I didn't know it until I started researching WT$ and actually I only found out about it just prior to my DA letter so my guess most "JW"s don't have a clue about this WT$ teaching. But "JW"s under full mind control will accept it just because GB tells them so, how blind is that!
How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??
by Lady Liberty 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I knew, but didn't understand the full significance. Oddly enough, it was a C.O. that pointed it out (early '90s). He admitted that someone out in service asked him if he believed Jesus was his mediator and the C.O. said yes! Then the guy showed him an article from the Society saying otherwise! He shared this point with us as a warning that we need to know what we as JWs believe. Once I learned from my Bible study conductor that I wasn't going go heaven, sadly I didn't know to question the details, like this one.
Now that I look back, I wonder if it was an ex-JW or someone acquainted with "apostates" that the C.O. met at the door. Sadly, he didn't question the validity of the teaching, and he certainly didn't encourage us to think about what the policy on the mediator meant for us. His point was simply that we should keep up with what the GB says is proper understanding of the Bible.
cat.......screw the bible......check and you will see there is NO WAY to verify it has not been altered bigtime.......but what does it matter?.......the originals are prob BS!!!.......no frikkin way a almighty god would educate mankind with shitty paper...........oompa
White Dove
I remember learning that Jesus was our high priest, not our mediator while in my 20's.
That went past me prior to my baptism and afterwards it was like a thought in the corner of my mind...Like a technical rodent of a thought scurrying off in the dust bunnies under my metaphorical mental bed.
I asked a recent pioneer attendee whethere she knew this and she didn't. (Moreover she rejected the notion that Jesus wasn't her mediator)
I am sooo disappointed in myself.
I knew this, read this.
But never understood the full ramifications of what was being said. Until now.
This will be what I mediatate on for the next couple of days......
Thank you Lady Liberty!
palmtree ( a newbie )
As a born-in, I never knew. It was something that, I guess, never really popped up anywhere for me. Once I was on my way out, this definitely confirmed to me that the JW religion was dead wrong. I mean, how can you receive salvation by simply associating with the anointed? That's not what the Bible says. But many JW's accept it... So sad.
I knew....not sure when (3 - 7 yrs old), but I was told it was an error of understanding by our main kiddie TMS elder.
Since I was taught Jesus was everyone's mediator I wasn't bothered much by the WTS official stance since most JWs (like startingovernow's CO) believed Jesus was their mediator.
Those "Good Elders" lumped it into the 'wait on Jehovah' basket (and I followed that thought too), expecting change in the 80's addressing the craziness that led to 1975. Of course it didn't happen and GB worship was born.
Not that it would be hard to ditch this Ratherfailure interpretation..... all they would have to say is Jesus mediates for all and that is why we all pray in his name. They could even open the memorial partaking to all but still manage to push the 'specialness' of their 1918/1919 appointment claim. Besides most JWs are very satisfied with the literal interpretation of 144,000.
I don't think most R&F wouldn't think twice since they would be too busy being 'elated' hearing such exciting news! It would be only further proof of the end being near! Such a move would also shutdown non-JW naysayers who throw a fit over mediation and partaking, while making the whole Org more 'mainstream' in appearance.
Yes 7 million or so have effectively been trained to say baa baa in unison at the whim of soon to be 12 men in NY.
I was in there since the early 70's, but probably did not realize that until about the early 90's. I remember that I did not totally agree with it, but like so many other things, just kind of accepted it on faith (in the Org).
Later, when I learned the REAL truth, this other lie really bothered me.
I didn't know. If I had known, I think I would have left much sooner. April 79 I had a brand new baby girl though and I can see how I missed reading that Questions from Readers.