Let's Limit Young People , or Crazies from Killing Each Other in Schools

by flipper 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I guess this isn't the love generation of the 60's and 70's when the social awareness was against violence ,

    I miss those decades I really do........Peace, love and understanding .....Yeah baby

  • flipper

    LAYLA 33- I agree with your takes ! We do live in a culture of violence and it is promoted through many means , media, prejudices at school and prejudices promoted from parents in homes, elitist attitudes in society, violent video games, you name it, many things. I think young people growing up just mimic what they see the older generation doing in this country , and follow their lead !

    DINAH- I agree that violence stems from all cultures and proliferates all across the world in all countries. I also agree that many troubles start in the homes where parents don't pay enough attention to what their kids are viewing on the internet, who they are talking to on phones or the chat rooms on the internet, and on and on. The Columbine murderers making bombs in their bedrooms while the parents didn't notice is nuts ! Parents have to do a better job of taking a REAL interest in their kids - then perhaps the resentment the kids feel will lessen , helping curtail violence before it gets to that point.

    I agree you can't take guns away from " legal, adult, sane citizens " . However I have to question the " sanity " and " lack of responsibility " of the Dad you mentioned ; leaving a gun out where the toddler shot himself ! There is no excuse for that ! It is just plain stupidity on the father's part ! That is a mistake you can never make. Now guys like that - should have their gun privileges taken away !

    HOMEROVAH- Gawd, did this subject ever blow up ! Wow! I'm with ya - bring back peace and love from the 60's and 70's ! Didn't the Beatles say, " All We Need is Love " ? Christ

  • WTWizard

    How about limiting their prescriptions to drugs like Prozac and Paxil? I have noticed that, in a high percentage of these cases, the killers were taking prescribed antidepressants. Those medicines made them feel worse--they were not abusing their drugs. Ritalin is another drug that causes these problems.

    Why are such drugs necessary in the first place? Because the school boards wish to dumb down the people. In doing so, they need to stifle children's drive to learn. To do that, they diagnose a disease that, in essence, is the normal drive for them to learn and integrate. Then they prescribe a drug to treat that disease. That drug also sets up these children to become more violent than they otherwise would have been. In some cases, the parents were forced by the state to give these children these drugs.

    I suggest doing away with that "ADD" and "ADHD". Children need to be active. The ones that are actually more active than normal, in a proper school environment, can and will actually do better than those who are naturally more docile. With their drive to learn satisfied (and, with the most active children, this can be much more than most classes are set up to handle), they are not as likely to get into trouble, and will not need those drugs. No drugs, no violence. And that will solve something like 90% of these incidents.

    Or, our leaders can aid and abet the Watchtower Society and keep forcing these children to get drugs. Then we will create the conditions that the Watchtower Society is promoting as the sign of the end, which will in turn help them recruit new members. New witlesses, more money for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Which means that anyone that is trying to force children to be prescribed unnecessary psychiatric medicine is indirectly an accessory to pedophilia.

  • Warlock

    You must find out what type of conditions exist that would cause a student to go to their school with a gun and kill.


  • mkr32208

    No guys come on! Its just video games and movies! Thats it! I mean the fact that japan has 10X more violent games and movies and has 2 gun murders a year has NOTHING to do with it! Lets just blame it on violent video games and movies and move on! I mean really isn't that easier? Hell lets do ANYTHING to avoid THINKING about it!

    The fact that we got two guys in the ER last week who had it out with knives over a bucket of KFC? Well it didn't involve guns so it doesn't count! The fact that several times a week we get people who have had the ever loving shit beat out of them with baseball bat's, hammers, sticks, whatever is close to hand, nope doesn't matter cause it's not a gun. The women who come in on an almost hourly basis who have just had the shit KICKED out of them? Nope thats irrelevent and imaterial cause we can't just take a look at it and say GUNS, VIDEO GAMES AND MARLYN MANSON DID IT!

    God... Hey you need me to grab my shovel and help you bury your head back in that sand??

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Mrk, are you trying to imply the thought that violent movies and video games are responsible for the violence in society. !

    if that is the case then maybe you already have your head buried in the sand yourself.

    Your making broad based generalizations that does absolutely nothing in a way to support your opinion.

    You did how ever mention the very low gun murder rate in Japan, which brings up the point of availability and access of guns in the hands of the public.

    Acknowledging that to use as an example brings up the support again for lessening the availability and accessibility of firearms.

  • PrimateDave

    Without having read the entire thread, I will jump in and say that there is Absolutely Nothing that will Ever make schools, malls, prisons, institutions, or anywhere else, completely safe. Period. Don't blame it on guns. Don't blame it on God or Religion. Don't blame it on Evolution or Atheism. Have none of you ever read History? Why, even scientist studying prehistoric societies find people bludgeoned to death by axes and clubs. That is not to say that all human cultures have been equally violent everywhere. There are causes behind violent behaviors. What aspects of our culture can make some people feel trapped in a self destructive course of action?

    Prisons are violent because you have a population jammed together in a place none of them wants to be. Schools are violent because you have a population jammed together in a place many of them don't want to be. People can often feel trapped by their financial, familial, and religious ties. Humans are animals. We are primarily emotional, not rational, beings. A physically cornered animal is dangerous. With humans it is even worse. We can perceive the invisible barriers that our culture imposes upon us that aren't necessarily visible to others outside our immediate social group. The violence begins in the deep recesses of the mind provoked by the fight or flight response. Beneath a veneer of rational thinking, how many of us truly understand the source of our emotions and instincts? Would an even Higher Control Culture (the Police State that some people want in order to feel safe) eliminate the violence? Or, would it increase the frequency of outbreaks of apparently mindless violence that so appalls us? I think we are now between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

    I grieve for the innocent victims of these tragic crimes, and I grieve for the perpetrators as well for they are also human beings.


  • jgnat
    I guess this isn't the love generation of the 60's and 70's when the social awareness was against violence

    Homerovah, I am going to go out on a limb here, and say that my granddaughter's generation is going to be the kindest yet. The youngsters today remind me of my own generation, where suddenly the schools were flooded with anti-drug propoganda. Some of us were so immersed in it we shudder to take an aspirin.

    My granddaughter's generation is flooded with the anti-bullying and kindness message. She's landed near the top of the popularity heap at school and she is regularly rewarded for her kindness.

  • Layla33

    I dont think anyone said it is just movies and video games that are causing people to be violent in this country. NO ONE SAID IT. We are just talking about the symptoms of living in a violent society. A society that regularly uses the idea of violence to deal with issues and problems. You don't like someone, attack them, beat the crap out of them. You have a problem with their opinion, oh we must insult them to the nth degree try to draw blood figuaratively. Road rage, even internet rage are forms of how we handle our disagreements in this society. Heck, people have been stalked and killed from online just because someone had a difference of opinion with someone online. A freakin difference of opinion. Rage, anger and violence go way past just young people, although they tend to be the most impressionable.

    We sensationalize it here and that's one of the many reasons (notice the word "many") reasons that we are one of the most violent countries in the world. I have friends from other countries who have more access to guns and bullets than we do, yet they are responsible with their use.

  • Gregor

    Unfortunately, there are some among us (society) right now that are nurturing a frustration, dissapointment, hatred or envy who will become the next perpetrator(s) of a tragic massacre. If people were allowed to defend themselves it would not be long before these incidents begin to lessen in frequency and the human toll in those that did happen would be cut immediately

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