How many of you knew about the"Jesus is not your Mediator" teaching when you were JWs??

by Lady Liberty 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWoods

    Only 20 years ago, Marv? Amazing...made to stand in the corner for having the gall to ask that one question. I sort of thought they quit making a big deal over this after Ray Franz left...

    Guess he still struck a nerve!

  • Chalam

    Awesome, thread!

    Great post independent_tre, kind of sums it up :)

    When I first began researching on my own, I bought a modern English translation of the Bible from Borders and read the gospels for myself. I really understood Jesus' purpose and importance far better than I had when studying through the murky WT lens. Around the same time, I came here and started reading some old threads, and actually thought it was a joke when I first came across this teaching. Looked it up in the insight book and was floored. What they teach is a blantant lie and an insult to anyone who believes in Christianity. I remember the night I read all that, it brought me to tears to realize that I had devoted my life to an organization that would teach such lies. Finding this out pretty much solidified my leaving the WTS.



  • LatinxJW

    First I would like to say hello to everyone, I’ve been lurking for several weeks now and have been shocked, saddened, angered and more importantly enlightened all within that time. Seeking the truth is the last thing the WT wants anyone to be doing.

    I like some never really thought twice about Jesus not being my mediator, I just assumed it without really questioning the WT’s true stance on the matter. Most JWs will just be ok with the anointed (mere men in BK fear mongering JW’s) being their mediator, ignoring what their own bible says in 1 Tim 2:5-6. When you hear "in Jesus name" at the end of every single prayer what else are you supposed to believe......!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sadly this is a huge doctrinal conundrum that will continue to plague all the millions of sheep kept in darkness. I have resolved not to lose my children to this without a fight…..!!!!

  • Chalam

    Welcome LatinxJW :)

    Sadly this is a huge doctrinal conundrum that will continue to plague all the millions of sheep kept in darkness. I have resolved not to lose my children to this without a fight…..!!!!


    Blessings, Stephen
  • LatinxJW

    Thanks for the welcome Stephen

  • teel

    Considering this teaching I think it shouldn't be proper for an other sheep to close a prayer "in the name of Jesus Christ". It should be something like this: "I turn to you Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ, as mediated through the Governing Body. Amen."

  • AwSnap

    this is a subject I am curious about, but i'm supposed to be working ....marked for later

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    Thought that this was a great thread and loved this comment by teel

    Considering this teaching I think it shouldn't be proper for an other sheep to close a prayer "in the name of Jesus Christ". It should be something like this: "I turn to you Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ, as mediated through the Governing Body. Amen."

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Another post I found in Mary's thread that is great on this subject

    (November 16, 1979), the Societys president, Fred Franz, was presiding at the morning Bible text discussionhe stated that some were questioning the Societys position (set forth in a recent Watchtower) that Jesus Christ is the mediator only for the "anointed" ones and not for the other millions of Jehovahs Witnesses. He said of such ones: "They would merge everyone together and make Jesus Christ the mediator for every Tom, Dick, and Harry."

    for me it was evident from Scripture that Jesus Christ did ofer his mediation to bring about reconciliation with God for every Tom, Dick, and Harry

    Thanks Ray Franz!!!!!!!

  • Ding

    No wonder they considered Ray to be so dangerous.

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