Let's Limit Young People , or Crazies from Killing Each Other in Schools

by flipper 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Layla33

    The US of A is responsible for this culture of violence. Everywhere you look it is implied and supported that to deal with issues is to kill. You dont like someone, go to their country and bomb them, innocent or not. These video games are downright ridiculous, you shot someone and it is just like the real thing. These kids and young adults dealing with issues by killing people in mass is not surprising to me, because they learn it from exactly how this country is run.

  • flipper

    INKLING- I don't care if you have cold, unstable, mentally deranged hands ! LOL! Just don't kill anybody, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    LAYLA 33- I agree. The young people learn it from the top down. Just look how our government is run. Shoot first - ask questions later . Then we find out years later why we are really in Iraq ! I too think the violent video games desensitize kids today. It takes away any compassion they would normally have in their personalities

  • mkr32208

    I really blame the media, seriously I do. Now if someone is disturbed instead of just killing themselves quietly in the corner hell why not become a celebrity! Lets shoot up the local school and get our name and face repeated over and over for days on the news!

    Interestingly the media reports are usually not worth a $hit. Do they go back and fix them later? Heck no! Plow on, plow on! The FBI report on the columbine shooters is out, has been for years. It's a good read. Marilyn Manson was responsible right, remember all that? Well no, turns out that Harris and klebold HATED Manson, said it was "fag rock" turned out that they liked techno! Didn't know that moby was making people crazy? Now you do! How about the "hated the Jocks and blacks?" Well turns out that's bull too. They did have a list of people that they hated personally but they made no effort to seek those people out. All they wanted was a body count. They considered several different places before settling on the school. They chose the school over the airport because they figured that they would be able to kill more people there before they got taken down. That was the whole reason.

    Violent video games? Please tipper gore get over yourselves that's ignorant. These people are not fascinated by video games they are enthralled by death fame and body count that it. maybe you should stop getting your mental evaluations and psychiatric advice from the fox news channel?

  • Layla33

    Violent video games? Please tipper gore get over yourselves that's ignorant. These people are not fascinated by video games they are enthralled by death fame and body count that it. maybe you should stop getting your mental evaluations and psychiatric advice from the fox news channel?

    Sorry, I disagree with you for various reasons.

  • mkr32208

    Sure you disagree for various reasons. All a bunch of feel good nonsense reasons.

    There are no SERIOUS psychiatrist who would back you up on that though. Not one correlative study that would support you...

    That won't stop you from shouting it though will it? Cause you FEEL it, cause you THINK it so it MUST be true... Please spare us...

    As for the guns. Crazy don't need guns. A determined person with a sword could kill and maim a LOT of unarmed people. Hell read online a bit there have been a lot of armed to the teeth soldiers in Iraq killed by insurgents with swords. Crazy is as crazy does!

  • SixofNine


    Let's Limit Young People , or Crazies from Killing Each Other in Schools

    Crazies maybe, but do we really want to be putting limits on our young people?
    They may just be acting out because of all the limitations imposed on them in the first place.

    Rather than being reactionary and saying "you kids can't kill each other" or "you kids can't kill more than (x) number of other kids" (classic limiting), why don't we take a more expansive view; validate their feelings of rage, helplessness, and narcissism and yet at the same time ask them to be part of the solution: not killing people?

  • mkr32208

    Besides it's just another sign of the last days...

  • Gregor

    Crazies maybe, but do we really want to be putting limits on our young people?
    They may just be acting out because of all the limitations imposed on them in the first place.

    Rather than being reactionary and saying "you kids can't kill each other" or "you kids can't kill more than (x) number of other kids" (classic limiting), why don't we take a more expansive view; validate their feelings of rage, helplessness, and narcissism and yet at the same time ask them to be part of the solution: not killing people?

    SixGo, Sorry if I'm being thick, but please tell me this was satire? Right?

  • mkr32208

    The great (and ridiculous) thing about the video game argument (other than the ridiculousness) is the entire slippery slope argument. Marijuana leads to coke which leads to crack which leads to injecting crystal meth directly into your testicles... Of course lets ignore the fact that the attitude of willingness to break the law to begin with is at the heart of the problem and blame the marijuana! Hell yeah that's easier!

    So lets ignore all the real underlying mental issues and youth issues today and blame A) Guns (they always blame them FIRST) then B) video games then C) Rock music...

    For the record I've played the worst most violent video games for YEARS in fact I've even been known to shoot innocent bystanders in cold blood and then toss dynamite on them as they crawled around bleeding and blow them to pieces!.... In fact I did it JUST TODAY in the game GUN. However, I have YET to kidnap, rape, and murder a prostitute in "real life"... I guess that's still in the future eh!

    What about all those that grew up with Mario? Do you run around getting stoned on mushrooms and stomping turtles? Silly...

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