute :

    Division By Zero

    All the best,


  • snowbird

    Didn't Einstein try to divide by zero once?

    Tut tut tut ...


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I had no idea.

    It was finding out that 'only by association with the 144,000 could Jesus be our mediator' was the official teaching of the WT Society that led me to question everything. Within 3 days I was never going to another meeting again. Total blasphemy and blatent deception. Can't believe I swallowed it all for so long.

  • PSacramento

    It seems that perhaps, God's Grace through Jesus is not a factor for JW's ?

    Grace, to paraprhase Philip Yancy:

    Whatever we do God can't love us anymore than he already does or any less.

    heck, look what Jesus did for Paul, a horrible man, a presecutor and torture of Christians, Jesus loved him so mich that he revaled Himself to Paul and made Paul the worlds greatest missionary in Jesus's name.

    Talk about Grace.

  • Heaven

    When I studied as a teen, this was not revealed to me. It is only recently that I learned that the WTS teaches this. Just add it to the pile of contradictions to the Bible that they teach.

    What I never received an answer on ... no... wait... I stand corrected.... What did happen was, I received 2 different answers at the same time to one question and it was:

    "Is the Watchtower directed by God's Spirit?" My Father said "No." and at the same time my Mother said "Yes." It was quite an interesting moment. I call that one 'a pivotal moment' for me. This was the look on my face at the time ... . You should have seen their faces. It was priceless.

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